how much is one course columbus state

by Terrence Schuster 9 min read

Based on published tuition prices, we estimate the current cost of a 4 year bachelor's degree and living expenses at Columbus State University to be $90,204 - assuming graduation in normal time. The estimation assumes a 0.9% annual increase over the next 4 years which has been the recent trend for this school. Credit Hour Cost and Price per Class

Full Answer

How much is it per credit hour at Columbus State?

Ohio residents are charged a combined instructional and general fee of $167.93 per credit hour. This fee includes a $147.43 instructional fee and a $20.50 general fee.

How much is it per credit hour at Ohio state University?

Tuition Schedule 2021-22 (per semester)
Credit HoursInstructional FeeOhio Resident Total
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What is the cost of tuition at Columbus State University?

How much is a semester at Columbus State University?

Tuition for online undergraduate CSU courses is $182.13 per semester hour plus the technology, institutional, and student activity fees.

How much does OHIO State tuition cost?

How much does OHIO State cost per semester?

An academic year is two semesters of full-time enrollment.
Billed expenses
Tuition (includes instructional and general fees)
Ohio residentColumbus: $11,936 Regional campus: $8,550 CFAES Wooster (ATI): $8,508
Room and board
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How much is the application fee for Columbus State University?

Each application that is submitted requires a non-refundable application fee of $40. Once an application is submitted, it will be considered incomplete until all required items are received.

How much is capital tuition?

Does Columbus State give scholarships?

Columbus State University students can access scholarships through institutional, external, and state funding sources. Typically, scholarships are based on need (income) or merit (academic, athletic, or artistic achievement).

How much do dorms cost at Columbus State?

CSU Housing and Meal Plan Costs

CSU offers students separate housing and dining options. The on-campus housing price for a standard student was $5,990 in 2020, and the cost of an average meal plan was $4,160.

How much does it cost to live on campus at Columbus State University?

The Cost of Attendance includes tuition, fees, on-campus room and board (or a housing and food allowance for off-campus students), books, supplies, transportation and personal expenses.
Full-time Fall/Spring Semesters.
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What is Columbus State University known for?

Academic Excellence

Columbus State offers more than 90 undergraduate and graduate degree options, including nationally recognized programs in the arts, education, business, and nursing. Our online degree options and continuingeducation program are designed to help students balance education with work and family life.

How much is resident credit hour?

The resident credit hour fee of $162.93 per credit hour includes a $142.43 instructional fee and a $20.50 general fee. The general fee defrays the cost of registration, student activities services, and student support services of a non-instructional nature. Fees for non-Ohio residents and international students reflect a similar prorated instructional and general fee amount.

What is lab fee?

Lab fees are charged to cover the cost of consumable materials used by the student. The cost of student liability insurance, required in certain health technologies, will be included in the lab fee.

How much does it cost to review a life experience?

A non-refundable $50 fee is charged to review the information and/or portfolio.

How much does room and board cost at Columbus University?

On campus room and board is provided by the school at a cost of $10,977 per academic year. Students electing to live off campus elsewhere in Columbus should budget at least this amount.

How many years is Columbus State University?

Columbus State University is a four year public college located in Columbus, Georgia. Full time enrollment is 5,152 and part time is 2,924. Learn more about getting accepted at Columbus State University at CollegeSimply.

How much does CollegeCalc cover?

CollegeCalc has estimated typical coverage of the annual in-state tuition and living expenses of $22,068. Breakdown is based on average grant aid and federal loan aid which will vary based on your family income.

Is Columbus State Community College open?

Columbus State Community College has an open admission policy meaning that any prospective student who has completed high school or attained a GED certificate may enroll in classes. Learn more about Columbus State Community College at CollegeSimply.

How much does CollegeCalc cover?

CollegeCalc has estimated typical coverage of the annual in-state tuition and living expenses of $16,090. Breakdown is based on average grant aid and federal loan aid which will vary based on your family income.

What is a STNA certificate?

Nurse Aide Certificate (STNA) Nurse Aide Certificate (STNA) One class: Earning this certificate will make you eligible for a job as a Nursing Assistant with employers such as hospitals, long-term care/rehabilitation facilities, assisted living facilities, and home health agencies.

What is a CDA in early childhood education?

One semester: The Child Development Associate (CDA) is a nationally recognized credential for the early childhood education field. Earning this certificate qualifies students to apply for lead teaching positions in early childhood centers and preschools. Additionally, this certificate is sought after by early childhood programs because the State of Ohio will be requiring early childhood centers to hire lead teachers with the CDA or a higher credential in the coming years under a policy known as Step Up to Quality. This certificate counts toward the ECDE Associate of Applied Science Degree as well.

What is a deaf studies certificate?

The Deaf Studies Certificate was created for people who want to learn how to communicate with Deaf people who use ASL. People who are interested in the Deaf Studies Certificate may want to learn ASL because they work with Deaf people, or have Deaf friends or family members. Some people who work as nurses, teachers, police officers, etc. want to learn ASL to communicate with Deaf people they may meet in their jobs. The Deaf Studies Certificate is NOT an interpreting certificate.

What is Adobe Illustrator certificate?

The Adobe Illustrator Certificate is for students and working professionals who want to enhance their skillsets and is focused on industry standards for vector illustrations. The courses for this certificate are also required courses for the Digital Design and Graphics Associate Degree.

Courses Subject to Change

Courses, section details, days, times, locations, fees, charges, or requirements as set forth in these pages are subject to change without notice.

Academic Rights and Responsibilities

Columbus State University, and the University System of Georgia, endorses the American Council on Education's Statement on Academic Rights and Responsibilities (PDF), which reiterates the campus community's role in intellectual pluralism and academic freedom.
