how to collaborate with students in an online course

by Mrs. Francesca Bradtke 7 min read

For example, in a synchronous online course, students may talk to each other – either in large or small groups using audio and/or video – and communicate through chat, among other options. However, in an asynchronous online course, students might send emails, participate in online discussions, blogs, and more.

Strategies for Effective Collaborative Learning
  1. Foster an inclusive environment & classroom community. ...
  2. Intentionally design and plan for collaborative learning. ...
  3. Communicate the purpose and expectations of the activity. ...
  4. Partner with your students. ...
  5. Engage specific technologies to facilitate collaborative learning activities.

Full Answer

How to improve online collaboration for group learning?

online collaboration skills are improved over time and students’ perceptions may depend on their experience with online courses. Hostetter and Busch (2006) found that the higher the number of online courses students had taken, the more positive their perceptions of social presence in the online course. learning.

Why online collaboration tools are important for students?

In fact, online course collaboration tools are even more advanced than they were a few years ago, allowing for more interaction between students and instructors. At Academy Xi, students who are part of intake-based courses (starting the course at the same time) have fortnightly live session videos where they can interact with one another and with the instructor.

How can an instructor improve student engagement in online groups?

9 Strategies to Promote Collaborative Online Learning Develop Measurable Learning Objectives. Developing measurable learning objectives is one of the cornerstones that... Establish Netiquette Guidelines. Many of us have had experiences with peers that have been less than kind or respectful. Give ...

Is distance learning becoming a barrier for students?

Jan 28, 2016 · Assign students to help build content into your course – Instead of spending time populating an online course with content that anyone could find with the right Google search terms, why not pass this task along to students? For instance, when I teach students about MLA citation, I’ll ask them do online research and post links and examples to a class discussion board.

How do you collaborate in online classes?

Strategies for Effective Online CollaborationBuild strong group interdependence. One design goal for any online group activity should be to build strong group interdependence. ... Keep groups small. ... Establish peer evaluation. ... Form diverse groups.

What is the best way for students to collaborate online?

What Are The Best Digital Collaboration Tools For Students?Dig social bookmarks? ... Tap into your students' love of video with Flipgrid. ... Collectively annotate YouTube videos with VideoAnt. ... Create & Collaborate Anywhere in the World with Padlet. ... Skype: Video chat, text chat, etc.Zoom: Live stream video and video chat.More items...

Can online classrooms do collaboration?

Collaborative learning in an online classroom can take the form of discussion among the whole class or team activities within smaller groups. Another categorization of collaborative activities classifies them as either process oriented or product oriented (Macdonald, 2003).

How do you promote collaboration in online learning?

Strategies for Promoting Student Collaboration in a Distance Learning EnvironmentEmpower students to create their own norms. This exercise is built upon identifying what students need from their peers and from me as their teacher. ... Emphasize student-to-student discussion that connects the individual to the learning.Sep 22, 2020

How do you make students collaborate?

Your Weekly Eureka MomentCreate Learning Activities That Are Complex. Students need a reason to collaborate. ... Prepare Students to Be Part of a Team. ... Minimize Opportunities for Free Riding. ... Build in Many Opportunities for Discussion and Consensus. ... Focus on Strengthening and Stretching Expertise. ... Reference:Nov 22, 2016

How do you get students to collaborate?

What Are The Best Collaborative Learning Tips And Strategies For Teachers?Establish clear group goals. ... Keep groups midsized. ... Establish flexible group norms. ... Build trust and promote open communication. ... For larger tasks, create group roles. ... Create a pre-test and post-test.More items...

What is online collaboration activities?

In collaborative group discussions, learners learn to listen attentively to each other and value the efforts of shared knowledge and input. Online discussion technology also helps learners respond to questions, participate, and offer peer feedback to support the sharing of new information.Jan 27, 2018

What are examples of collaborative learning?

Examples of collaborative learning activitiesEvaluating training systems. Within teams or departments, pair newer employees with more senior ones. ... Solving problems across teams. ... Developing new products. ... Explaining concepts to other departments. ... Build a collaborative learning community.Mar 2, 2022

How do you support student collaboration?

What skills do students need to develop to be effective collaborators?Be respectful of others.Value diverse contributions from others.Be able to negotiate and compromise.Be able to share ideas verbally and in written form.Take responsibility for producing high quality work within agreed timeframes.More items...•Jul 29, 2020

What is Miro for?

Miro is a collaboration platform for professional teams and classes. It is designed especially for teams working in product development, UX research and design, and learn and agile methodologies. “Whether your teams are colocated, distributed, or fully remote, Miro provides an engaging, intuitive, in-person collaboration experience with multiple options for real-time or asynchronous teamwork on an online whiteboard.”

Do groups interacted only intermittently?

“Even though the groups interacted only intermittently, they had an average quality of solution that was nearly identical to those groups that interacted constantly,” the researchers wrote. “And yet, by interacting only intermittently, these groups also preserved enough variation to find some of the best solutions, too.”

Is intermittent collaboration more effective than constant collaboration?

Studying the frequency of online course collaboration, researchers at Northeastern University and the Questrom School of Business at Boston University found that intermittent collaboration is more effective for online students than constant collaboration or no collaboration at all.

What is online learning?

According to Kearsley (2000), online learning is as much a social activity as an individual one . However, the quality and quantity of interactivity can vary dramatically from course to course. Swan (2001), citing a number of authors, identifies course design as a critical factor in determining the quantity, quality, and type of interactivity (learner interaction with content, instructors, or peers) in a course. Kearsley (nd) points to the importance of instructor skill in creating and managing interaction in online courses, particularly when collaborative learning is required. However, he also points out that most people have little formal training in how to successfully interact or work with others and that the social milieu of online activities is quite different from in-person interactions, thus requiring new skills and behaviors.

What is MDE 608?

The Learner Support in Distance Education and Training course (MDE 608) is a required course in the MDE program but can be taken at any time prior to graduation. Most students who take the course have completed at least MDE 601. Hence, the students who take MDE 608, relative to those in MDE 601, generally have more experience as online learners. The overall objective of MDE 608 is to help students develop the knowledge and skills to be able to assess learner needs and contextual demands in order to plan and implement appropriate learner support for a particular situation. The course is designed so that students acquire basic knowledge of the field of learner support and, at the same time, are given assignments that help them to build increasingly complex skills (e.g., critically analyzing literature, articulating a position and supporting it with references to the literature, working in a small group to do an environmental scan and needs assessment in a particular education or training context, applying their knowledge in designing a learner support system for a particular context).

What is Siemens' theory of learning?

Siemens (2005) proposes a contemporary theory of learning called connectivism that recognizes the impact of technology on society and ways of knowing. Although some writers have challenged both the need for a new learning theory and whether connectivism meets the parameters of theory (Kop & Hill, 2008), Siemens provides a premise and a framework that are very useful for understanding collaborative learning in an online environment. From his viewpoint, learning in the digital age is no longer dependent on individual knowledge acquisition, storage, and retrieval; rather, it relies on the connected learning that occurs through interaction with various sources of knowledge (including the Internet and learning management systems) and participation in communities of common interest, social networks, and group tasks.

Why is it important to choose the right online collaboration tool?

Choosing right tools is important for improved online collaboration for group learning. These online collaboration tools should have right functionality and should be easy to use. Only then students will feel confident and comfortable in carrying out their tasks and assignments.

What is live video chat?

Its live video chat feature enables synchronous communication among group members. Presentations, audio, chat and webcams can be effectively recorded for later viewing and sharing. So members missing the live events can view their recorded version and gain from them.

Is distance a barrier to learning?

Distance and time is no longer a barrier for imbibing knowledge. But for ensuring that students remain motivated and focused in their learning and gain the most from their interaction with their fellow students and instructors, proper strategies for learning activities need to be formulated and implemented.

Is learning limited to classrooms?

Learning is no longer limited to classrooms. The advent of new technological tools has made it possible for distantly located students to collaborate with their instructors and peers for learning new skills and acquiring enhanced knowledge. Distance and time is no longer a barrier for imbibing knowledge. But for ensuring that students remain ...

Stage 1: Find a team and choose a topic for the project

I have been facilitating international virtual team projects for over a decade with students and colleagues from different higher education institutions. Some years we divide the class into teams based on their strengths and skillsets; other years we ask students to select their own teams.

Stage 3: Decide how to approach the project

In the case of virtual teams, students might need extra help to develop their team processes. Kezsbom (2000) talks about how the team’s shared purpose sometimes does not emerge until team members have disagreed and reflected on those disagreements.

Stage 4: Undertake the project

Regardless of whether you’re asking students to collaborate on a report, undertake an experiment, or design an interface, it is essential that you provide clear guidance on what the student needs to do, where, and when—otherwise, your students will quickly become frustrated.

Concluding remarks

In this article, I outlined the key phases that student virtual teams typically go through, and how the instructor can facilitate those stages through a combination of structured e-tivities and other strategies. Each of the e-tivities and strategies can be modified to suit the project at hand.

Also on Faculty Focus

Making learning accessible through a inclusive teaching is crucial for all students …

What to do when students pass a milestone?

If your students pass a milestone, make an achievement or push through a barrier share it with the class or send a personal message of congratulations.

What are the topics of the course?

All Topics 1. Set Expectations and Model Engagement 2. Build Engagement and Motivation with Course Content and Activities 3. Initiate Interaction and Create Faculty Presence 4. Foster Interaction between Students and Create a Learning Community 5. Create an Inclusive Environment Resources References and Further Reading

How to encourage discussion among peers?

Use opportunities like office hours and breakout groups ( on Zoom, Teams, or Collaborate, for example) to encourage discussion among peers. Also, utilize discussion forums to solicit questions from your students. All students can benefit from a question asked from one student.

What is the most important aspect of a student's learning?

One of the most important aspects—if not the most important aspect—of any student’s learning is you, the instructor. Short introductions to content and course activities from you the instructor can draw attention to important concepts and provide purpose and clarity.

How long does it take for a student to grade a paper?

Allow students to track their progress and improve their work through timely grading and constructive feedback. If possible, grade papers within one week of students submitting assignments. Longer than that, students begin for forget what they have turned in.

Do all students have the same access to digital technology?

Not all students have the same access or experience with digital technologies. Be flexible and adaptable to students’ efficacy to engage in learning activities. Many students will have children at home while they are online in a sychronous class. Acknowledge the children in a favorable light and move on.
