when talking about a course is it capitalized

by Marley Upton 4 min read

When you are talking about the name of a specific class or course, such as Math 241 or Chemistry 100, always capitalize it. Capitalize course titles such as History of the French Revolution and Childhood Psychology.

Do you capitalize the names of courses?

When you are talking about the name of a specific class or course, such as Math 241 or Chemistry 100, always capitalize it. Capitalize course titles such as History of the French Revolution and Childhood Psychology.

Should the word the be capitalized when referring to a word?

When referring to a proper noun that it capitalized, do not capitalize the word “the” that precedes it. For example, you’d write: the New York Times. 5. Not Subjects, but the Name of a Course

Do you capitalize fields of study?

In the English language there are some specific rules for capitalization. One of them has to do with whether or not you should capitalize fields of study. Do you capitalize fields of study? The simple answer to this is that academic degrees are capitalized only when the full name of the degree is used (e.g. Bachelor of Arts, Master of Science).

Should the name of a school subject be capitalized?

Follow the guidelines below when deciding whether to capitalize the name of a school subject, a course or a degree. Capitalize the names of languages. Marjorie studied French at university. Hal is majoring in English.

Do you capitalize the name of a field of study?

However, the “rulebook” instructs that most subject or content areas are not capitalized, because they aren't “proper nouns.” Proper nouns are specific persons, places or things. Therefore, do not capitalize fields of study (e.g. biology, business, education, leadership, psychology, environmental science, etc.).

When talking about a degree do you capitalize it?

Academic degrees are capitalized only when the full name of the degree is used, such as Bachelor of Arts or Master of Engineering. General references, such as bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree, are not capitalized.

Should a college course title be capitalized?

Course titles Official names of academic courses are capitalized.

Are bachelors and masters degrees capitalized?

General references, such as bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree, are not capitalized. Use an apostrophe (possessive) with bachelor's degree and master's degree, but not in Bachelor of Arts or Master of Science.

How do you write an education degree?

Academic degrees are capitalized only when the full name of the degree is used, such as Bachelor of Arts or Master of Social Work. General references, such as bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree, are not capitalized. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in 2008. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in communication in 2008.

Are course names italicized?

Headlines and course titles are not italicized.

Do you capitalize course names in a cover letter?

Capitalize correctly But when writing your cover letter, it's best to only capitalize the names of actual courses, schools and subjects. Do not capitalize when making a general reference to a profession or industry, as it tends to divert the reader's attention away from your actual message.

Are biology classes capitalized?

Class names are only capitalized in a sentence if they are proper names. For example, English is the name of a language, and is therefore a proper name, and must always be capitalized. Biology on the other hand is not a proper name, and so isn't capitalized.

Why are college majors not capitalized?

College majors are not capitalized because they are not proper nouns (a noun – person, place, or thing – that identifies a single entity; e.g. London, Sara, Microsoft). Only proper nouns are capitalized. For instance you’d say, “I majored in physics, but flunked Physics 101.”. In this sentence, the word physics is a generic word but ...

What does an apostrophe mean in a letter?

An apostrophe is a punctuation mark that is used to indicate possession. When you’re mentioning that something is either a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree you’ll want to use this punctuation mark in your writing. However, when you’re writing out the full name of the degree (e.g. Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts) you don’t need ...

Do you capitalize AP?

According to the Associate Press Stylebook (AP) you should never capitalize anything that refers to a degree in general terms. However, when you are making reference to a specific degree (e.g. Bachelor of Arts) you should always make sure that it’s capitalized.

Do you omit periods when a degree is abbreviated?

When you are abbreviating an academic degree you should omit the periods. The only time you shouldn’t do so is when the periods are being used for traditional or consistency’s sake. One example of this is a university bulletin that’s always used periods to abbreviate the degrees that their faculty members hold (e.g. B.A., Ph.D., M.S.). It’s important to note that these abbreviations should only be used in text when you have several people whom you need to identify alongside their academic degree. Doing so while also listing their full names would appear cumbersome here.

Do you need an apostrophe for a masters degree?

However, when you’re writing out the full name of the degree (e.g. Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts) you don’t need to use an apostrophe. You also should never use an apostrophe when making reference to either an associate or a doctoral degree.

Do you capitalize a masters degree?

When you are simply making a general reference to a degree (master’s, doctoral, bachelor’s), there’s no need to capitalize them. For instance: She earned a bachelor’s degree in 1997. With most types of writing it is preferred to simply use the general terms (e.g. bachelor’s / bachelor’s degree; master’s / master’s degree; doctorate / doctoral degree) instead of writing out the full name of the degree or even just its initials. Only when someone has a MD (medical degree) after their name are they to be referred to as “Dr.” and then you should only refer to them in this manner when you first reference them in your writing.

Who is Fred Franklin?

Fred Franklin, M.D., Doctor of Endocrinology. But if you’re being less formal: Fred Franklin is the facility’s doctor of endocrinology. While this grammatical rule isn’t commonly understood, in short there are only a few times when you should capitalize a medical specialty.

What are the rules for capitalizing?

11 Common Capitalization Rules. 1. First Word of a Sentence. This is one of the first rules you learn when writing in English. You always capitalize the first word of a sentence. No matter if it’s a statement, question or exclamation, it should start with a capital letter! 2.

What are some examples of proper nouns?

Proper nouns are specific people, places or things and they get capitalized. Examples include: countries, street names, nationalities, and languages. 8. Time Periods and Events. If you want to reference a specific time period or major event, you must capitalize it.

Do you capitalize the first word of a list of items?

When you use a colon to initiate a list of items, you do not capitalize the first word. The same goes for semicolons that are used to connect two independent sentences. Even though the sentence that comes after a semicolon is a complete thought, it’s being paired with the first sentence, so the first letter remains as lowercase.

Do you capitalize academic subjects?

When referring to the title of a specific course in university, then you would capitalize it, but you do not capitalize academic subjects. For example, you may say, “I am enrolled in Nutrition as part of the health science program at University of the People .”

Do you capitalize "Jr"?

When you’re writing your own or someone else’s name, it should be capitalized, including suffixes like “Jr.”. The same goes for proper nouns. Titles of people can be a tricky case, however. When you are using the title to represent a specific person or as their designation before their name, then it is capitalized.

Can you get better at capitalizing in English?

The truth of the matter with English rules is that you can only get better with practice. And practice takes time! You’re bound to run into exceptions to rules and questionable circumstances, too. However, if you can try to remember these capitalization rules, then you are setting yourself up for success to be able to write more fluently and properly.

Is a quote capitalized?

First Words of a Quote. When it comes to quote s, capitalization also depends on context. If you are using a quote as a complete sentence in itself or as dialogue, then it’s capitalized. For example, you would write: He said, “Capitalization rules can be confusing.”. But, if you insert the quote as part of your own writing, ...

Do I italicize course names?

Capitalize titles of courses, but do not italicize or enclose in quotes: Introduction to Communication Writing.

Is Mexican a proper noun?

These adjectives are capitalized because they are proper adjectives and based on proper nouns, which we capitalize too (Mexican: Mexico; American: America; English: England). A proper noun names a specific object, while a common noun names a general object.

Are job titles capitalized in Spanish?

To summarize the capitalization of job titles, you capitalize the job title when it comes immediately before the name, in a formal context or in direct address. It is not generally capitalized if it comes after the person’s name, or if there is a “the” before it.

Are course names capitalized?

You should capitalize school subjects when they are proper nouns. When you are talking about the name of a specific class or course, such as Math 241 or Chemistry 100, always capitalize it. Capitalize course titles such as History of the French Revolution and Childhood Psychology.

What is not capitalized in Spanish?

As a general rule of thumb, things that are not on a map are not capitalized. In other words: names of languages, nationalities, religions, days of the week, months of the year, the word “yo” are not capitalized. Things on a map include: names of countries and states and cities, and names of bodies of water.

Is Don capitalized in Spanish?

Simple answer: no, you don’t! At least, you don’t in Spanish. However, the abbreviations D. and D.

Are class names capitalized in Spanish?

Capitalize “Spanish” because it is a subject name that comes from the name of a country. Subject names that come from the names of countries must be capitalized. Titles of School Courses. Capitalize the titles of courses, but not subjects (unless they come from the name of a country).

How to capitalize a college?

The more words you capitalize, the more you complicate your text. 2. Capitalize the formal (complete) names of university colleges and departments: College of Arts and Letters. Comptroller’s Office.

What is a sentence case?

Sentence case capitalizes the first letter of the first word and proper nouns in a title—just like in a regular sentence. Use sentence case for marketing materials. Title case uses capital letters for the principal words. Articles, conjunctions, and prepositions do not get capital letters unless they start the title.

When to capitalize a title?

1. Capitalize when the title is part of the name and directly precedes it: 2. Use lowercase when the title is a descriptive tag: 3. Use lowercase when the title follows the name: These rules also apply to titles such as president, provost, director, dean, chair, and other academic titles.

What degree does Jeff have?

This rule does NOT apply when writing informally about academic degrees from other institutions. bachelor of science. Jeff earned a bachelor of science degree. bachelor’s degree. Julie earned a bachelor’s degree in communications. master’s degree. The university offers a master’s degree in biology.

When did Rita Hartung Cheng become president?

Rita Hartung Cheng became president in 2014. Exception: Capitalize titles that follow names in formal contexts, such as lists in the front areas of reports and books, (see rule 6). 4. Capitalize named chairs or professorships that include the academic title and titles such as Distinguished Professor. 5.

Do you capitalize Northern Arizona University?

Do not capitalize university unless used within a complete, formal title. Northern Arizona University offers courses in a variety of disciplines through the Grand Canyon Semester. The university partners with Grand Canyon National Park to offer courses in the field. 4.


Lowercase prepositions, regardless of length, except when they are used adverbially or adjectivally ( up in Look Up, down in Turn Down, on in The On Button, to in Come To, etc.) or when they compose part of a Latin expression used adjectivally or adverbially ( De Facto, In Vitro, etc.).

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Rules for Capitalizing School Subjects

School subjects are common nouns and when writing them, follow the English rule of writing common nouns. If you are not familiar with the rule, it states that common nouns are not given any special consideration when writing English words, and that is why there is no need to capitalize them.

Rules-Based On Types of School Subjects

You also need to adhere to the sentence writing rule when writing school subjects. That means if the subject you are discussing comes at the beginning of a sentence, then you should capitalize it.

Exceptions for Capitalizing School Subjects

School subjects can sometimes be proper nouns depending on how you use them in a sentence. In such instances, then you will have to capitalize them.

More Alternative Rules When Capitalizing School Subjects

The other alternative rule when capitalizing the school subjects is talking about a particular subject as an academic degree.

10 Examples of Correct School Subjects Word Use In Sentences

Reading different sentences with the school subjects and keenly looking at how they are used will help you better understand capitalization rules. Practicing is the key to learning and understanding the rules of capitalization. Here are examples of sentences to help you learn more about capitalization rules.


The rules of English writing are numerous, especially when it comes to capitalization. In fact, if you dig deeper into these rules, it might seem like a new language you are learning. However, when you understand the rules, you will notice that everything is not very difficult.

By Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He's one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don't even want to know what he calls pancakes.
