We have now made "course copy" feature available in your course. This will allow instructors copy their own courses into the new course shells. Teaching Innovation and Learning Technologies will continue to perform course copy on request but, if you choose, a few steps will allow you to complete your own course copies.
You may find it helpful to merge multiple sections or cross-listed courses into a single Blackboard course if you do not wish to post identical assignments and information in multiple locations. You also can have more interaction for students in the discussion board which they are from different sections.
To be eligible for enrollment in a College Transfer Pathway, students must demonstrate college readiness in English, reading, and mathematics on an approved test or tests. Eligibility may be demonstrated by achieving the required scores on a single test or by combining test scores from any of the approved assessments. For example, a student may combine a 19 on PLAN math with an 86 and an 80 on Accuplacer sentence skills and reading to demonstrate college readiness.
The College Transfer Pathway requires the completion of a transfer pathway approved by the State Board of Community Colleges including transfer courses in English and mathematics and ACA 122 College Transfer Success.
The CCP ADN Pathway is designed for high school juniors and seniors who wish to begin their educational studies toward the Associate in Nursing degree and a Baccalaureate degree in Nursing. The pathway is based on Blocks 1 through 3 of the Uniform Articulation Agreement (UAA) between the University of North Carolina’s Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing programs and the North Carolina Community College Associate Degree Nursing Programs which was approved by the State Board of Community Colleges and the UNC Board of Governors in February 2015.