by Virginie Shanahan
Published 3 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
10 min read
Log in to Canvas directly by going to Enter the class by logging into the free Canvas app for iOS or Android. In Canvas, click Courses to see a list of courses you're enrolled in.
Course reserves are textbooks, articles, films and other supplemental materials that instructors place on hold at the Library for their students. Course reserve materials usually have a limited loan period to ensure availability to other students in the class.
Where is the reference desk in Chico?
You can also call the reference desk at 530-879-4024 during our regular hours.
Why Take An Online Class?
Need to complete a transfer degree (AA-T or AS-T)? Butte College offers many online courses that will help you complete the transfer degree! Can't come to campus? If you have work or family responsibilities during the day, online classes are a great opportunity to continue your educatio…
Complete the enrollment stepsand enroll in online classes the same as with on-campus courses. Note: Your enrollment in an online class will show "TBA" (or "To Be Announced") in the "day" and "time" column. The TBA is just a placeholder used for all online classes in the registration process. Your online class starts on the date listed in "Search for Classes" (which generally is the first da…
If an online class is full, you may be able to add yourself to the waitlist. Here's how it works! 1. Before class begins: If you've been able to put yourself on the waitlist, you'll automatically be enrolled as other students drop and space becomes available. 2. The day class begins:You will not be added automatically, even if there is space. If you're interested in adding the course, emai…