how to create an obstacle course for dogs

by Verlie Bayer Jr. 7 min read

How to Make Your Own Dog Obstacle Course

  • Jumping Obstacles. Jumping is a great first activity to teach your dog if you're both new to obstacle training. ...
  • Weaving Obstacles. Do you have small orange cones from when your children played soccer? These would make a perfect weaving course for your dog obstacle course.
  • Tunnel Obstacles. There are many options for creating a tunnel with household items. Do your children have play tunnels they've since outgrown?
  • Ramps. Ramps can be another fun addition to your dog obstacle course. ...
  • Change Things Up. As your pooch starts to get a hang of things and makes it through each obstacle simply following your verbal commands or hand gestures, change up the ...

You can also create a tunnel obstacle using a large, pop-up hamper with the bottom cut out. If your dog gets claustrophobic by even the shortest of tunnels, try more of a simple hoop like an old tire or hula-hoop to hold upright and try to coax your dog through.Jul 21, 2020

How to train your dog to run an obstacle course?

The Tunnel Method

  1. Using a flexible and expandable tunnel (buy one that has solid ends and a soft tube), create a short tunnel for the first stages of training.
  2. Have your pup sit at one end of the tunnel and give him time to get used to it.
  3. Toss a treat through the tunnel so that your pup can see where it lands.

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How to build a backyard obstacle course for your dog?

Weave Poles

  • Cut the PVC pipe into pieces 36” long. You’ll need 6 pieces.
  • Layout the poles in a straight line and mark off every 24”. Most governing competition bodies use 24” as the standard spacing.
  • Insert them into the ground with a mallet or hammer.

How to find the best obstacle course?

  • You might find that a planned location for an obstacle doesn't work well. Don't be afraid to make changes.
  • Try doing the obstacle course yourself once you've built it to evaluate how well it works.
  • Once you've built and tested your course it's time to open it up to others.

How to make dog agility obstacles?

Other Featured Obstacles

  • Pipe Tunnel. There should be at least 1 pipe tunnel included in an agility course for canines. ...
  • Weave Poles. Weave poles are arguably one of the toughest dog agility course obstacle selections to teach a dog. ...
  • Table or Pause Box. This obstacle is fairly self-explanatory. ...
  • Tire Jump. Tire jumps are often called hoops. ...
  • Winged Hurdles. ...

Are obstacle courses good for dogs?

Backyard obstacle courses are a great way to build trust with your dog, provide exercise, and prevent boredom.

How do I build a cheap obstacle course?

2:014:44Now squeeze some hot glue on the edge of your stick. And then stick it inside your sponge. WhileMoreNow squeeze some hot glue on the edge of your stick. And then stick it inside your sponge. While that's drying blow up a balloon. To play hit the balloons back and forth with your bobbers.

How do you make an obstacle ramp for dogs?

0:0013:34It's 18 inches wide and it's 8 feet long I'm gonna cut that down to 6 feet long for both platformsMoreIt's 18 inches wide and it's 8 feet long I'm gonna cut that down to 6 feet long for both platforms from what I've read that's not regulation.

How do you make an obstacle course?

0:292:13Course you're going to need a few solar garden lights a couple of pole noodles. And duct tape thisMoreCourse you're going to need a few solar garden lights a couple of pole noodles. And duct tape this way we'll be able to make a tunnel for your little one to army crawl through.

How do I build a small dog agility course?

1:035:32Exactly like this. After you've done that you're going to grab two of your 30 centimeter cuts andMoreExactly like this. After you've done that you're going to grab two of your 30 centimeter cuts and attach them to the two t pieces which you just attached. Then just grab the other half of your base.

How do you make a dog tunnel?

0:005:56It's best to get a tire with a rim size of at least 17 inches. We're also going to need a drill withMoreIt's best to get a tire with a rim size of at least 17 inches. We're also going to need a drill with a hole saw the size isn't really important but just something big enough to drain water.

What obstacles are in a dog agility course?

Courses typically have between 14-20 obstacles, which can include tunnels, weave poles, tire jumps, seesaws, and pause tables where the dog must stop for a set amount of time. At each trial you and your dog will race around the unique courses designed for that day.

How do you make a dog agility jump out of wood?

0:557:48We do six jumps in a row for donut. Okay so the first two bars we're going to do is the ground barMoreWe do six jumps in a row for donut. Okay so the first two bars we're going to do is the ground bar and the jump bar. And they both need to be 47 inches. So we're going to make a mark.

How do I build an indoor obstacle course?

Here are a few ideas to get you started on building an indoor obstacle course for your kids:Crawl under or over a row of chairs.Crawl under a string stretched between two chair legs.Jump into and out of a Hula-Hoop five times.Walk on a balance board.Throw a beanbag into a laundry basket.More items...

How do you make a backyard Ninja course?

2:536:30You just drill some holes through some two by fours make sure that the holes big enough for a ropeMoreYou just drill some holes through some two by fours make sure that the holes big enough for a rope to fit through then drill a hole through your 1-inch PVC pipe.

What is an obstacle course for dogs?

Setting up an obstacle course for your dog provides exercise, enjoyment, mental stimulation, and agility practice all in one. As an added bonus, completing a series of activities gives your dog -- and you -- a feeling of achievement. Obstacle course “kits” available for purchase can get expensive. Fortunately, you can DIY your own outdoor obstacle ...

How to get your dog to run around on an obstacle course?

Coax your dog through the course using small treats as rewards, and make sure to offer some free play to run around unstructured after you’ve put some practice time in together. Above all, make sure that your dog is having fun while doing the activities on the obstacle course.

How to make a jump hurdle?

Jump hurdles can be built easily using PVC pipes and joints. You can also create a jump obstacle by holding a hula hoop off the ground, or even tying a rope so that it is taut between two strong poles.

How to keep a dog agile?

Jumps are a fun obstacle to keep your dog agile and work on obedience, too. As your dog gets older, their joints can lose mobility. Frequent jumping exercises can help prevent that from happening. On the flip side, keep in mind that an older pup might not have the same spring in his or her step, and be prepared to adjust jumps to their ability.

How to make a tunnel obstacle for dogs?

You can also create a tunnel obstacle using a large, pop-up hamper with the bottom cut out. If your dog gets claustrophobic by even the shortest of tunnels, try more of a simple hoop like an old tire or hula-hoop to hold up right and try to coax your dog through.

What to do if your dog can't complete an obstacle course?

Don’t yell at, punish, or shame your dog if they are unable to complete the course. Ideally, an obstacle course will be a trust exercise that builds your relationship -- not a game your dog will be penalized for “losing.”

How to get a dog to jump up?

Your dog can start with small jumps and work up to going higher, but should be able to build confidence and achieve the jump with minimal exertion at first. Start with a jump that’s about an eighth of your dog’s standing height. For example, if your dog is two feet tall from shoulder to paw (24 inches), start with a jump that’s about 3 inches off the ground and work up from there.

What is the best obstacle to train a dog?

4. Zig zag. The zig zag obstacle is an excellent training exercise for dogs.

How to make a dog run between two chairs?

All it takes is a few dining chairs and a large blanket. Line up two rows of chairs back-to-back. Leave enough space in the middle of the rows for your dog to safely run between.

How to train a dog to zig zag?

Set up a row of small obstacles on the ground, like boxes, chairs, or even shoes. The goal is to get your dog to zig zag through the obstacles all the way down the line. This one is best taught using the “follow the leader” technique.

What does it mean when a dog runs up stairs?

Stairs are a built-in obstacle for your dog. Having him run the stairs a few times will get his blood pumping and intensify the obstacle course.

How to get a dog to crawl under a table?

Encourage your dog to crawl on his belly under the table from one end to the other. This obstacle is better suited to small and medium breed dogs, but depending on the height of your table, a larger breed may enjoy this game too.

How to get a dog to jump on a stool?

Remember to have a tasty reward at the other end. 2. Hurdles. Grab a small foot stool for your dog to leap. Bigger dogs should be capable of clearing the foot stool no problem, but smaller breeds should be more cautious. Teach them to jump onto the stool and then down the other side. 3. Army crawl.

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1. 9 DIY Dog Agility Courses Homemade Agility Obstacles For

from 9 DIY Dog Agility Courses Homemade Agility Obstacles For. Source Image: Visit this site for details:

2. Expert Dog Obstacle Course

Best DIY Dog Obstacle Course from Expert Dog Obstacle Course. Source Image: Visit this site for details:

3. Dog Agility Equipment Design Project

Best DIY Dog Obstacle Course from Dog Agility Equipment Design Project. Source Image: Visit this site for details:

4. How to Create a DIY Obstacle Course for Your Dog

Best DIY Dog Obstacle Course from How to Create a DIY Obstacle Course for Your Dog. Source Image: Visit this site for details:

5. 1000 images about Agility course DIY on Pinterest

Best DIY Dog Obstacle Course from 1000 images about Agility course DIY on Pinterest. Source Image: Visit this site for details:

6. How To DIY Agility Dog Walk

Best DIY Dog Obstacle Course from How To DIY Agility Dog Walk. Source Image: Visit this site for details:

7. Easy 3 minute DIY Indoor Dog Obstacle Course

Best DIY Dog Obstacle Course from Easy 3 minute DIY Indoor Dog Obstacle Course. Source Image: Visit this site for details:

What You Need to Create an Obstacle Course for Dogs

Jumps are the staple of any DIY dog agility course; there are three types of dog jumps that you can use: the

DIY Dog Agility Courses

A dog agility course can be quite expensive to complete as-is, and it is, in some cases, better to just make the obstacles yourself, with a bit of time, patience, and cheap materials. Here’s a quick guide on setting up your own obstacles and tips to keep your dog agile, which won’t break the bank.

More Advanced Equipment You Can Make at Home

There are, of course, other pieces of dog agility equipment that you can make for your DIY agility course, all of which would be ideal for training your pup. These are not essential but will help to complete your course. For example, good dog agility seesaws are a popular choice.


To create a dog obstacle course for your dog training, you do not necessarily need the best equipment on sale at the highest prices. Simply using your own back yard with household items such as a cardboard box, lightweight poles, a collapsible tunnel, and a few things from the garden like PVC pipes will go a long way.

What is agility training?

Agility courses provide dogs and their owners with a fun and healthy way to bond while getting some exercise. You can even sign your dog up to compete in organized activities, called agility trials, if you’d like! If you want to start teaching your dog to do agility work, you’ll need a few obstacles. You can buy commercially manufactured obstacles ...

How to keep a dog from boredom?

Learning to negotiate obstacles while following you around an agility course will help keep your dog’s brain humming. This will help prevent boredom, provide a number of emotional benefits, and generally help keep your dog healthier and happier.

How to play with your dog in your backyard?

As a fun way of playing with your dog in your backyard. If you choose to go this route, you can make whatever obstacles you like, set them up however you want, and teach your dog to complete them any way you wish. Just keep your dog’s safety in mind and go have a blast. In organized agility trials.

What is a dog tunnel?

Tunnel – A flexible tunnel your dog must run through. Collapsed Tunnel – A collapsed tunnel is like a normal tunnel, except that the frame is removed from the far end. So, your dog will have to run in the open side of the tunnel and then push her way through the opposite side which is caved in.

Can you build a multi unit agility course?

Equipped with these plans, you should be able to construct a multi-unit agility course in no time. These plans will explain how to make jumps, weave poles, and a seesaw.

Can you participate in agility trials?

If you want to participate in an official competition, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the common rules and regulations of agility courses and try to create an agility course that resembles those you and your dog will face during organized events.

Is agility good for dogs?

Dog agility courses can be incredibly beneficial for many dogs. Some of the most notable benefits they provide include:

What are some obstacles that dogs can use?

Let’s look at three common types of obstacles — jumps, tunnels, and weave poles — that you can set up for your dog. Remember, safety is the most important feature of any obstacle course, so keep your dog’s well-being in mind while setting everything up.

Why do dogs use orange cones?

If you are training your dog for an agility competition, large orange cones can also benefit them because they present more of a challenge than standard weave poles. Wherever you set up your agility course, ensure that your dog has enough room to run around and that there are no hidden dangers around the course.

What to watch out for when jumping on a bar?

What to watch out for: As with your bar jump, avoid hard and immovable materials that could injure your dog if he misjudges the distance between poles. However, you’ll also want to secure your poles so they don’t fall over every time your dog runs through them.

Is it safe to go through a dark tunnel with a dog?

Going through an enclosed dark space can be scary for your dog the first few times, and you need to make the experience as positive as possible. The tunnel you set up should be wide enough for your dog to comfortably pass through and sturdy enough that it won’t collapse while your dog is inside it.

Can you make an obstacle course from scratch?

How to set them up: Although it is possible to create an obstacle course tunnel from scratch, a lot of people find that it’s easier and a lot less time-consuming just to repurpose an existing play tunnel. A flexible children’s play tunnel makes a great obstacle, and you can find one at most department stores as well as furniture outlets for ...

Can you make a dog bar out of PVC?

You can build one entirely out of inexpensive PVC pipes. Just be sure you’re setting up cups (the holders for the bar) at different increments along your upright so you can adjust the height for your dog. Download these in-depth set of instructions to get started.

Can you build a dog course?

But you don’t have to shell out a lot of money for state-of-the-art equipment. You can construct a safe and fun course for dogs of any size with a few inexpensive supplies — or even things you already have in your home.


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