how to accomplish a widespread rollout of a new wireless system course study

by Prof. Agnes Waters 8 min read

What should you consider when rolling out a network upgrade?

Wireless# Guide to Wireless Communications 34 Rollout to All Users • Most efficient way to do a widespread rollout is in phases – Start with just one department or unit of the business • IT staff will be able to deal with problems more easily • If project is not finished, users should be alerted

What are the best practices for implementing a wireless network?

NETW 589 Entire Course Wireless Communication NETW 589 Case Study Wireless Communication Week 5 Keller 12 Power Point Slides Plus Speaker Notes. Case Description. The organization you work for has leased a building next door to the existing building. The local area networks in the new building and the existing building must be linked to each other.

How can I improve my wireless network performance?

Sep 21, 2016 · AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone Service) is a standard system for cellular telephone services in the United States and… (TCO G) Describe an efficient way to accomplish a widespread rollout of a new wireless system. (Points : 25) Top of Form. Bottom of Form. Top of Form. Bottom of Form

What is a fully managed wireless solution?

Technology step-by-step. 1. Evaluate your needs. Talk to users to find what benefits a wireless network would provide. Take a hard look at the impact of adding wireless networking to your ...

How much bandwidth does a wireless network consume?

If the building is on a high school or college campus, that figure will be closer to 80 to 90 percent . In other words, a wireless network can reach near capacity even when no one is actively using it.

Why does Wi-Fi degrade over time?

Wi-Fi networks don’t stay in top condition on their own. The inevitable moves, additions and changes of people, furniture and everything else within an organization will cause the network to degrade over time and provide less-than-optimum service to users.

What is a security manager suspicious of?

Security managers tend to be fairly suspicious of wireless networks. If user credentials are all that is required to connect, then a stolen set of credentials could provide an easy pathway into the network via wireless or virtual private network (VPN) connections.

Is it necessary to have access to Wi-Fi while visiting an organization?

Accommodating guest access to wireless networks is generally considered a requirement for enterprise wireless installations. Guests commonly have a legitimate need to connect to the Internet while visiting an organization. Although some road warriors may use alternative technologies, such as 3G or 4G wireless, to bypass local Wi-Fi networks, it is important to plan how other guests will connect to the organization’s WLAN.

Why are optical wireless systems important?

Optical wireless systems provide a high degree of physical security if only because the signals are difficult to intercept. They typically take place high above ground. This, in and of itself, helps protect it from tampering and intrusion. Furthermore, optical wireless networking transmissions occur on the physical, or layer 1, level. Optical and copper cables are far more vulnerable to unauthorized access. The level of difficulty of interception of optical wireless signals that using narrow beam technology makes this form of network communication the most appealing choice for establishing communications between remote locations. This chapter focuses on free space optics (FSO) and the security that has been developed to protect its transmission, and presents an overview of the basic technology. Security of communications is thought of primarily as having to do with the security of the data itself. Of secondary, yet no less important, interest is the physical security. Tapping into communication links that traverse public space is very difficult to detect, and cabling and fiber are very vulnerable once they leave the building and enter basements, attics, tunnels, and other untended locations. The topic of optical wireless security is one of physical security. On the physical layer, it is one of the most secure forms of communication. On a higher level, at the protocol level, technologies such as AES128 or 256 encryption provide excellent security and can be implemented with optical systems in the same manner as any other system, there are no special considerations.

What is wireless security?

Wireless Security. Wireless systems have many uses in security, including retail loss prevention, proximity access cards, vehicle tag readers, wireless alarm transmitters/receivers, and digital infrastructure for entire security systems. Understanding the capabilities and limitations of these systems is the key to success or failure as ...

What is multi user diversity?

In a multi-user wireless system, different users suffer from different and independent channel conditions resulting in, at a given time instant, some users experiencing better conditions than others. Users with better channel conditions are the ones that can perform a more efficient channel use. A scheduler with CSI is able to exploit this situation by scheduling the best user and thus realize a multi-user diversity (MUD) gain.

What is 4G wireless?

Future wireless systems such as a fourth-generation (4G) system will need flexibility to provide subscribers with a variety of services such as voice, data, images, and video. Because these services have widely differing data rates and traffic profiles, future generation systems will have to accommodate a wide variety of data rates. DS-CDMA has proven very successful for large-scale cellular voice systems, but there are concerns whether DS-CDMA will be well-suited to non-voice traffic. The DS-CDMA system suffers inter-symbol interference (ISI) and multi-user interference (MUI) caused by multipath propagation, leading to a high loss of performance.
