The grievance or appeal must be presented in writing before the end of the semester following the semester in which the matter occurred or the grade was assigned.
The grievance or appeal must be presented in writing before the end of the semester following the semester in which the matter occurred or the grade was assigned. Information and forms for filing an academic grievance or grade appeal may be obtained on the Student Affairs–Forms website or by calling Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs at (818) 677-2391.
Filing Deadlines for Academic Grievance and Grade Appeals; Courses in which the final grade was posted AGGA complaint form must be submitted by; After Fall 2012 and prior to Spring 2013: 5/24/13: Spring 2013 or Summer 2013: ... Northridge, CA 91330-8239 Telephone (818) 677-2391 Fax (818) 677-5597. Hours Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. AskMatty.
See below for acceptable conditions to appeal. Please note, only two appeals may be approved for each academic program of study at CSUN. For example, only two appeals may be approved …
GPA Requirements for Graduate Programs Policy. Students pursuing a graduate degree must maintain a minimum 3.0 (“B”) GPA in the formal program and in the cumulative grade point …
You can appeal against decisions made by LSE examination boards, including the School Board of Examiners, the Graduate School Board of Examiners, any sub-board of Examiners, and the LLB Board of Examiners.
To deliver by email, find your group below:First-Time Freshman Applicant - Please submit your appeal to: [email protected] Transfer or Previously Disqualified Applicant - Please email your appeal to: ... Financial Appeals - Email your appeal with the Subject Line: Financial Appeal to:
Ordinarily, during the first four weeks of the Fall or Spring semester, students may add, drop or change the basis of grading online through myNorthridge Portal using the self-service registration system, or later by filing a Late Change in Academic Schedule for Undergraduate Students form.
How to Appeal a Grade in College: 4-Step GuideStep 1: Check the College's Grade Change Policy. Every college sets its own grade-change policies. ... Step 2: Contact Your Professor. ... Step 3: Contact the Department Chair. ... Step 4: File Grade Dispute Paperwork.
What is academic probation? A student is placed on academic probation if his/her cumulative or CSUN grade point average (GPA) drops below 2.0. Once both the overall and CSUN GPAs are 2.0 or higher the student will be removed from academic probation. (Note: The Major GPA does not affect Probation Status.)
Disqualification of Undergraduate Students First Disqualification Any student whose cumulative GPA is below a 1.0 will be disqualified immediately without first being placed on probation.
Letter Grading Grades A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D- indicate passing grades; F indicates failure.
Undergraduate students may take an individual course no more than three times. Only one repeat per course is permitted for improving the grade, with the higher of the two grades counted in the student's GPA.
Credit/No Credit options have no impact to GPA. GPA remains the same. Credit/No Credit options however, may impact PACE (percentage rate for courses completed/units attempted).
To get your professor to change your grade, ask them for an appointment to discuss your grade. You're probably frustrated about your grade, but try to be polite and respectful to your professor at all times so they'll be more happy to help you.
You should consider carefully if appealing is the right course of action for you. An appeal will only be successful if either an error is found or the grade awarded or the selection of evidence are found to be an unreasonable exercise of academic judgement.
Make sure you write a polite email to your professor with your request. Justify the need for better grades, and explain how it influences your GPA. Mention that you've realised your mistake and will do your best next time. Let the teacher know that there is some good reason behind this.
A grade appeal may be filed when a student believes a grade is based on error, violation of University rule or policy, refusal by the instructor to report a grade, discrimination or other improper conduct toward the student.
If the matter cannot be resolved in this manner, the student may file a formal grievance or grade appeal. The grievance or appeal must be presented in writing before the end of the semester following the semester in which the matter occurred or the grade was assigned.
Grade appeals based wholly or in part on a subjective or qualitative judgment of an instructor will not be considered by the Board. Students should attempt to resolve matters informally with the faculty member prior to filing an academic grievance or grade appeal.
If you do not meet one or more of the standards for each measure, you will not be eligible for grants, work-study or federal loans at CSUN until you regain eligibility by meeting all standards or file an appeal that is approved. A notice will be emailed to you detailing the standards that have not been met.
To comply with federal and state requirements, Cal State Northridge has adopted an annual Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy to measure whether a student, who is otherwise eligible for financial aid, is maintaining satisfactory progress toward the completion of his or her educational objective.
If at any point it becomes clear that a student will not be able to graduate within the maximum units allowed, then the student becomes ineligible for aid.
If a repeated course is not eligible for funding, the student may have to repay funds. Students who exceed the university limit of 18 CR/NC units while in a degree, credential or certificate-granting program are subject to review for eligibility.
Undergraduates are limited to 168 attempted units (140 percent of units required to graduate) and are ineligible for further financial aid at the undergraduate level. Post-baccalaureate students are capped at approximately 140 percent attempted units of the total units required for their academic program (see chart below).
Students disqualified by the university are ineligible for financial aid based on grade point average standards. Students are not eligible for financial aid until they are officially readmitted to Cal State Northridge. Students readmitted to the university are responsible for notifying the Financial Aid & Scholarship Department ...
Academic progress can be reevaluated at any time throughout the year by a member of the Financial Aid & Scholarship Department staff, academic personnel or school administrators.
A maximum of 18 semester units with restrictions may be applied toward the bachelor’s degree for CSUN “Credit/No Credit’’ graded courses. If 18 or more semester “Credit/No Credit’’ graded units are accepted in transfer from other institutions, no additional “Credit/No Credit” graded CSUN courses may be used to satisfy degree requirements.
Grades are available through myNorthridge Portal and the SOLAR Student Center approximately one week after the final exam period. Any discrepancies should be reported to Admissions and Records so that they may be promptly investigated. The grade report reflects cumulative units earned, including units that may not be applicable to degree requirements. Cumulative baccalaureate-level degree units …
A graduate student may repeat up to 6 units in which a grade of “B-” or below has been earned. In these cases, only the most recent grade will count. Students seeking a second master’s degree will be allowed to repeat up to 6 units in which a grade of “B-” or below has been …
The University considers all grades reported at the end of each semester to be final. Students are responsible for reviewing their grades for accuracy before the end of the subsequent semester. Students who believe they have received a grade in error should promptly ask the instructor to verify and, if appropriate, correct the grade. Grades …
Students who carry a minimum of 12 graded semester units (CR/NC courses do not apply) and who achieve a GPA of 3.5 or better are awarded Dean’s List standing for that semester. Students whose minimum unit load includes courses from The Tseng College may apply for Dean’s List standing if the Extension courses are required …
A grade of CR, indicating passed with credit, is given for work equivalent to “C” or better for undergraduate students and for work equivalent to “B” or better for post-baccalaureate and graduate students . NC, indicating no credit, is given for work equivalent to C-, D+, D, D- or F for undergraduate students and for work …
The University recognizes that undergraduate students may need to repeat one or more courses in order to fulfill degree requirements and/or enhance previously acquired skills. However, students should seek academic advisement before deciding to repeat any course. Students should be aware that other institutions (e.g., medical schools, graduate programs, law schools) might not recognize this repeat …
CSUN uses the traditional A-F grading system and a non-traditional system of Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) as explained in the Policies and Procedures section of this Catalog. Note the following provisions:
An incomplete shall not be assigned when a student would be required to attend a major portion of the class when it is next offered. An incomplete (I) must be changed to a grade within one calendar year immediately following the end of the semester in which it was assigned.
The “RP” grade must be converted to a traditional letter grade within two years. Any extension of the time limit must receive prior authorization by submitting a Graduate Petition form to the Associate Vice President of Graduate Studies.
Report in Progress (RP): A grade of Report in Progress (“RP”) is assigned for Thesis/Graduate Project and similar courses where assigned work frequently remains to be completed at the end of the semester in which the grade is given. The “RP” grade must be converted to a traditional letter grade within two years. Any extension of the time limit must receive prior authorization by submitting a Graduate Petition form to the Associate Vice President of Graduate Studies.
A student may receive the master’s degree with distinction by maintaining a 3.885 or higher GPA on all formal master’s degree program coursework. The notation “With Distinction’’ is posted with the degree on the transcript, and also will appear on the diploma.
A graduate student may repeat up to 6 units in which a grade of “B-” or below has been earned. In these cases, only the most recent grade will count. Students seeking a second master’s degree will be allowed to repeat up to 6 units in which a grade of “B-” or below has been …
Academic Probation Students enrolled in a graduate program (certificate, master’s, or doctoral) will be placed on academic probation at the end of the semester when their cumulative GPA falls below 3.0. Failure to raise their cumulative GPA to 3.0 in the following semester of enrollment will result in disqualification. (Refer to Grading in the Regulations …
Download, save and complete this form. Then print, sign and date it. Mail the paper form to Admissions & Records, or email it from your CSUN Gmail address to [email protected].
A $47 processing fee is required at the time of application whether online or on paper (an additional $10 late fee will be assessed after the application deadlines ).
Add classes after Week 12 of the current fall or spring terms, retroactively for a prior term, or after the published deadline to add in winter or summer sessions.
Drop classes or change grading basis after Week 4 of the current fall or spring term (or the equivalent for winter/summer sessions) or retroactively for a prior term. Only serious and compelling reasons are considered.
Admissions and Records may accommodate a request for a letter when students have a special need that is not met by a standard university document.
Students requesting a time extension to complete work for a course in which they have received a grade of incomplete ("I") should submit this form PRIOR to the end of the calendar year which follows the original assignment of the "I" grade.
Students requesting a grade of Incomplete ("I") should use this form. An "I" may be assigned when a portion of the required course work has not been completed and evaluated in the prescribed time period due to unforeseen, but fully justified, reasons and that there is still a possibility of earning credit.