obama, of course, got his start in national politics when sealed divorce records became public

by Janiya O'Kon 9 min read

Are any Obama Records really'sealed'?

Jul 31, 2012 · The idea that any Obama record is “sealed” is a falsehood, to start. The word “sealed” when applied to documents ordinarily refers …

Are Barack Obama’s Harvard Law School records sealed?

Media reporters, journalists, political organizations, and more, have followed every lead and procedure in pursuit of Mr. Obama’s school and health records without success. His records are either missing entirely or they have been sealed by Obama’s lawyers. In either case, the result is the same: Our president does not want you to see them.

Is Obama’s birth certificate really sealed?

Aug 06, 2012 · The idea that any Obama record is "sealed" is a falsehood, to start. The word "sealed" when applied to documents ordinarily refers to records that would normally be public, but that a judge has ...

Did Obama ever disclose his law firm clients?

Aug 01, 2012 · Obama became a U.S. senator only by virtue of David Axelrod’s former employer, the Chicago Tribune, ripping open the sealed divorce records of Obama’s two principal opponents. One month before the 2004 Democratic primary for the U.S. Senate, Obama was down in the polls, about to lose to Blair Hull, a multimillionaire securities trader.

What was Barack Obama known for?

A member of the Democratic Party, Obama was the first African-American president of the United States. He previously served as a U.S. senator from Illinois from 2005 to 2008 and as an Illinois state senator from 1997 to 2004.

What did Obama major in?

Education summaryGradesDatesDegree/notes5th–12th grade1971–1979High school diploma, 1979Freshman–Sophomore year1979–1981Transferred to ColumbiaJunior–Senior year1981–1983B.A., political science major with international relations and English literature1L–3L1988–1991J.D., magna cum laude President, Harvard Law Review3 more rows

What is Barack Obama's net worth?

List of presidents by peak net worthNameNet worth (millions of 2016 US$)Political partyBarack Obama40DemocraticGeorge W. Bush39RepublicanJames Monroe30Democratic-RepublicanMartin Van Buren29Democratic41 more rows

Why is Michelle Obama a role model?

As first lady, Obama served as a role model for women and worked as an advocate for poverty awareness, education, nutrition, physical activity, and healthy eating. She supported American designers and was considered a fashion icon. After her husband's presidency, Obama's influence has remained high.

What is Melania Trump Worth on her own?

The estimated net worth of Melania Trump is $55 million. As the wife of the 45th President of the United States, Melania Trump spends her days with her husband, Donald Trump, at their resort Mar-a-largo, in Palm Beach, Florida.Mar 25, 2022

Do presidents get paid for life?

The Secretary of the Treasury pays a taxable pension to the president. Former presidents receive a pension equal to the salary of a Cabinet secretary (Executive Level I); as of 2020, it is $219,200 per year. The pension begins immediately after a president's departure from office.

What is Oprah Winfrey's net worth?

2.6 billion USD (2022)Oprah Winfrey / Net worthAlthough Oprah Winfrey ended the iconic Oprah Winfrey Show in 2011, her empire marches on, leading to her reported $2.8 billion net worth. 1 Her achievements are especially impressive given the obstacles she's overcome, including poverty, abuse, and discrimination.

What lessons can we learn from Michelle Obama?

11 Life Lessons We Learned From Michelle Obama's 'Becoming'Even If You Think It's Out Of Reach, Still Go For It. ... Sitting In A Position Of Authority Doesn't Make A Person Right. ... Someone Having A Head Start Doesn't Mean They're Smarter Than You. ... Sometimes You Can Start A Business Without Even Realizing It.More items...•Oct 23, 2020

How old is Obama today?

60 years (August 4, 1961)Barack Obama / Age

How old is Michelle Obama today?

58 years (January 17, 1964)Michelle Obama / Age

Why did Obama demand records from Occidental College?

Justice Foundation, officials at Occidental College were served with a demand to produce records concerning Barack Obama’s attendance there during the 1980s because they could document whether he was attending as a foreign national.”

Where did Barack Obama lecture?

Obama’s Scholarly Articles at the University of Chicago. No scholarly articles by Barack Obama have been found even though he lectured at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004.

Where did Barack Obama go to high school?

Barack Obama attended one of the best private high schools in Honolulu, Punahou School . He has refused to release a single transcript or his SAT scores to the public. Many citizens and media people have tried to get them and all have failed.

Why do people hide information?

People hide information about themselves because they don’t want others to know it. The reasons for their secrecy cannot be known for certain without having access to the information. If the reputation and character of the secretive person is important to other people, the mere fact of the secrecy becomes important. Moreover, the perceived significance of the hidden information grows the longer the information remains hidden. People then assume that the hidden information must be damaging or else it would be released.

When did Barack Obama go to Columbia University?

Twenty year old Barack Obama transferred to Columbia University from Occidental College in 1981. Once again, many tried and all failed to obtain Obama’s records. As always, they were (and are) sealed. Here’s what the New York Sun had to say in September of 2008:

Is Obama's transcripts sealed?

Hence, Obama’s Occidental College transcripts and financial records remain sealed. Then in 1991 when Obama’s literary agent published a booklet that listed Obama as having been “… born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii” the “foreign national” controversy was reignited. No wonder!

Is Barack Obama's passport still visible?

A clear, fully visible passport of Barack Obama is yet to be released. An unclear, blurry version of it was released on the White House website in 2010.

Is Obama's record sealed?

The idea that any Obama record is "sealed" is a falsehood, to start. The word "sealed" when applied to documents ordinarily refers to records that would normally be public, but that a judge has ruled cannot be released without the court's permission. Common examples of truly "sealed" documents include records of crimes committed as a juvenile or records of adoptions. None of the claims in this message refers to records actually "sealed" in that usual sense.

Is Obama endorsed by the Communist Party?

Besides the numbered claims, the graphic also states that Obama has been endorsed by the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). It's true that the Communist Party USA supports Obama. It claims to have about 2,000 members. Obama didn't seek the CPUSA endorsement, nor has he endorsed that group.

Where did Ryan go to school?

He went to Dartmouth, Harvard Law and Harvard Business School, made hundreds of millions of dollars as a partner at Goldman Sachs, and then, in his early 40s, left investment banking to teach at an inner city school on the South Side of Chicago. Ryan would have walloped Obama in the Senate race. But at the request of — again — ...

Why did Ryan drop out of the race?

Four days after Judge Schnider unsealed the custody records, Ryan dropped out of the race for the horror of (allegedly) propositioning his own wife and then taking “no” for an answer. Alan Keyes stepped in as a last-minute Republican candidate. And that’s how Obama became a U.S. senator.

What is Mitt Romney's problem?

Mitt Romney presents one enormous problem for Barack Obama’s campaign: No divorce records. That’s why the media are so hot to get their hands on Romney’s tax records for the past 25 years.

Did Axelrod leak the divorce?

Many people said Axelrod had “an even more significant role — that he leaked the initial story.”. Both Hull and his ex-wife opposed releasing their sealed divorce records, but they finally relented in response to the media’s hysteria — 18 days before the primary.

Did Jack Ryan have an affair with his wife?

Amid the 400 pages of filings from the custody case, Jack Ryan claimed that his wife had had an affair, and she counterclaimed with the allegation that he had taken her to “sex clubs” in Paris, New York and New Orleans, which drove her to fall in love with another man.

Did CNN cover the moon landing?

CNN covered the story like it was the first moon landing. (Interestingly, international papers also were ablaze with the story — the same newspapers that were supposed to be so bored with American sexual mores during Bill Clinton’s sex scandal.)

Did Jack Ryan release his tax records?

But at the request of — again — the Chicago Tribune, California Judge Robert Schnider unsealed the custody papers in Ryan’s divorce five years earlier from Hollywood starlet Jeri Lynn Ryan, the bombshell Borg on “Star Trek: Voyager.”. Jack Ryan had released his tax records.

What did the government claim about the GSEs?

The government claimed that the poor financial condition of the GSEs would force the Treasury to throw more money at the operations, increasing the total commitment of taxpayers and leading quickly to insolvency. It absolutely denied any foreknowledge that the firms were on the verge of massive profitability.

When did the GSEs become cash cows again?

The GSEs became cash cows again, and in 2012 the government unilaterally changed the terms of the bailout. Now, instead of taking a 10 percent dividend, the government decided that the new number it preferred was 100 percent. The GSE regulator, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), explained the new arrangement.

Is Panama Papers public?

It’s not quite the Panama papers, but one hell of a big pile of carefully guarded secrets may soon be made public. For years now, the federal government has been quietly fighting to keep a lid on an 11,000-document cache of government communications relating to financial policy. The sheer breadth of the effort to keep this material secret may not ...

Did the GSEs cause the 2008 crash?

These efforts led to record civil fines. Contrary to popular belief, the one thing they weren’t guilty of was causing the 2008 crash. As the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission later concluded, the GSEs were followers rather than leaders of the subprime craze.

How much did Obama spend on lawsuits?

Obama admin spent $36M on lawsuits to keep info secret. WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration in its final year in office spent a record $36.2 million on legal costs defending its refusal to turn over federal records under the Freedom of Information Act, according to an Associated Press analysis of new U.S.

How much did the AP get from the State Department?

The AP on Monday settled its 2015 lawsuit against the State Department for files about Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state, at AP’s request, and received $150,546 from the department to cover part of its legal fees.

Where is Tillerson traveling?

Trump’s secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, is traveling to Asia this week on a small plane without a contingent of journalists or a designated pool reporter who would send reports to the broader diplomatic press corps, departing from 50 years of practice.

Is the AP suing the FBI?

The AP has pending lawsuits against the FBI for records about its decision to impersonate an AP journalist during a criminal investigation and about who helped the FBI hack into a mass shooting suspect’s iPhone and how much the government paid to do it.

Did Obama respond to email request for comment?

A spokesman for former President Obama did not immediately respond to an email request for comment late Monday. The White House under Obama routinely defended its efforts under the information law in recent years and said federal employees worked diligently on such requests for records.

How long does Obama keep his records?

Obama puts his presidential records off-limits for 12 years. President Barack Obama has opted to keep his presidential records under wraps for 12 years after he leaves office on Jan. 20. Obama sent a letter to the National Archives in July authorizing close aide Anita Decker Breckenridge to act as his representative in the release ...

Who signed the records act?

Obama waited until year eight of his presidency to sign his. Clinton’s notice, signed in 1994, named then-first lady Hillary Clinton and close adviser Bruce Lindsey as official representatives under the Presidential Records Act.

When was Breckenridge's notice released?

The letter was released to Politico on Jan. 6 under the Freedom of Information Act. Obama’s notice, dated July 26, 2016, means that if he were to die or become incapacitated before 2029, Breckenridge would retain discretion over which advice and appointment-related records should be made public, according to Politico.

Who was Obama's close aide?

Obama sent a letter to the National Archives in July authorizing close aide Anita Decker Breckenridge to act as his representative in the release of his White House records in future decades. President Barack Obama in the Oval Office. /Pete Souza/White House.

Did Obama roll back the Bush executive order?

On his first day in office, Obama rolled back a Bush executive order that historians said gave the families of deceased presidents too much power to withhold presidential records. Anita Decker Breckenridge, National Archives, Obama puts his presidential records off-limits for 12 years, WorldTribune.com. Obama puts his presidential records ...

Did Bill Clinton say his wife was sandbagged?

Bill Clinton later said that his wife had been sandbagged and that Russert had mischaracterized the letter. “She was incidental to the letter,” the former president insisted. “It was a letter to speed up presidential releases, not to slow them down.”.

Why was Obama chosen for the keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention?

That race was a key turning point for Obama, who gained the attention of the Democratic elite during the campaign, as Chicago Magazine reported. Because the seat was crucial to Democratic control of the Senate , Obama was chosen for the keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention that year.

Who was the Republican candidate for Illinois in 2004?

In the spring of 2004, Illinois ‘ senatorial race was heating up. According to the New York Times, Republican Jack Ryan beat out his party’s other candidates in the primaries. He was facing tough competition from the Democratic candidate, a state senator and former civil rights lawyer named Barack Obama. During the primaries, candidates on both ...

What happened to Jack Ryan after the Paris incident?

After the Paris incident, Ryan told her husband that their marriage had been damaged, maybe irrevocably, by his actions. When The Chicago Tribune published the allegations in the court documents, Jack Ryan’s campaign went on the defensive. He denied the allegations and accused his wife of having an affair.

Why did Blair Hull drop out of the race?

Democrat Blair Hull, who challenged Obama in the primary, dropped out of the race after reports surfaced claiming that he had physically abused his wife.

When did Jack Ryan get married?

According to the court documents from their divorce proceedings, Jeri and Jack Ryan were married on June 15, 1991.

Who is Jeri Ryan?

Ryan faced scrutiny over the details of his contentious divorce from actress Jeri Ryan, best known for her role as Seven of Nine on Star Trek: Voyager. In June of 2004, the race for the senate seat imploded when the Chicago Tribune won a lawsuit to have the court records from the Ryans’ divorce unsealed. The contents of those records led Ryan ...

Did Jeri Ryan's marriage end?

The alleged affair was also mentioned in the papers filed for their custody lawsuit, in which Jeri Ryan insisted that their marriage did not end because she had been unfaithful to her husband. However, earlier in the document, Ryan did admit that she’d fallen in love with another man.