what was your opinion of course content?

by Valerie Weber 3 min read

What did you learn from the course content?

What Did You Learn From The Course Content? What did you learn from the course content? I think one of the most important things I learned from the course content was how to look at different situations to explain certain behaviors or norms.

How good is the coarse outline/power point?

I thought the coarse outline/power point was extremely helpful. The homework, quizzes and test were reasonable. I would have enjoyed experiencing a field trip to Carlsbad or Oceanside, my only suggestion would be to have more days available for those who cannot make it on the specific time/day. Maybe a field trip later in the day?

What are the benefits of taking a course or section?

The course (or section) provided a mixture of explanation and practice The course (or section) assignments and lectures usefully complemented each other The course (or section) instructions (including, manuals, handouts, etc.) were clear The course (or section) work helped me understand concepts more clearly

Are assignments confusing on online courses?

There never was any confusion on assignments, which is always a plus with online courses. I’ve taken online courses where assignments would be confusing and the teacher was slow to respond to emails. The one thing that I disliked was that you were not able to look at an assignment after the due date.

How do you describe course content?

Course Description Guidelines should be no longer than 125 words. should begin most sentences with a verb. should be student-centered and explain how the reader would benefit from the course. should be written in the present tense and active voice.

How do I give feedback on course content?

Providing constructive feedbackBe specific and provide examples when commenting on the course or the instructor.Focus on observable behaviors of the instructor or particular aspects of the course. ... Ensure that your comments are respectful. ... Avoid personalization or emotional comments; instead, describe actual incidents.More items...

How do you answer what did you like about this course?

How to answer "Why did you choose this course?"Consider your interests. Think about your interests. ... Discuss your career goals. Discuss your career aspirations, and talk about how the course aligns with your career goals. ... Highlight your strengths. ... Focus on positive reasons. ... Be enthusiastic.

How can I improve my course content?

9 tips for improving your course syllabus — and the way you teach the courseReflect on how the course contributes to the students' big picture of learning. ... Align SLOs with course content – readings and assignments. ... Consider how you can help every student accomplish the goals of the course.More items...•

How do you feel about online classes?

My experience with online learning is very stressful and hard. I felt this way because of how hard it is for me to understand the assignments and having to not be able to check with your teacher face to face if you are doing it correctly or not.

How do you write a good review for a course example?

“Good to be updated on the changes that have taken place. Top marks for the instructor.” “Overall the course is going to be very useful in my day to day job.” “Really well done; made a dry subject really interesting, and clearly has a passion for traffic management that shone through!

What is your favorite course answer?

Here are some tips to help you nail this answer.Pick a class that was meaningful. ... Explain what you learned and what skills you picked up. ... Talk about whether you liked the professor and why. ... Show how this experience has shaped you.

How do I write feedback for an online class?

However, providing feedback in an online course is not as straightforward....Meaningful Feedback For Online LearnersSet Clear Expectations. ... Make It Actionable. ... Personalize It. ... Share In Audio Format. ... Be Timely. ... Encourage Peer Feedback.

Why did you choose your field of study?

Talking about how you chose your major can tell the interviewer what you're passionate about and what you see in your future. For example, if you chose to major in computer science because you've loved fixing and building computers since you were a teenager, that bodes well for your interest in a job in IT.

How can a teacher improve a course?

In this article, you'll find 7 ways that teachers can improve their lessons.Use ICT tools and digital game-based learning. ... Differentiate between students. ... Use the flipped classroom model. ... Encourage cooperative learning. ... Communicate with colleagues. ... Communicate with parents. ... Create a welcoming environment. ... Conclusion.