how to find a course code

by Casimer Hartmann 4 min read

If instructors need to provide their course ID to our support team, you can quickly locate it, by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the course management page (more information can be viewed here ).
  2. Click on the course icon below that you need the course ID for.
  3. After the page loads look at the address bar above. The course ID is located in the middle of the URL.

Full Answer

What are course codes and how do they work?

90 rows · Each Thomas Edison State University course/transfer course equivalency is given a unique identifier number which begins with a three letter departmental code (to represent the department in which the course, based on academic content) belongs. The departmental code is followed by three digits to signify the course level based on academic content. Generally, …

Is a course reference number the same as a course code?

Feb 21, 2022 · On that same courses page, you'll find links to each of our Hour of Code activities (updated each Fall), and links to various tools and resources for your classroom, including: Once you've decided on a course for your students, you can: Create a class section. Learn more. Assign an existing class section to one of our courses. Learn more.

How many digits is a college course code?

Course Codes in PowerSchool are ten digits long. The first seven digits are used by the NCDPI and the last three are available for individual LEA/school use. Important information about courses and grade level subjects is contained within the seven-digit course code. The complete Master List of available course codes can be found at

How do I download the join code for an AP course?

Apr 12, 2022 · In our free Intro to Coding course, you’ll learn an overview of HTML and CSS, allowing you to determine which programming language is most interesting to you. You’ll also learn about our part- and full-time coding bootcamp options, including details about tuition, scholarships, and financing opportunities.

What is a course code?

A Course Code is a 5-digit alphanumeric code that is generated and assigned to the courses created by your institutions.Apr 29, 2021

What is university course code?

How College Course Codes Work. Colleges use course codes to describe and organize their courses in a way that can be easily understood by both colleges and students (if said students have translation guides, that is). They consist of four important blocks of information.Aug 31, 2020

How do you find the course number in a class?

Find one of your course titles, such as "ENG 100: Introduction to English." Depending on which learning platform your educational institution uses and how they have set it up, you can usually find the course reference number by clicking on the course title, if it's not already listed beside or below it.

How do I find my course code on canvas?

To locate your course's Canvas course number within the course URL (browser address), navigate to your course's homepage. For example, from your Canvas dashboard, click on a course name. On the course homepage, the course number will appear at the very end of the browser URL.Jul 27, 2017

What is the UCAS course code?

This is the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) code: a 4-character alphanumeric reference assigned to a course. It is an optional field for full-time courses.Nov 1, 2021

How do I find my course code on blackboard?

From within your course, navigate to the Course Management section at the bottom of the left-hand main menu. Expand Customization and click on Properties. The Course ID is listed under the Course Name.Feb 22, 2018

What information does a course number identify?

Most college courses are identified by three to four numbers. For example, the first digit may indicate the class year, the middle two digits may identify the subject and the last digit may indicate the number of credit hours.

What does the first digit of the course number represent?

the level of theCourse Numbers. The four-digit numbering system is interpreted as follows: the first digit indicates the level of the course; the second digit is the number of credits available; the third and fourth digits are chosen by the department offering the course.

What is course reference?

A Course Reference Number (CRN) is a unique 5 digit identifier assigned to a class for registration purposes. An Advisor will as. Page 1. A Course Reference Number (CRN) is a unique 5 digit identifier assigned to a class for registration purposes.

What is a course ID on canvas?

You can either contact your Canvas admin to find your course ID, or the easiest way is to look at the course Canvas URL, which should be something like where the ### is your course ID. Let us know if you have any other questions.May 11, 2020

Where do I find my canvas SIS ID?

To start, click the link to one of your courses under the Courses listing in the Global Navigation Menu. Next locate the Settings link in the Course Navigation menu shown below. 2. On the next page click the Course Details tab and find the SIS ID as shown in the image below.

How do I search for a course in canvas?

Searching One Canvas CourseClick “Search” in the course navigation menu, or click in the search box at the top right of a screen.Type your search term(s) and press Enter.

What is a course code?

Colleges use course codes to describe and organize their courses in a way that can be easily understood by both colleges and students (if said students have translation guides, that is). They consist of four important blocks of information. 1. Course Prefix.

What does the first digit of a course number mean?

The one thing to remember about course numbers is that the first digit indicates what level of study your course is . That is likely the only uniform (and truly helpful) piece of information these numbers will provide for you. 3. Course Name. The third element of a course code is obvious: the name of the course.

What is the purpose of the second and third digits in a course number?

While there isn’t a universal rule for what each number means in relation to each other, the main idea is just to distinguish different courses that are from the same department at the same level.

What is the prefix for a college course?

1. Course Prefix. The first part of a college course code is simple: a series of letters indicating the course's general subject. This is the course prefix, and it’s fairly intuitive. Tip: if you get stuck wondering what a particular set of letters means, compare several courses sharing the same prefix. Or Google it.

How many digits are in a college catalog?

These are often three digits long, but many colleges use four digits (or even five). These numbers are the main way colleges organize their course catalog. No two courses at a college will share the exact same course number.

What is the third element of a course code?

The third element of a course code is obvious: the name of the course. A course's name tells you what that course is about, and is actually the most useful way to compare courses.

What is course description?

The last thing you'll read about a course is its description. A course description is a general explanation of its topics and teaching methodology. This will give you added information about the course and the way it’s taught.

How many digits are in PowerSchool?

Course Codes in PowerSchool are ten digits long. The first seven digits are used by the NCDPI and the last three are available for individual LEA/school use. Important information about courses and grade level subjects is contained within the seven-digit course code. The complete Master List of available

How many semester hours are required for a CTE?

Unique course codes will only be assigned to community college courses that are on the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA) and meet for at least three (3) semester hours, as well as select CTE courses that are considered “inherently honors.”1

What is NCDPI? What are its functions?

The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) maintains a system for course codes to facilitate standardized longitudinal data collection, effective scheduling management, exchange of student records, and ultimately inform and improve education policy and student outcomes. To this end, it is critically important that schools and districts consistently and accurately schedule courses according to the coding scheme provided in this document. Accurate scheduling will ensure clean data pulls for state and federal reporting, appropriate assignment of End-of-Course (EOC)/End-of-Grade (EOG) exams, fulfillment of graduation requirements, correct transcript printing, and proper functioning of other vital systems used for effective and efficient school system management.

For AP Coordinators

You can download a spreadsheet of all join codes. To do so, go to the Courses page in AP Registration and Ordering and click Download Section Info with Join codes. The spreadsheet will contain:

For AP Teachers

After signing in to, you can click View Join Code + on the course card for each class you’re teaching.

Course Section ID for New WileyPLUS

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Your Course ID is a unique, six or seven digit, alphanumeric identifier which is typically provided by your instructor. This ID will assist you in identifying the correct WileyPLUS course during the registration process.
