how to find the text books you need for a cscc course

by Mr. Sebastian Schultz MD 10 min read

These are ways to find out what books you need: You can take a copy of your schedule to the book store. Check with your guidance counselor or JSCC Dual Enrollment The book information can be found on the book store website - you’ll need the course information from your schedule (e.g., ENGL 1010 -01W).

Full Answer

Is the bookstore open at CSCC?

Jump to: Financial Aid Allowance | CCP Voucher | Third Party Sponsorship and VR&E | Returns | Uniforms | Gift Cards | Deals | Order Online The bookstore will be closed: December 17 for CSCC graduation day. The physical Columbus State Bookstore location is open with a limited schedule for Autumn Semester.

Are there any study materials for the CSCs exam?

CSCS Exam Study Materials The NSCA has developed a number of optional preparatory materials for individuals preparing for the CSCS exam. These materials are not required nor should they be considered as the sole resources for the exam. The purchase of these materials by exam candidates does not guarantee a passing score.

Is there a library at Columbus State Community College (CSCC)?

Columbus State Community College is a member of OhioLINK, a state wide consortium of 121 private and public libraries at universities and colleges in the state of Ohio. CSCC students, faculty, and staff may request items from these institutions from OhioLINK, which will deliver those items to CSCC.

What do I need to buy a textbook at the bookstore?

Customers must present a valid Cougar ID number for all buyback transactions at the bookstore. If the Bookstore has a need for a textbook, then we will make a cash offer regardless if it was bought new, used, or purchased elsewhere.

What is a level 1 course?

How many hours of college credit do you need to take to get to level 2?

What is a college credit advisor?

Does Columbus State offer book vouchers?

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How do I know what textbooks to buy for my classes?

Look for the last name of the instructor of your course. These are the books you need to buy for the course. Call the instructor before the first day of class, if you are taking an online course or an untraditional college class. The instructor can give you the names of the books and the authors of those books.

How do I access my SFCC online textbook?

Wondering what books you will need? Log on to your MySFCC , click the Enroll Tab, click the link that says “Get Books From Your SFCC Campus Store”. This will pull up for you all of the materials (required and optional) for the courses that you are specifically enrolled in.

How many credits is full time CSCC?

12 credit for the latest information, as dates may be subject to change. And remember—the earlier you register, the more likely you are to get into your preferred classes. * Full-Time Attendance = 12 credit hours or more per semester.

How much is CSCC per credit hour?

Instructional and General Fees The resident credit hour fee of $167.93 per credit hour includes a $147.43 instructional fee and a $20.50 general fee. The general fee defrays the cost of registration, student activities services, and student support services of a non-instructional nature.

Where is the SFCC bookstore?

Textbooks and other course materials can be purchased on campus at the Stomping Grounds College Store, located in the Student Union Building, Bldg. 17. The bookstore carries new, used and rental textbooks, general book titles, art and school supplies, and many items of convenience.

Is the SFCC bookstore open?

Bookstore** Mondays through Thursdays – 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Fridays – 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Can you retake a class at CSCC?

(b) A student must repeat a failed course to earn a passing grade to satisfy graduation requirements. Once issued, the repeated course grade will replace the previous failing grade in computing the student's GPA. The initial grade will continue to appear on the student's transcript.

Is Ad passing at CSCC?

Grades of “Z” will not be calculated into the student's GPA. A student may receive credit for a course taken at another institution of higher education. A minimum grade of “D” must have been earned in the course in order to permit its transfer.

How much does tuition cost at CSCC?

In-state tuition 4,888 USD, Out-of-state tuition 9,997 USD (2019 – 20)Columbus State Community College / Undergraduate tuition and fees

What is Columbus State acceptance rate?

78.3% (2020)Columbus State University / Acceptance rate

Is Columbus State Community college free?

A college degree that's valued and affordable. And with free tuition, a $500/semester scholarship, you'll be part of a community of students coming from Columbus City Schools, each making the same smart choice to get 2+ years of college for FREE.

How much is Cleveland State tuition per semester?

This means that as a student you can pay the same tuition for 18 credits in a semester as you would have for 12....Cost of Attendance 2-Semester Full-Time Estimates.Undergrad TGP 22/23 Cohort (Fall 22, Spring 23, Summer 23)TBDPersonal/Misc. Expenses$1,800Transportation$1,770Books and Supplies$800Loan Fees$785 more rows

What is a level 1 course?

Courses for students who have not yet completed at least 15 transferable credit hours, courses that apply toward a certificate or pathway, study skills and/or academic success courses, and courses in the areas of computer science, information technology, anatomy, physiology, foreign language or American Sign Language. ...

How many hours of college credit do you need to take to get to level 2?

Level 2. Once students have completed 15 hours of college credit, they can enroll in any course that is not on the ‘non-allowable' list. Enrollment in Level Two courses will be based on prerequisites and course availability.

What is a college credit advisor?

College Credit Plus Academic Advisors at Columbus State help high school students enrolled in the CCP program develop their schedules and academic plans. Your College Credit Plus Academic Advisor is here to help you understand your academic and career pathways and to support you as you make decisions about your academic courses.

Does Columbus State offer book vouchers?

Columbus State will provide a book voucher for each student enrolled at a partner district or school, and students will be responsible to obtain the books in-person or by an email request. For additional information, including the list of partner schools, visit the College Credit Plus link at the Columbus State Bookstore.

How Do I Find Books & eBooks?

To find books or ebooks for your research you'll need to search in a catalog. Catalogs show records of books and other materials held in each library and where they are located.

Dewey Decimal System

Columbus State Library materials are organized by the Dewey Decimal System, the same system used in public libraries.

Which Library Card Do I Use?

Your Cougar ID number (also called your Student ID) acts as your Columbus State library card.

Can you buyback a book in the bookstore?

In-store buyback is suspended until dates noted. If the Bookstore has a need, we will make a cash offer (regardless of whether you bought the book new, used, or it was purchased elsewhere). Please note: books with a one time use access card are typically not eligible for buyback. In order to sell back a book, a student must present a valid Cougar ID.

Can you buy back a calculator in store?

In order to sell back, a student must present a valid Cougar ID. We will buy back only one calculator per a student each semester.

What is CSCS study guide?

CSCS Study Guide | This guide will provide a better understanding of the exam, exam development, exam format, method of scoring, and best recommendations for studying.

What is CSCS digital package?

The CSCS Digital Package includes both a study guide and online practice questions that will help candidates become familiar with the type, scope, and difficulty of the questions on the CSCS Certification exam.

What is a comprehensive text?

These comprehensive texts offer candidates and strength and conditioning professionals more extensive information on the topics as identified. Readers are provided guidelines for converting scientific research into practical application. Books can be purchased individually or as a bundle.

What is the NSCA?

The NSCA, in collaboration with top subject matter experts, has developed a series of books designed to provide strength and conditioning coaches research-based recommendations, assessments, analysis, exercises and drills, and programming for a variety of performance factors.

What is NSCA live clinic?

The NSCA Exam Prep Live Clinic provides exam candidates with study recommendations and a comprehensive review of the most challenging content found on the exam. These clinics are a blend of classroom presentations and hands-on training and can help you narrow your focus of study. Your time is valuable; spend it efficiently by attending a clinic with subject matter experts!

What is the fine for CSCC library?

SearchOhio items returned late will be fined a maximum amount of $25 per item. Fines for Course Reserves items are $1.00 per hour. Fines for laptops are $10.00 per hour. Fines for headphones are 25 cents per hour. All borrowers are responsible for lost or damaged items. Items long overdue are presumed lost and the borrower will be billed for the replacement cost and a processing fee.

How to find out if a library has a textbook?

To find out if the library has a certain textbook for your course, you can check our catalog online, stop by the Circulation desk, or call 614-287-2464.

What to do if you can't find an article in a library?

When you can't locate your article in our databases, or a book in any of our libraries' catalogs, a reference librarian can help you check whether an interlibrary loan is the only way to get the item you need.

What ID do I need to go to Columbus State Community College?

Present a Columbus State Community College I.D. card or other valid form of picture I.D. such as a state driver's license, state I.D. card, passport, etc., at the circulation desk each time materials are borrowed.

Does Columbus State Library have a loan period?

Faculty and staff often enjoy extended loan periods for Columbus State items. Loan periods for items with special status may differ, such as course reserves.

Is Columbus State Community College a member of Ohiolink?

Columbus State Community College is a member of OhioLINK, a state wide consortium of 121 private and public libraries at universities and colleges in the state of Ohio . CSCC students, faculty, and staff may request items from these institutions from OhioLINK, which will deliver those items to CSCC.

What is a level 1 course?

Courses for students who have not yet completed at least 15 transferable credit hours, courses that apply toward a certificate or pathway, study skills and/or academic success courses, and courses in the areas of computer science, information technology, anatomy, physiology, foreign language or American Sign Language. ...

How many hours of college credit do you need to take to get to level 2?

Level 2. Once students have completed 15 hours of college credit, they can enroll in any course that is not on the ‘non-allowable' list. Enrollment in Level Two courses will be based on prerequisites and course availability.

What is a college credit advisor?

College Credit Plus Academic Advisors at Columbus State help high school students enrolled in the CCP program develop their schedules and academic plans. Your College Credit Plus Academic Advisor is here to help you understand your academic and career pathways and to support you as you make decisions about your academic courses.

Does Columbus State offer book vouchers?

Columbus State will provide a book voucher for each student enrolled at a partner district or school, and students will be responsible to obtain the books in-person or by an email request. For additional information, including the list of partner schools, visit the College Credit Plus link at the Columbus State Bookstore.

Helpful College Resources

Dates and Deadlines

  • For a list of important dates, deadlines, holidays and other school closing dates, please refer to the Columbus State Academic Calendar.
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CCP Advising

  • College Credit Plus Academic Advisors at Columbus State help high school students enrolled in the CCP program develop their schedules and academic plans. Your College Credit Plus Academic Advisor is here to help you understand your academic and career pathways and to support you as you make decisions about your academic courses. To contact the CCP Advising …
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Qualifying Courses

  • Courses that are eligible for college credit and College Credit Plus funding Participating high schools and middle schools are required to have a list of eligible college courses posted on their website, so students wishing to earn both college credit and credit toward high school graduation requirements should consult their school’s/district’s CCP list. Students are not limited to only tak…
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  • How to Obtain Course Materials if you are a CCP Student Students attending a secondary school that has partnered with Columbus State will be able to obtain required course materials for eligible CSCC courses using the "CCP Bookstore Voucher" payment method at the CSCC bookstore during limited time periods. √ Check Voucher Eligibility on the CCP Boo...
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Online Orientation

  • The Ohio Department of Education mandates that all CCP students attend an orientation. Columbus State strongly encourages all CCP students complete an orientation prior to the start of their first semester.The College Credit Plus Online Orientation lasts between 1-2 hours and should be completed in a single session. Access the online orientation.
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