how to describe a course attended by many residency programs

by Prof. Lilliana Luettgen III 7 min read

What should a residency resume look like?

Now that you have applied to residency and likely received a few interview invitations (and possibly attended a few interviews depending on specialty), this session explores all items regarding the residency interview itself. For 2020-2021 we will describe in detail strategies to master the virtual interview and what to expect on interview day.

Who are the interviewers at a residency program?

If you are offering a course that will be publicized through a catalog or brochure, you or the course sponsor will need to write a course description. The course description is vital to getting people to enroll in your course. A good course description can mean many enrollments while a poor course description can doom your course before it starts.

How does it feel to apply for a medical residency?

Mar 21, 2013 · a didactic program based on the core knowledge content of internal medicine.1 7 Many residency programs fulfill this requirement with traditional noon conferences even though the evidence for the efficacy of the classic, lecture-based conference series on long-term knowledge retention is conflicting,2–5 and the evidence for the impact of

What should I put on my residency CV?

There are many factors to consider as you build your list of family medicine residency programs. Family medicine is a broad specialty, and the available residency options reflect that variety.

What should a personal statement for residency include?

How to Write Your Residency Application Personal Statement‍Start With A Catchy Introduction‍ ... Focus on Things That Aren't on Your CV‍ ... Talk About You and Your Desirable Qualities. ... Make use of Storytelling. ... Include What You Expect From a Residency Program. ... Cite Strong Reasons to Choose a Particular Specialty.More items...•Oct 31, 2021

How do I make my residency application stand out?

Tips for Applying to Residency1 | Don't Lock in Your Application Prematurely. ... 2 | Don't Treat ERAS the Same as Your Medical School Application. ... 3 | Begin Preparing Early. ... 4 | Build Strong Connections. ... 5 | Work Hard on Your Rotations. ... 6 | Think About Which Programs You Want to Apply to Well Before Applications Open.More items...•Aug 31, 2021

What are residency electives?

Residency electives provide an opportunity for residents to do whatever they would like to do (within reasonable limits). The electives also present a number of troubling questions, including: Which specialty or subspecialty to select?

How do you write a personal statement for medical residency?

Part 3: How to write an amazing residency personal statementStart with an outline. ... First paragraph: Lead with detail. ... Body paragraphs: Connect your narrative to a thesis. ... Connect the personal to the professional. ... Demonstrate change and growth over time. ... Communicate the kind of specialist you hope to be.More items...•May 11, 2021

What makes a strong residency applicant?

An applicant should be able to make the most out of their time in medical school by gathering as much experience as possible from all available avenues to the best of their abilities. Participation in student organizations offers a preview and simulation of the medical residency program.Jun 22, 2020

What do residency programs look for in applicants?

What do residency programs look for? It's no surprise that residency programs consider USMLE scores, letters of recommendation, and the personal statement among the top factors when choosing residency candidates.Sep 16, 2019

What is the difference between a selective and an elective?

An elective course of study means that you have chosen to take it, you have elected to take it, i.e. it is optional. Elective surgery is just a phrase meaning a non-emergency operation. Selective means choosing from a number of alternatives.Dec 6, 2009

What are elective clinical rotations?

Elective clinical rotations allow students to get more experience in work environments or subspecialties they are interested in, and at some schools, students arrange their own elective rotations. Finding—and setting up—an elective rotation can be a daunting process.Oct 1, 2015

Can residents do away rotations?

As EM residents, most of us do a few away rotations, whether it may be Pediatric EM, Toxicology, or Trauma. But, no matter the rotation, here are some tips to get the most out of your away rotation. Be humble.May 29, 2018

How many words should a personal statement for residency be?

Length; Since one page in length in a Word Doc is not the same as what one page will equal one page in ERAS for personal statement formatting, the key is stick to 750-850 words for your ERAS/residency application personal statement.Oct 26, 2021

How many programs should I apply to for residency?

All students should apply to at least 12 programs. Some students will need to apply to more. Your assigned DOM advisor will help you figure out the number of programs you need to apply to.

How long should a course description be?

Your job in writing a course description is much easier, since Where and When are in the logistics section, and the Who is irrelevant or a useless gesture (don’t write, “Everyone should take this course.”) Here are a few guidelines for the description: The description should run from 30 words to 120 words in length.

How many paragraphs should a course description be?

The description should be divided into two paragraphs if it is over 60 words. More than 60 words in one paragraph is too hard to read. The teacher biography or qualifications should not be mixed in with the course description. This information can be brief, and should appear at the end of the course description.

What is logistics in a class?

Logistics. Logistics include the teacher’s name, class location, day, length, cost, material fees, course number and other adjunct information. The course sponsor normally provides this information, although you should be aware of all information pertinent to your class. The course description.

What should a description focus on?

Your description should focus upon the content of the course or the learner, not upon the course itself or you as the teacher. To attract learners, the description should emphasize the benefits to the learner coming from either the results of attending the course or from the value of the subject matter itself.

How many words should a teacher's biography be?

Don’t use useless or meaningless sentences, such as “Time allowing we will discuss other areas.”. The teacher biography. The teacher biography should be 15 to 50 words in a separate paragraph underneath the course description. Some organizations run all of their teacher biographies at the end of the catalog.

What is batik art?

Batik is an age old art of fabric coloring using wax and dye. This workshop is open to beginning and advanced students. It covers preparation of cloth and dyes, some design principles and sources, effects of different wax techniques and mixtures, color theories related to the craft, and the various finishing methods.

Hedging our Bets on our Program Rank List

In my opinion, hedging is a pretty accurate word to describe our process.

The Role of Post-Interview Communication in the Rank List Creation Process

During our marathon rank-list making sessions, our first draft rank list is based on our post-interview debriefing scoring.

What it Comes Down To

What really happens, in our program, is that we rank applicants based on their merits. Merit, of course, is a somewhat subjective characterization. Merits are what we consider positive conditions:

What should not be included in a medical residency CV?

What not to put on your CV for medical residency: You don’t need to include your age, sexuality, religion, political affiliation, citizenship status, national origin, social media handle, or high-risk information like your social security number on your CV.

What is a CV?

The words curriculum vitae come from the Latin for “course of life”—a CV aims to give a brief overview of the course of your professional life. A CV is more expansive and detailed than a resume, which should be no longer than a page to a page and a half.

What paper do I need to print my CV?

You will likely need to keep both digital and print copies of your CV on hand. For printing, use white, gray, or cream 24-lb paper. Use a laser printer for the best resolution. When sending digital copies, opt for PDF.

How to prepare for an interview for a job?

Review your CV, personal statement, and all other aspects of your application before the interview. Be prepared to answer fast and without doubts about your credentials and background. Make a list of 5 characteristics that describe your strengths the best and make the interviewer know them.

Is it better to ask questions or not?

QUESTIONS TO ASK. In general, it is better not to ask questions, whose answers are publicly available, or questions whose answers may highlight your possible doubts about the program. Review program website and other publicly available information. Prepare the right list of questions to ask for each program separately.