how to apply for reduced course load on f1 visa

by Odessa Gulgowski 7 min read

Click on the “LOGIN” button, and enter your UBIT Name and Password. Click on “F-1 Student Services” and then “Request for a Final Semester Reduced Course Load”. Complete the entire e-form and upload a copy of this form (pages 1 and 2; saved as a PDF or JPEG).

Full Answer

What is a reduced courseload for F-1 students?

Access the Academic Reduced Course Load Request on the Request Center and provide your advisor or registrar's contact information for the approval request. Once your advisor has approved the request, an international student advisor will be electronically notified.

How do I apply for a reduced courseload?

Sep 08, 2021 · If the letter is acceptable, ISSS will approve your request. If there are changes to your situation after you have submitted an RCL request, please contact ISSS. To Start. Go to the F Forms webpage to access the Reduced Course Load request and any necessary supporting documentation. Last updated: September 8, 2021.

How do I drop a course while on F-1 status?

Reduced Course Load. F-1 students are required to maintain full-time student status every semester they are in the United States. Please read the following appropriate handouts to see if you are eligible for a Reduced Course Load. Reduced Course Load for Undergraduate Students; Reduced Course Load for Graduate Students

Where to find regulations addressing reduced course loads for M-1 students?

Click on the “LOGIN” button, and enter your UBIT Name and Password. Click on “F-1 Student Services” and then “Request for a Final Semester Reduced Course Load”. Complete the entire e-form and upload a copy of this form (pages 1 and 2; saved as a PDF or JPEG). Both the student and the academic advisor must sign the form.

General Information

Designated school officials (DSOs) must be familiar with Department of Homeland Security (DHS) standards for what equals a full course of study at their schools. F-1 and M-1 students normally must enroll in a full-time course load each term to keep their F-1 and M-1 status. Sometimes a DSO may excuse a student from this rule.

Reasons for Reduced Course Loads

Regulations provide limited reasons for granting an RCL. Reasons for an RCL differ between F and M students.

Authorizing a Reduced Course Load Process at a Glance

For students to keep F-1 and M-1 status, a DSO must approve all RCLs. The DSO does this by entering the RCL reason and RCL start and end dates in the “Authorize to Drop Below Full Course” option on the student’s SEVIS record. Once the DSO submits the information to SEVIS, the RCL is approved and the student may drop the requested courses.

Cancel Authorize to Drop Below Full Course

An Authorize to Drop Below Full Course request can be cancelled at any point before the approved Authorization Start Date.

Correcting Information about an Approved RCL

Sometimes DSOs need to change RCL information in SEVIS. They can update the RCL reason and end date if the RCL segment has not yet ended. They cannot:

How long can you have a reduced course load?

A reduced course load for medical conditions can be granted for no more than 12 months in the aggregate during any one course of study. Final semester: Students in their last semester of studies may be authorized for reduced courseload, if less than 12 points (or the equivalent) are needed to complete their program.

How many points are counted toward a full course of study?

No more than one on-line/distance education class or 3 points per semester may be counted toward the full course of study requirement in the fall and spring terms. An on-line/distance education class is defined as one which does not require physical attendance at Teachers College to complete the course.

Do you have to study during summer break?

You are not required to study during the summer vacation period, unless you are admitted to start your program in the summer. If you choose to enroll in courses during the regularly scheduled summer break, you may study on a part-time or full-time basis according to your own interest.
