how to cite a course in miracles in apa

by Prof. Keanu Bechtelar III 4 min read

How to cite “Miracles” by C. S. Lewis

  • APA citation Formatted according to the APA Publication Manual 7 th edition. Simply copy it to the References page as is. ...
  • Chicago style citation Formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style 17 th edition. Simply copy it to the References page as is. ...
  • MLA citation Formatted according to the MLA handbook 9 th edition. ...
  • Other citation styles (Harvard, Turabian, Vancouver, ...) ...
  • Publication details ...

Full Answer

How do you cite a course in miracles?

A Course in Miracles: Combined Volume. 3rd ed. Mill Valley, CA: Foundation for Inner Peace, 2007. Print.

How do you cite a course in APA format?

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of document. In A. Instructor (Ed.), Course number: Course title (pp.

How do you cite an online course in APA?

Online courses, including Moocs, can be cited by providing the instructors, year of course creation (if known), title of the course, site that hosts the course, and URL.

How do you cite a course?

Last Name, First Name of professor. “Title or Subject of the Lecture.” Class lecture, Course Name, College Name, Location, Month Day, Year. of Saint Rose, Albany, New York, March 8, 2009.

How do you cite a lesson in APA 7th edition?

Reference list. Professor's last name, Initial of first name. year, month and day of lecture. Lecture title in italics [Lecture recording].

How do you cite modules in APA 7th edition?

The citation should include the last name of the module note author, then the first name. The title of the module in quotation marks should be listed, followed by the location of the module lecture or lesson, and the date. An example of a module citation should look like this: Smith, Julie.

How do you cite a professor's lecture in APA?

Citing a lecture in APA Style Instead, you should usually just cite the lecture as a personal communication in parentheses in the text. State the lecturer's name (initials and last name), the words “personal communication,” and the date of the lecture.

How do you cite an Internet article in APA 7th edition?

Piece of Online Content Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of online content: Subtitle. Website Name. URL.

How do you cite a PDF in APA 7th edition?

In general, to cite a PDF in APA format, use the same formula as you would to cite a website in APA format:Last name of author, First name initials. ... Regardless, when citing online PDFs use the same formula as the PDF's source, with the addition of the URL. ... Aronson, E.More items...

How do you cite lecture slides in APA?

Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year). Lecture title [Format].

Can you cite an entire course?

Citing the Course Itself Your experience of attending the class simply cannot be replicated or retrieved. But, although the course itself is not retrievable, you may be able to find a description of the course on your school's website. If you can find it online, you can cite it!

How do I cite an online course video?

The general format for citing online videos in MLA style is as follows: "Title of video." YouTube, uploaded by Screen Name, day month year, If the author of the video is not the same as the person who uploaded the video, your citation would be formatted as follows: Author last name, First Name.

How do you cite a college?

The in-text citation identifies the source and points the reader to the works cited list, found following the document. Generally, the in-text citation should include the author's last name and the pages of the cited information, and you should place it immediately after the quoted or paraphrased text.

How do I cite an online class video?

To cite a video in MLA, you need the author, "Title of Video," publisher, uploaded by website, date, and URL. You include the period after a URL in MLA for a video citation.

How to reference all quotes?

You reference all quotes using the annotated referencing system.

How much of a course is quotation?

Course quotations do not constitute more than 25% of the work.

How many paragraphs can you use in a quote?

For quotations in any print or text work, including books, articles, study guides, magazines, blogs, websites, etc., you may freely use up to 100 paragraphs from the Course without our written permission provided that you meet all requirements in this Checklist.

Is A Course in Miracles public domain?

The only edition in the public domain, is the first English edition of A Course in Miracles which may be freely quoted. This applies only in the United States. We welcome your acknowledgment of the Foundation for Inner Peace as scribe-authorized publisher.

Is A Course in Miracles copyrighted?

The copyright for A Course in Miracles is for the Combined Volume, Second Edition ©1992 and Third Edition ©2007 by the Foundation for Inner Peace. All Rights Reserved. All derivatives of A Course in Miracles are covered by its copyright.

How Do You Cite An Online Course?

Citing content always depends on your university, course, and instructor. Therefore, you should always double-check with your professor to ensure they have no other preferences when citing course resources.

Citing Images

Citing an image you have found online, maybe directly through your course or researching on the internet, works slightly differently from the text format.

Citing Your Own Work

You may not know this, but reusing previous works written by you can actually be self-plagiarism if not cited properly.

Citing an Online Course: The Bottom Line

It’s no secret that citing can be an absolute headache. With all the different styles and requirements, it can be difficult to know where to start.

Where are in-text citations located?

In-text citations are located within the text of your paper and references are located in the references page at the end of your paper. References use a hanging indent. Click here for more information! References are double spaced . If your course material has more than one author, click here. If your course material is missing an author, date, ...

Is a reference double spaced?

Please note that according to APA formatting rules, references are double spaced in the References list (see rule 6.22 in the Publication Manual). Due to space limitations, examples of APA references provided below are single spaced.

What is APA citation?

The American Psychological Association’s ( APA) citation style is commonly used by humanities and social science students. If you’re taking those type of courses, you might find that you have to cite your course syllabus using APA guidelines. The formatting of a works cited page is very important, so pay close attention to the formatting rules.

How to cite a work cited page?

Start with your instructor’s last name if there is one. If your works cited page citation includes an author’s name, use it for your in-text citation. Start with an open parenthesis, then the author’s last name, followed by a comma.

How to cite a syllabus in text?

There are 2 ways to cite a syllabus in-text. The first is by quoting the syllabus and then citing the source at the end of the sentence. You can also integrate your citation into what you’re saying. It’s a little more complicated to cite, but can make your writing flow better. Steps.

How to indicate a syllabus in a syllabus?

Indicate that the source is a syllabus. If the title of your syllabus actually says “course syllabus,” you should include that in the name of the course. If the title of your syllabus is just the title of the course, indicate that it’s a course syllabus in brackets.

What to write if syllabus isn't part of title?

If “course syllabus” isn’t part of the title, you would write “ HIST 101: The an cient world [Course syllabus].”

How to write a history course?

Write the name of the course in italics. You should include the course name and number, as well as the full title of the course, in italics. Only the first letter of the first word of the title and subtitle should be capitalized. Then end the title with a period. Say that you’re taking a history course.

What do you write in an instructor's name?

For example, if your instructor is Professor Anita Smith, you would write “Anita Smith.”

What to do if instructor's name is not given?

If the instructor's name is not given, use the department as editor. Use the date the course pack was issued as the date of publication. If there is no date of issue, use the current semester and year for the date of publication.

What is a course pack?

Course packs are collections of materials that instructors compile from many sources. Treat the items in your course pack like articles or chapters in an edited book that are reprinted from another source. Use the name of the instructor as the editor. If the instructor's name is not given, use the department as editor.

Is a lecture considered personal communication?

Unrecorded classroom lectures are considered personal communications (works that can not be recovered by readers). APA instructs to "use a personal citation only when a recoverable source is not available. For example, if you learned about a topic via a classroom lecture, it would be preferable to cite the research on which the instructor based the lecture. However, if the lecture contained original content not published elsewhere, cite the lecture as a persona communication." (Publication manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed., 2020, p. 260)

Do you cite a lecture as a personal communication?

Unrecorded classroom lectures are considered personal communications (works that can not be recovered by readers). APA instructs to "use a personal citation only when a recoverable source is not available. For example, if you learned about a topic via a classroom lecture, it would be preferable to cite the research on which the instructor based the lecture. However, if the lecture contained original content not published elsewhere, cite the lecture as a persona communication." (Publication manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed., 2020, p. 260)

Do you cite personal communications in the text?

Personal communications are cited in the text only, not in the reference list.

How to cite a personal communication in text?

1 In-Text Citation. To cite a personal communication in text include the name of the instructor or speaker, the title of the course, the form of delivery -- such as lecture, slide presentation or discussion -- and the date, for example:

Do you need to cite a course title in APA?

While the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association does not directly address citing a course title in research writing, follow APA guidelines for creating in-text citations for personal communication, since class meetings are comprised of personal communications between instructors and students.
