when are summer session ii course evaluations for uwg

by Jace O'Conner 7 min read

How do I take my exams at UWG?

Session II (classes meet March 5 – May 3) Opens: Monday, April 26 at 12:00 a.m. Closes: Monday, May 3 at 11:59 p.m. (last day of instruction)

When will my student receive the course evaluations?

Students who withdraw from a Session II (non-eCore) class between June 3rd and June 28th will receive a grade of W. Reminder: there is no refund associated with withdrawing from a course. June 7: Summer Session II Fee Payment Deadline; Please visit the Office of Student Accounts and Billing Services website for additional information. June 9-10

Where can I find information on all courses offered at UWG?

UWG eCore (entirely online core courses through state-wide collaborative) 16-week full session. 8-week session 1. 8-week session 2. UWG eMajor (entirely online courses through state-wide collaborative) 16-week full session. 8-week session 1. 8-week session 2. Fall 2021.

What are UWG Ecore classes?

Take advantage of what the University of West Georgia has to offer. UWG boasts 87 programs of study. UWG offers an exciting, diverse curriculum that allows its students to flourish and become community and world leaders.

What is the UWG Evaluation Summary for Distance Courses form?

The Evaluation Summary for Distance Courses form asks that the faculty provide written documentation (now implemented in an online CourseEval survey) reflecting on their DE course evaluation results and how the students' feedback will be used for improvement. The actual assessment and process evolved over time. The UWG Center for Teaching and Learning took over assessment of facutly needs in 2018. Academic Affairs decided that review of SEI data should go back to the offering academic departments and chairs.

What is UWG in Georgia?

UWG is one of many host institutions for the University System of Georgia's eCore, eMajor, WebMBA and other USG Collaborative programs. UWG also serves as the USG eCampus Administrative Services lead, overseeing and assessing most of these programs. USG eCampus (housed at UWG) providies detailed survey results, course evaluations, and data (usually within comprehensive factbooks).

When did DDEC start using Remedy?

The DDEC began using Remedy, a help-desk tracker, in January 2003, to enable us to identify patterns of support needs, including peak times, common problems, as well as satisfaction with support services. In Jan 2012, the department improved it's ablility to track, assign, and escalate helpcall tickets, by investing in a new helpdesk system called Numara Footprints.

What is a Courseden helpline?

A helpline is available for students who need assistance with technical problems, registration, advisement, or other information related to distance and distributed courses. Online resources for students will include a CourseDen tutorial, an online handbook for distance students, a searchable online knowledgebase, and schedules of upcoming online courses. Other services for online students are coordinated, evaluated, and revised with the registrar, the bookstore, admissions, and other campus services. All advising, informational and registration materials clearly and accurately represent the nature and technical skills necessary for each online course.

How many hours of personal training do you need to be an online faculty member?

All online faculty must receive at least 2 hours of personal training prior to beginning any type of online course; academic departments are responsible for ensuring compliance. Online faculty will receive support in course development. as needed. Veteran faculty will receive support through additional hands-on training. An applicable orientation for new faculty is conducted each August.

What is UWG eCore?

eCore, the University System of Georgia's electronic core curriculum, is a statewide collaborative program that offers students the opportunity to take core classes online. Core classes are typically classes required during the first two years of a college degree.

eCore Intro Quiz

Take the eCore Intro Quiz . After you complete it, you will receive a confirmation email, but you can't register until the quiz processes. The eCore quiz processes several times a day. You will know it has passed once you receive a "next steps" email.

How does eCore work?

Each online UWG eCore class has a syllabus and schedule to follow. Just as in a class taught on campus, instructors specify the content to be covered; dates for exams and quizzes, individual and group assignments and other activities that you must complete by a specified date.