how to get a cold to run its course

by Dr. Luella Stehr 10 min read

Water, juice or warm drinks can help loosen congestion while also preventing dehydration. Drinking plenty of fluids can also help you stay hydrated if you feel up to running. As far as medications, over the counter cough and cold medications may help, but it’s best to just let the cold run its course, Dr. Wortmann said.

Full Answer

How can I make a cold run its course faster?

Cold remedies that workStay hydrated. Water, juice, clear broth or warm lemon water with honey helps loosen congestion and prevents dehydration. ... Rest. Your body needs rest to heal.Soothe a sore throat. ... Combat stuffiness. ... Relieve pain. ... Sip warm liquids. ... Try honey. ... Add moisture to the air.More items...

How long does it take for a cold to run it's course?

More than 200 different viruses can cause colds. There's no cure for a common cold, but it typically runs its course in a week to 10 days.

Should you let a cold run its course?

A cold may not be a serious illness, but it can put you out of commission for at least a day or two. Unfortunately, because a cold is a virus, the only real "cure" for it is to let it run its course and let your body heal itself.

What are the worst days of a cold?

Stage 2: Days 4 to 7 (Active/Peak) This is when the virus is at its peak intensity. You might find during this time that everything hurts, and your face feels like a running faucet. You may even experience a fever, which can be alarming.

Does blowing your nose help get rid of a cold?

Sept. 29, 1999 (San Francisco) -- On average, adults blow their nose 45 times a day during the first three days of a cold, according to doctors at the University of Virginia. But in a new study, they have found that doing so may actually make a cold worse, because the blow propels mucus into the nasal sinuses.

Does yellow mucus mean you are getting better?

One of the first signs of a cold is green or yellow mucus. It's no reason for concern, and in fact, it means your body is working extra hard to fight off infection. White blood cells rush to battle infection, and when they've done their job, they get flushed out of the body along with the virus.

How do I know if my cold is getting better?

Cold and flu symptoms such as a blocked nose or cough usually subside after 7-10 days and the absence of these things is quite an obvious indication that you are on the mend.

Why is my cold getting worse after 3 days?

If symptoms get worse, rather than better, after 3-7 days, you may have acquired a bacterial infection. These symptoms can also be caused by a cold virus other than a rhinovirus.

When are you most contagious with a cold?

"You're most contagious during the first two days after symptoms appear, when nasal secretions are loaded with the virus," says Melanie Mouzoon, M.D., a board-certified pediatrician and Managing Physician of Immunization Practices and Travel Medicine at Kelsey-Seybold Clinic.

Does vitamin C help with colds?

In studies in which people took vitamin C only after they got a cold, vitamin C did not improve their symptoms. A note about safety: Vitamin C is generally considered safe; however, high doses can cause digestive disturbances such as diarrhea and nausea. Echinacea has not been proven to help prevent or treat colds.

Why is my cold worse on Day 5?

Days 3 to 5: Cough and More Nasal Congestion This usually is due to a spike in the number of white blood cells your immune system has dispatched to overcome the virus, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Do colds get worse before they get better?

A typical cold will last about 10 days, with the body's immune system eventually getting rid of the infection on its own. During the life of the cold, it can seem to actually get worse. Sometimes, complications may arise that require a doctor's intervention.

What are the stages of a cold?

The stages of a cold include the incubation period, appearance of symptoms, remission, and recovery.

Do colds get worse before better?

A typical cold will last about 10 days, with the body's immune system eventually getting rid of the infection on its own. During the life of the cold, it can seem to actually get worse. Sometimes, complications may arise that require a doctor's intervention.

How can I beat a cold in 24 hours?

While the duration of your symptoms may vary, many people wonder how to cure a cold in 24 hours or even overnight. The best way to tame a cold fast is to stay home, rest, drink plenty of fluids, gargle with salt water, take an OTC medication, and humidify the air.

When should you run with a cold?

One common rule among runners is the 'neck check': if cold symptoms are above your neck, it's probably safe to run. If the symptoms are below your neck, you're better off resting and coming back stronger. Blocked nose, runny nose or sore throat? You're good to run.

How long does it take to recover from a cold?

The average duration of a cold is 7 to 10 days, and most people recover without any specific treatment. But cold symptoms may last longer or become more severe in people who have immune problems or other underlying health issues, such as diabetes, says Soma Mandal, MD, an internist with the Summit Medical Group in New Jersey. If you have a medical condition that puts you at increased risk for complications, reach out to your healthcare provider.

What are the symptoms of a cold?

Days 1 and 2: Stuffiness, Sore Throat, and Runny Nose. “Although you can have a cold start with a number of different symptoms, the most common first symptoms are congestion, runny nose, and sore throat, signs that the virus is directly affecting your respiratory system,” says Nathan Favini, MD, an internist and the medical director ...

How long does it take for a cough to go away?

Be aware that it may take up to six weeks for a cough to disappear even after other symptoms fade, Dr. Mandal says. Usually, this is due to postnasal drip, which can continue to form while swollen and irritated nasal passages heal, she explains.

How long does it take for a cold to show up?

Yep, those are the first symptoms of a cold, which typically appear in adults about one to three days after exposure to a cold-causing virus.

What is a germs on a plane study?

A germs-on-a-plane study tracked how infectious diseases are spread on passenger flights.

How to prevent spreading of a syphilis infection?

So it’s important to prevent spreading the infection by washing your hands frequently, fully covering your mouth and nose with your elbow or a tissue when coughing or sneezing, and not touching others if at all possible.

Can you get a cold in the spring?

Keep in mind that while seasonal colds peak in the winter and spring, it is possible to get one any time of the year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Cold symptoms vary from person to person and can include: Sore or scratchy throat. Stuffy or runny nose. Sneezing.

What happens when you are cold?

If you're cold, energy that should be going to your immune system will instead be going towards generating heat in order to keep your body warm. The same goes for exercising or even just going to work. Much of what you do on a daily basis when you're healthy requires energy.

Can you drink cough syrup with alcohol?

Plus, many medicines like cough syrup should not be mixed with alcohol.

How does the cold virus spread?

For you to become infected, the virus has to get to one of your mucous membranes — the moist lining of the nostrils, eyes or mouth. That happens when you touch a surface or breathe moist air that contains the cold virus.

What is the common cold?

You might have heard that the common cold is a coronavirus. Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that can cause upper respiratory infections. While rhinoviruses cause most types of common cold, a few are caused by different coronaviruses. Most people recover quickly from these common colds.

Why do children get colds?

Because young children haven’t been exposed to viruses before, they get more colds than adults. Their immune systems have to learn how to recognize and deal with these new germs. By the time you become an adult, you’ve had many colds. It’s easier for your immune system to identify and attack similar viruses.

Why don't antibiotics work for colds?

Antibiotics are medications that fight infections caused by bacteria. Because viruses cause colds, antibiotics don’t work for colds.

What is the cold in Cleveland Clinic?

What is a cold? A cold is a contagious upper respiratory infection that affects your nose, throat, sinuses and trachea (windpipe). More than 200 different viruses can cause a cold, but most colds are caused by a rhinovirus. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center.

What is the difference between a cold and a flu?

The main difference between cold and flu is that you’re more likely to have a fever and chills with flu. Adults don’t usually get a fever with a common cold, although kids sometimes do. The flu also causes body aches and more severe symptoms than a cold. Although both the cold and flu can lead to complications, ...

What happens when you breathe in a cold?

If you breathe in those droplets, the cold virus takes root in your nose. You can also leave virus particles on surfaces you touch when you’re sick.

How to avoid getting a cold?

While it’s not always possible to avoid catching a cold, there are some steps you can take to reduce your risk of picking up a cold virus. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and warm water. If washing your hands isn’t possible, you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer instead.

How to prevent spreading a cold to others?

If you’re sick, follow the pointers below to prevent spreading your cold to others: Avoid close contact with others, such as shaking hands, hugging, or kissing. Stay home if you can instead of going out in public. Cover your face with a tissue if you cough or sneeze, and dispose of used tissues promptly.

What is the best pain reliever for a fever?

OTC pain relievers can help relieve symptoms like fever, headache, and aches and pains. Some options include ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), aspirin, and acetaminophen (Tylenol).

What does it feel like to have a cold?

Coming down with a cold can sap your energy and make you feel downright miserable. Having a sore throat, stuffy or runny nose, watery eyes, and a cough can really get in the way of going about your daily life.

How to treat a common cold?

The best way to treat a common cold is to focus on alleviating the symptoms until the infection has run its course. Since a cold is caused by a virus, antibiotics aren’t an effective treatment.

How long does it take for a cold to start?

The symptoms of a cold can begin as soon as 10 to 12 hours #N#Trusted Source#N#after you’ve been infected. You may notice that your throat feels scratchy or sore and that you have less energy than normal. These symptoms typically last a couple of days.

What is the difference between a head cold and a chest cold?

Head colds, like the common cold, are different from chest colds, which can affect your lower airways and lungs and can involve chest congestion and coughing up mucus.

How to treat the common cold?

In most cases it is best to just let the cold run its course. Limited use of NSAIDs and decongestants may be helpful. Otherwise, if there is an intervention that is risk free and makes you feel better, do it. We all need to feel comforted when we’re sick. But don’t waste your time or money on other medications, supplements, herbs, or other concoctions. There are also endless snake-oil products out there, too many to deal with here. A good default position is simply not to believe any product that claims to prevent or treat the common cold. And don’t be compelled by the anecdotal evidence of your neighbor’s cousin’s boss. Everyone thinks they have the secret to treating the cold, but no one does. It’s all placebo effect and confirmation bias.

How long does it take for a cold to get better?

The only certain treatment is tincture of time. Most colds will get better on their own in about a week. This also creates the impression that any treatment works – no matter what you do, your symptoms are likely to improve. It is also very common to get a mild cold that lasts just a day or so. Many people my feel a cold “coming on” but then it never manifests. This is likely because there was already some partial immunity, so the infection was wiped out quickly by the immune system. But this can also create the impression that whatever treatment was taken at the onset of symptoms worked really well, and even prevented the cold altogether.

What is the recommended vitamin for the common cold?

This is an article from the official journal of the body that controls primary care medicine in Canada. This article recommends Vitamin C, ginseng, allicin, echinecea, and zinc for the common cold. The recommendation is made under the guise of evidence based medicine. The recommendations are based on the existence of articles that suggest benefit with no real effort made to assess the quality of these articles.

Does echinacea help with colds?

I have covered echinacea previously in detail – it does not work for the prevention or treatment of the cold or flu.

Does ibuprofen help with fever?

There is a short list of treatments that do seem to have some benefit. NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), like aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen, can reduce many of the symptoms of a cold – sore throat, inflamed mucosa, aches, and fever. Acetaminophen may help with the pain and fever, but it is not anti-inflammatory and so will not work as well. NSAIDs basically take the edge off, and may make it easier to sleep.

Does zinc oxide help with colds?

Finally, there is some evidence that zinc or zinc oxide may reduce symptoms of a cold, but this evidence is mixed and unconvincing at present. At best the benefit is very mild (again, likely within the noise of such studies). Further, zinc comes with a nasty taste (something that also complicates blinding of studies) and many people may find this worse than symptoms it treats. Zinc oxide nasal sprays have been linked to anosmia (loss of smell, which can be permanent) and is certainly not worth the risk to treat a self-limited condition like the cold – even if they did work, which is unclear.

How long does a cold last?

You often don't have a fever, but when you do, it's only slightly higher than normal. Colds usually last three to four days, but can hang around for 10 days to two weeks. Flu, on the other hand, comes on suddenly and hits hard.

Why is it colder in the winter?

Colder weather means the sun is further away, which means it would take longer for your body to make vit D from the sun, hence lowered levels in the body. Also, if it's cold people are going to be spending time indoors.

Why are colds and flus good for you?

Here is the key to understanding why colds and flus, when allowed to run their course while you rest, can be good for you: By and large, the viruses that cause the common cold and the flu infect mainly your weakest cells; cells that are already burdened with excessive waste products and toxins are most likely to allow viruses to infect them. ...

What causes colds and flus?

Colds and flus are caused by viruses. So to understand what colds and flus do at a cellular level, you have to understand what viruses do at a cellular level. Do you remember learning about cellular division in grade seven science class?

Why does my cough get worse?

The bad cough could've been caused by fluid in your lung which exacerbated due to improper treatment. It really has nothing to do with the medications you've taken. You were just taking the wrong approach at treating your condition.

Can you take acetaminophen for colds?

It's fine to use over-the-counter pain medication like acetaminophen if your discomfort becomes intolerable or if such meds can help you get a good night's rest.

Do antibiotics help with colds?

People who take antibiotics while suffering with a cold or flu often feel slightly better because antibiotics have a mild anti-inflammatory effect. But this benefit is far outweighed by the negative impact that antibiotics have on friendly bacteria that live throughout your digestive tract.

How to avoid allergies?

Avoid your allergy triggers where possible. Use unscented laundry, home, and personal products. Don't accept food you're allergic to, in an attempt to be polite.

Does masking symptoms affect immune system?

The precise answer is no, masking symptoms does not directly alter your immune response to a viral infection, such as a cold. The better real world answer, is, it depends. Some people use symptom control ( I.e Meds like Tylenol, afrin) to control symptoms and thereby IGNORE what their body is telling them: that they are sick and need rest... This results sometimes paradoxically in a longer illness. Others use Meds to cough less and sleep better ... And while there is no proof

Does Tylenol help with fever?

When people take fever reducing medication like NSAIDs (aspirin/ibuprofen) or other fever reducers (tylenol) they reduce the fever but in effect prolong the course of recovery. In most cases fever is your friend and will help you recover faster. Only extremely high temperatures should be controlled/reduced as they can cause seizures but most often fever reduction is detrimental.

Do decongestants work?

Note: most other decongestants do not work well (and may actually have dubious support for outperforming placebo) especially those specifically marketed as substitutes for pseudoephedrine (i.e., Sudafed PE, aka phenylephrine). Useless stuff. Guaifenesin is a bit better for chest mucus than nasal congestion, but it doesn't hurt.

How Cold Is Too Cold To Run?

As a general rule of thumb, you should not be outdoors running if temperatures go below -20 degrees Fahrenheit (-28.89 ° C).

How Should You Breathe When Running In Cold Weather?

No matter how warmly you may be dressed for your run, you’ll still breathe in large volumes of cold air into your lungs. That can be quite dangerous, which is why you need to be more mindful of how you breathe when running in cold weather.

Should I Limit My Time Spent Out In The Cold Running?

Yes, you should limit the time you spend running in the cold. Doing so will limit your lung’s exposure to cold air and minimize any harmful side effects that they might experience.

What About Cold Weather With Ice Or Snow? Do You Need Specials Gripping Shoes?

Yes! When running on icy or snow-covered terrain, it’s critical to use shoes that provide enough traction. Typically, these are running shoes that may have studs or spikes of some kind. Those kinds of shoes will reduce your risk of injury by preventing you from slipping on the ice.

What Should You Wear When You Run In The Rain?

Just like snow, rain presents its own challenges when it comes to getting your miles logged in for the week. To know how to bundle up in the rain check out: What Should I wear When I Run In The Rain.

Is your running getting harder instead of easier?

If you’ve suddenly felt your running mojo decrease and your running, simply put, is not getting any easier but harder instead. Check out: 13 reasons why your running is getting harder instead of easier.

Does Running In The Cold Burn More Calories?

Yes, running in the cold burns more calories. The overall reason for that is simple: your body needs more energy to keep itself warm when it’s out in the cold, and burning calories is how it’ll do that.
