how long is the faith in finance course to chalmers

by Lisa Nader 10 min read

Faith & Finances is a financial education ministry created by The Chalmers Center. The 12-week class empowers those who struggle financially with practical money management skills, biblical stewardship principles, and supportive relationships.

Who is Faith & Finances training for?

If you...Are located in the United StatesAre doing ministry work with people who are poor at your church or nonprofitHave buy-in from the leadershi...

When does training start?

Our training happens online, so you can access it from anywhere at any time. You’ll watch videos and complete assignments using our online training...

What's different about Faith & Finances?

There are lots of financial education tools out there—but most aren’t designed for people living at the poverty line. Let’s face it: when someone i...

Will Faith & Finances work for my church or nonprofit?

We’ve trained more than 700 churches and nonprofits all over the country to start Faith & Finances ministries in their communities. We’re confident...

What topics are covered in Faith & Finances?

Check out a sample of our curriculum! Our curriculum addresses a wide range of financial basics, including:How money affects our relationshipsHow v...

I have another question. How can I get in touch?

Drop us a line on our Contact Us page. We’d be glad to help!

About the Author

We equip local churches to address the broken relationships at the root of poverty, living out Jesus’ Kingdom today.

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What Do We Do?

Faith & Finances training was created by our partners at the Chalmers Center to provide provide faith-centered financial education for people in vulnerable communities.

How Can Churches and Faith-Based Non-Profits Get Involved?

Certified leaders in your church or ministry to become trained facilitators:

We Have Trained More Than 62 Local Facilitators

Click on this link to see a list of area churches and CBOs that are certified. Feel free to contact a facilitator from the churches and agencies listed to ask about an upcoming class or facilitate a class for your group.

The Goal and the Gaps

Our goal is to get Faith & Finances (F&F) in to or near the top 45 concentrated poverty neighborhoods of Fresno. The map is interactive. Pins on the left show institutions and churches with trained F&F facilitators in proximity to concentrated poverty neighborhoods. Many more neighborhoods have no trained facilitator near them.

Upcoming Facilitator Training

The entire faith and finances facilitator training course is held online. Six Week Online Training is self paced starting November 8, 2021. Weekly check-ins on Tuesdays at 10:30 am.

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