how to add students from gmu into my canvas course

by Dr. Fermin Jerde 3 min read

How do I add users to a canvas course?

Mar 22, 2021 · On the course menu, go to the Control Panel and select Customization . Select Properties from the options. On the Properties page, scroll down to the SET AVAILABILITY section. Set Make Course Available to Yes. Important!

What information do students and faculty get from canvas?

If you cannot add a user to your course, your institution has restricted this feature. Open People In Course Navigation, click the People link. Add People Click the Add People button. Select User Search To add a user, you can search for users with up to one of three options: email address, login ID, or SIS ID.

What is included in a canvas course package?

Mason Employees. Senior Citizens. All students must have a student record free of financial and administrative holds to be eligible to register. Students are strongly encouraged to consult with an advisor before registering for classes. Undergraduates may locate their academic advisor on the undergraduate Advising Home Page.

How do I interact with a user without a canvas account?

Sep 05, 2018 · How do students access Blackboard Courses? All users access Blackboard through the myMason portal. To access Blackboard, log in to and select the Courses tab. Faculty and students will gain access to their courses from this location. Last modified: September 5, 2018.

What is a designer in a course?

Designers can add other users to the course, access course content, create discussions, announcements, assignments, quizzes, and other content filled features. This role is appropriate for instructional designers, instructional coaches, or program managers who work with instructors to design their courses.

What is trust account?

Trust accounts allow users to be added with the same credentials across multiple institutions. Users are not sent a course invitation until the course start date. (The start date is commonly the term date, unless the term is being overridden by a specific course or section date in Course Settings.)

What are the roles of a teacher?

Standard roles include Teaching Assistants (TAs), Observers, and Designers: 1 TAs provide course support and have some or all of the same permissions granted to instructors. 2 Observers can be linked to a student and view student progress in the course. Observers can include parents, guardians, and/or mentors. 3 Designers can add other users to the course, access course content, create discussions, announcements, assignments, quizzes, and other content filled features. This role is appropriate for instructional designers, instructional coaches, or program managers who work with instructors to design their courses.

Do you include names in enrollment list?

If you searched for users in a format that includes a user’s name, any selected users will automatically include the users' names in the enrollment list [1]. You can make adjustments to the user name, if necessary.

Knowledge Base

Home > Help & Support > Knowledge Base > Teaching & Learning > Blackboard > Blackboard for Faculty & Staff > Blackboard FAQs (Faculty & Staff) > How do students access Blackboard Courses?

How do students access Blackboard Courses?

All users access Blackboard through the myMason portal. To access Blackboard, log in to and select the Courses tab. Faculty and students will gain access to their courses from this location.
