how to arrange a course to learn a theory

by Ericka Ebert 8 min read

How to organize courses and learning?

Feb 21, 2021 · Learning theories are as valuable as credentials to educators; it is important to understand what will affect the learning journey of your students. The theory of constructivism has many elements. These principles outline the theory as a whole and how they affect the learning of the students. The main points are listed below: Knowledge is constructed. Every …

What is the theory of learning?

How People Learn: Introduction to Learning Theory This program introduces the main themes of the course. Teacher interviews and classroom footage illustrate why learning theory is at the core of good classroom instruction and demonstrate the broad spectrum of theoretical knowledge available for use in classroom practice.

Can learning theories apply to classroom practice?

The best way to do this is to structure content in a series of steps. By arranging content sequentially, students remember a procedure more easily. If you are developing a course on the different steps representing a certain procedure, students can organize these steps as many times as they want to ensure they understood the roadmap perfectly.

What are the 4 types of learning theories?

Undergraduate Course. Master the concepts of vocal writing and arranging and learn to write vocal charts in a number of contemporary styles, including jazz, folk, pop, and R&B. Credit: $1,497. Non-Credit: $1,250. Creative Strategies for Composition Beyond Style.

How do you structure a course?

3:378:04How to outline and structure an online course (Make an AMAZING course)YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipThink about where your student is now and the end result you'd like to create has opposite banks ofMoreThink about where your student is now and the end result you'd like to create has opposite banks of a river what major milestones. Will they need to achieve to arrive on the other side of the bridge.

How do you apply learning theories?

Make Learning Meaningful and RelevantAsk meaningful questions that focus on the deeper meaning instead of the minor details.Give students opportunities to collaborate and learn from each other.Create meaningful activities that give students the opportunity to apply new knowledge.More items...

What are the 5 major learning theories?

There are five primary educational learning theories: behaviorism, cognitive, constructivism, humanism, and connectivism. Additional learning theories include transformative, social, and experiential.Sep 9, 2021

What are the 4 theories of learning?

4 Theories of learning are Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, Cognitive Theory, and Social Learning Theory.

How do you apply behavioral learning theory in the classroom?

How can you apply this?Teacher leads the class through a topic.Students listen silently.Teacher then sets a task based on the information.Students complete the task and await feedback.The teacher gives feedback, then sets the next task.With each round of feedback, the student is being conditioned to learn the material.Feb 13, 2020

What is the most effective learning theory?

1. Behaviorist Learning Theory. Behaviorism is one of the classic learning theories; it predates cognitivism and most of the other theories we'll explore in this post. Behaviorism suggests that the learner is a 'blank slate' and that all human behavior can be caused or explained by external stimuli.Aug 27, 2019

Which learning theory is best for teaching?

Transformative learning theory is a great approach for adult education and young adult learning. Also referred to as transformation learning, transformative learning theory focuses on the idea that learners can adjust their thinking based on new information.May 30, 2020

What are the three keys of theories of learning?

This infor- mation-processing theory relies on three key aspects of the learning process: memory, knowledge, and representation.

What are the 3 learning theories?

Although there are many different approaches to learning, there are three basic types of learning theory: behaviorist, cognitive constructivist, and social constructivist.

What are the principles of learning theory?

Principles of learning, also known as laws of learning, are readiness, exercise, effect, primacy, recency, intensity and freedom.

What is learning theory PDF?

Learning theories are those that combine conceptual models at the assertion level principles for systematic knowledge of the learning activity through a series of scientific statements functional value informative, explanatory, predictive, summary, normative, in different variations of specific authors or schools.

What is the cognitive theory of learning?

Cognitive Learning Theory (CLT) is about understanding how the human mind works while people learn. The theory focuses on how information is processed by the brain, and how learning occurs through that internal processing of information.

Why is constructivism important?

The theory of constructivist learning is vital to understanding how students learn. The idea that students actively construct knowledge is central to constructivism. Students add (or build) their new experiences on top of their current foundation of understanding.

What is constructivist theory?

The constructivist theory is based around the idea that learners are active participants in their learning journey; knowledge is constructed based on experiences. As events occur, each person reflects on their experience and incorporates the new ideas with their prior knowledge.

How to implement constructivist learning?

It is not enough to simply know the theory of constructivist learning. Educators must also know how to implement it in their classrooms. Their goal is to create a welcoming environment that promotes active engagement in learning. In the theory of constructivist learning, instructors act as facilitators. They must promote collaboration and adjust their lessons based on the prior level of understanding of the class. Once they identify students’ existing knowledge, instructors must work to grow the understanding in those areas.

Why is motivation important in education?

It is crucial that educators work to motivate their students to engage in the learning journey.

What is the role of an instructor in learning?

Instructor is responsible for guided and interacting with students; negotiator role . Instructor is responsible for directing learning; authoritative role. Instructors assist students in creating knowledge with dialogue.

Is learning an active process?

Learning is an active process. Students must actively engage in discussions and activities in order to construct knowledge. It is not possible for students to take on a passive role and retain information. In order to build meaningful ideas, there must be a sensory response.

What is cooperative learning?

While most constructivist activities rely on group learning, cooperative activities are where group members are dependent on others to achieve solutions. There is no division of tasks in cooperative learning; instead, group members rely on the knowledge of others to further their own understanding.

Why do we use flash cards?

For example, they suggest that language learners use flash cards to practice vocabulary words, rather than writing the words out over and over or reading and rereading a list of words, because the flash cards force the learner to recall information from memory.

What is learning theory?

Introduction. Learning theories describe the conditions and processes through which learning occurs, providing teachers with models to develop instruction sessions that lead to better learning. These theories explain the processes that people engage in as they make sense of information, and how they integrate that information into their mental ...

How can we change people's behavior?

According to behavioral theorists, we can change people’s behavior by manipulating the environment in order to encourage certain behaviors and discourage others, a process called conditioning (Popp, 1996). Perhaps the most famous example of conditioning is Pavlov’s dog.

Who is the founder of cognitive psychology?

Cognitivism, or cognitive psychology, was pioneered in the mid-twentieth century by scientists including George Miller, Ulric Neisser, and Noam Chomsky. Whereas behaviorists focus on the external environment and observable behavior, cognitive psychologists are interested in mental processes (Codington-Lacerte, 2018).

Why is sharing learning goals important?

Sharing learning goals is an important step toward transparency, as it can help set expectations so that students understand the purpose of the lesson and activities. To illustrate relevance, we can provide concrete examples of how the learning can be applied in practice.

What is behaviorism based on?

Behaviorism is based largely on the work of John B. Watson and B. F. Skinner. Behaviorists were concerned with establishing psychology as a science and focused their studies on behaviors that could be empirically observed, such as actions that could be measured and tested, rather than on internal states such as emotions (McLeod, 2015). According to behaviorists, learning is dependent on a person’s interactions with their external environment. As people experience consequences from their interactions with the environment, they modify their behaviors in reaction to those consequences. For instance, if a person hurts their hand when touching a hot stove, they will learn not to touch the stove again, and if they are praised for studying for a test, they will be likely to study in the future

How to engage students in learning?

Engage students’ attention by tying learning to relevant events in their lives and asking stimulating questions. Inform the learner of the objective. Begin by sharing the learning goals with the students, thus setting expectations and providing a map of the learning. Stimulate recall of prior learning.

What is the history of learning theory?

History of learning theory – Teachers will become familiar with the central debates and major concepts in the history of learning theory. Learning processes and teaching for learning – Teachers will begin to uncover and articulate their assumptions, understandings, and questions about how students learn and the nature of teaching.

How long have people been trying to understand learning?

People have been trying to understand learning for over 2,000 years. A debate on how people learn began at least as far back as the Greek philosophers, Socrates (469-399 B.C.), Plato (427-347 B.C.), and Aristotle (384-322 B.C.).

What was the nineteenth century?

The nineteenth century brought about the scientific study of learning. The 20th century debate on how people learn has focused largely on behaviorist vs. cognitive psychology. Edward Thorndike (1874–1949) believed that learning was incremental and that people learned through a trial-and-error approach.

What is the theory of multiple intelligences?

Response 5: Multiple intelligences is Howard Gardner’s theory of learning which posits the idea that there is not a single way to learn, but that students have a variety of intelligences or modes of learning. According to Gardner, individuals possess varying degrees of the following eight forms of intelligence:

What are the two aspects of learning?

Second, culture is the reflection of our families, our geography, religion, language, ethnic or racial heritage.

Who is Fe MacLean?

Fe MacLean is a first grade teacher at Paddock Elementary School in Milan. Kathleen Hayes-Parvin teaches sixth grade at Birney Middle School in Southfield. Kendra Hearn was teaching at West Bloomfield High School when we taped her.

What is a theory of a relationship?

A theory is not just an idea. It is an idea that explains a set of relationships that can be tested. If the idea is supported through rigorous research, that theory is said to have empirical grounding. A theory is developed from research as well as practical experience and systematic observation.

How to organize content?

A great way to get learners to access additional content is to organize content with a cause and effect sequence. There are three ways to organize information this way: 1 There is one specific event with multiple causes. 2 There are multiple effects with a single cause. 3 There are several causes and effects

Why is chronology important in eLearning?

It´s a fact that when things are laid out in some sort of order, we can work with them more easily. Therefore by arranging information in the order it happened , learners can easily grasp the concept. This technique is appropriate to show how an idea or place has changed over time.

What is the order of importance?

Order of Importance. Organizing content in order of importance is very subjective; therefore, you have to be careful how you do it. There are three options to choose from: going from the most important to the least, from the least important to the most, or placing the most important information at the beginning and at the end.

What is Berklee online?

Berklee Online is the online school of Berklee College of Music, delivering access to Berklee’s acclaimed curriculum from anywhere in the world. We are the world’s largest online music school—30,000+ musicians from more than 140 countries have taken our courses—but classes never have more than 20 students per section.

Does Berklee offer financial aid?

Financial assistance is available for Berklee Online degree programs. This assistance may come from a variety of sources including federal awards, outside scholarships, and private loans. Federal financial aid is not available for non-degree programs.

Is Berklee online tuition cheaper than on campus?

Berklee Online’s programs have a tuition cost that is approximately 64 percent less than on-campus tuition at Berklee’s Boston campus. Moreover, a recent study revealed that the average annual tuition at for-profit colleges is more than twice as expensive as Berklee Online.



  • Learning theories describe the conditions and processes through which learning occurs, providing teachers with models to develop instruction sessions that lead to better learning. These theories explain the processes that people engage in as they make sense of information, and how they integrate that information into their mental models so that it becomes new knowledge. Lea
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General Learning Theories

  • With a basic understanding of learning theories, we can create lessons that enhance the learning process. This understanding helps us explain our instructional choices, or the “why” behind what and how we teach. As certain learning theories resonate with us and we consciously construct lessons based on those theories, we begin to develop a personal philosophy of teaching that wil…
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Developmental Stages

  • The learning theories outlined above discuss various cognitive processes involved in learning, as well as some of the motivators and conditions that facilitate learning. While these theories attempt to describe how people learn, it is important to note that individuals are not born ready to engage in all of these processes at once, nor do they necessarily all engage in the same process…
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  • Most of the educational theories and frameworks outlined in this chapter were developed with a focus on children and young adults. While many of the principles can apply to an adult audience, they do not necessarily account for the specific issues, challenges, and motivations of adult learners. Yet, many information professionals will work mostly or even exclusively with adults. A…
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  • In addition to how people learn, we should also know something about whypeople learn. What motivates a student to put the time and effort into learning a skill or topic, and what can we do to cultivate that motivation? Svinicki (2004) offers an intriguing model that amalgamates some of the prevailing theories of motivation in learning. She suggests that motivation is a factor of the p…
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Growth Mindset

  • Dweck’s (2016) mindset theory has gained much attention in the field of education over the last few decades and has some implications for student motivation. Although this theory is somewhat different in its conceptualizations than those described in the rest of this chapter, it is included here both because of its popularity and because it provides interesting insight into how instructo…
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  • Learning theories are meant to help instructors understand the processes and circumstances that enable learning and, by extension, offer guidance in developing activities and environments that best support learning. But what to make of the fact that there are so many different theories and that some contradict each other? The truth is that the human brain and its cognitive processes a…
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Suggested Readings

  • Brown, P. C., Roediger, H. L. III, & McDaniel, M. A. (2014). Make it stick: The science of successful learning.Belknap Press. Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel present an engaging and accessible overview of current research in cognitive psychology. In addition to the science, the authors offer clear examples of how recommended recall and retrieval practices can be integrated into teachi…
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  • Bartle, S. M. (2019). Andragogy. In Salem press encyclopedia. EBSCO. Brown, P. C., Roediger, H. L. III, & McDaniel, M.A. (2014). Make it stick: The science of successful learning. Belknap Press. Clark, K. R. (2018). Learning theories: Cognitivism. Radiologic Technology, 90(2), 176-179. Clouse, B. (2019). Jean Piaget. In Salem press biographical encyclopedia. EBSCO. Codington-Lacerte, C…
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