how can i take the mmft mindfulness course

by Krystina Von III 7 min read

Can mindfulness-based mind fitness training (mmft) ® help you?

These tried-and-tested methods for widening the window have helped thousands of people who work in high-stress environments—and now they can help you, too. I am excited to partner with Sounds True to offer an online version of Mindfulness-based Mind Fitness Training (MMFT) ®.

Where can I take mindfulness training?

The Mindfulness Awareness Research Center at the University of California at Los Angeles in the United States offers several different mindfulness training options, both in-person and online. Most of these classes are Mindfulness Awareness Practice (MAPs) classes.

What is the mmft course?

MMFT is a 20-hour course taught over eight weeks and is specifically designed for the pre-deployment context. MMFT provides skills training in two key areas: mindfulness skills and stress resilience skills. These skills are made accessible and relevant with applications to the real-world operational environment.

What are the requirements for the mindfulness training institute program?

This program requires a background in mindful meditation practice, previous attendance at a mindfulness retreat, as well as a consistent internet connection. The Mindfulness Training Institute offers programs in both the United States (currently in San Francisco, California) and the United Kingdom (Devon).

What Is the Self-Acceptance Summit?

Self-Acceptance Summit is a digital session recording of 30 leading teachers, researchers, luminaries to guide you in your path towards healing, self-love, and self-acceptance.

Who Is Elizabeth Stanley?

Dr. Elizabeth Stanley is a pioneer in resilience research and the creator of Mindfulness-Based Mind Fitness Training (MMFT).

What You Will Learn from Mindfulness-Based Mind Fitness Training (MMFT) by Elizabeth Stanley?

After being tested through rigorous neuroscience and stress physiology research, Mindfulness-Based Mind Fitness Training by Elizabeth Stanley was proven to maximize performance and emotional well-being in high-stress environments and even relationships.

Who Is the Mindfulness-Based Mind Fitness Training (MMFT) by Elizabeth Stanley For?

As a trauma-sensitive online course that aims to build resilience and help one thrive in high-stress situations, MMFT is excellent for healthcare workers like doctors, therapists, nurses, and medical assistants.

How Much Is Mindfulness-Based Mind Fitness Training (MMFT) by Elizabeth Stanley?

Currently, the course is valued at $397.00, but you can get the course for only $197 as a limited-time offer if you enroll today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Specifically designed for people working in a highly stressful environment, MMFT aims to help you manage prolonged distressing situations and equip you with skills to recover from those traumatic experiences.

Do I Recommend Mindfulness-Based Mind Fitness Training (MMFT)?

Yes, I highly recommend Mindfulness-Based Mind Fitness Training by Elizabeth Stanley. I have learned valuable skills throughout the course. In addition, I got to know more about myself by going deeper and confronting my trauma and stressors.

How does mindfulness work in MMFT?

At first, exercises emphasize building concentration by focusing on one object of attention, such as the breath, contact between the body and the floor or chair, or sensations within specific body parts. This single focus of attention is maintained throughout a practice session; when attention wanders, it is returned to the object of attention. Later in the course, exercises require attending to body sensations during movement and “shuttling” the attention between inner sensations and outer experiences (i.e., sights or sounds).

How does MMFT work?

The course creates a meaningful context for its skills training in three ways. First, it provides many examples for how mindfulness is relevant to the counterinsurgency environment. Second, it examines how mindfulness supports interpersonal effectiveness as a mission-critical skill for small unit actions and population-centric operations. Third, MMFT builds self-knowledge, which in turn builds team resilience and effectiveness. In our pilot study, leaders reported an improved ability to recognize emotions in themselves and others, which helped them to be more open to feedback from subordinates.

How does mind fitness training help?

However, as originally conceived, stress is a perceived, internal response. Mind fitness training can protect against stress by permitting more adaptive responses to stressors, providing a type of “mental armor.” While military stress inoculation training can habituate troops to a variety of stressors, such training can degrade cognitive performance. Mind fitness training could complement and strengthen stress inoculation training by buffering against cognitive depletion, helping troops to perceive and relate to stressors differently, and helping them complete the stress activation cycle.

What is mindful attention?

Mindfulness has been described as a process of “bringing one’s attention to the present experience on a moment-by moment basis” and as “paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally.”Paying attention is not the same thing as thinking, although we often equate the two. With mindful attention, we can directly perceive an experience without the filter of biases and judgments that often accompany our thoughts about an experience.

What is mental agility?

Mental agility is cognitive and psychological adaptability, or the ability to think rapidly and creatively under stress. The U.S. Army’s Army Leadership field manual (FM 6-22) defines this trait as “a flexibility of mind, a tendency to anticipate or adapt to uncertain or changing situations…It helps break from habitual thought patterns, to improvise when faced with conceptual impasses, and quickly apply multiple perspectives to consider new approaches or solutions.”

Why do warriors do mind fitness?

While warriors may choose to engage in mind fitness exercises to optimize their performance downrange, the protective effects will still be accruing – possibly leading to a decrease in psychological injury (such as PTSD, anxiety, and depression) upon returning home.

What is the importance of attention?

Attention is the ability to focus on relevant information and concentrate on the task at hand, while filtering out irrelevant information. Irrelevant distractions can come from either the external environment or the internal environment (including emotions, mind-wandering or unpleasant physical sensations in the body). The ability to sustain focus and filter out distractions in a continuous and ongoing way provides the basis of effective performance. Attention supports vigilance and alertness without an individual becoming jittery and jumpy, which can lead to overreacting and acting in ways that harm mission effectiveness.

What you will learn from Mindfulness-Based Mind Fitness Training (MMFT) with Dr. Elizabeth Stanley

This course is an excellent way to discover how to deepen mental agility so you can think on your feet, problem-solve creatively, and make better choices under pressure

Who is Mindfulness-Based Mind Fitness Training (MMFT) Course for?

This course is perfect for doctors, therapists, nurses, and medical assistants

Starting a Mind Fitness Practice

Building an allied relationship between the thinking brain and survival brain requires training our attention in a systematic way. That’s because where we direct our attention has profound ripple effects through the survival brain, nervous system, and body.

Seven Questions To Ask Mindfulness, Meditation, and Yoga Instructors

The explosion of popular interest in mindfulness has created an expectation that there’s some quick and easy path to peak performance. Yet, for people who’ve experienced prolonged stress and trauma without adequate recovery, awareness practices like mindfulness meditation and yoga have the potential to make symptoms worse.

Find A Therapist

If you’re confronting profound dysregulation, working with a therapist trained in body-based techniques is essen­tial—especially when you’re beginning mindfulness practice. These practitioners can help you pace your survival brain’s bottom‑up processing, so that it happens gradually and safely.

How long is mindfulness training?

Their introductory mindfulness course consists of five weeks of meditation training, after which students can attend group meditation for free. The Seattle center also offers a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction class for 8 weeks of courses including a retreat toward the end.

What are mindfulness classes?

Many of these courses (particularly the longer, 8-week courses) are based on Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). This is a program that was first introduced by the University of Massachusetts Medical School, the school that trained many of the instructors mentioned below. The University of Massachusetts Medical School claims that MBSR can help people with: 1 Anxiety 2 Work, Family, and Financial Stress 3 Asthma 4 Cancer 5 Chronic Illness and Pain 6 Depression 7 Eating Disturbances 8 Fatigue 9 Fibromyalgia 10 Gastro-Intestinal (GI) Distress 11 Grief 12 Headaches 13 Heart Disease 14 High Blood Pressure 15 Panic Attacks 16 Post-traumatic Stress (PTSD) 17 Skin Disorders 18 Sleep Problems

How long is Pat Coffey's meditation program?

The program also includes a mentorship component led by Pat Coffey, who has been practicing meditation and mindfulness for 40 years and teaching for 20, including teaching mindfulness to prison inmates. The program consists of 2 years, including three 5-day retreats.

How long is the Oxford Mindfulness Centre?

The Oxford Mindfulness Centre in the UK offers a Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy course for the general public. The course runs for 8 weeks. The Oxford Mindfulness Centre is contained within Oxford University’s Department of Psychiatry.

Where is Mindful Way?

Mindful Way. Mindful Way is leading a 6-day silent mindfulness retreat in Florida in the United States. The retreat is led by “certified MBSR and Dharma Teachers” Beth Mulligan and Jon Aaron. Like the above retreat, this one also meets the Oasis Institute’s prerequisite for mindfulness teacher certification.

Where is the Centre for Mindfulness Studies?

The Centre for Mindfulness Studies in Toronto offers several different types of courses in mindfulness, from introductory classes (including one specifically geared towards teenagers) to mindfulness training aimed at organizations. Their faculty consists of several psychiatric professionals, clinical psychologists, and psychology professors.

Where is Mindfulness Training Institute?

The Mindfulness Training Institute offers programs in both the United States (currently in San Francisco, California) and the United Kingdom (Devon). Both programs consist of yearlong training courses. The programs are led by Martin Aylward and Mark Coleman, who both have extensive experience teaching mindfulness meditation.

What is MMFT in Converse?

A defining aspect of Converse’s MMFT education is our partnership with EMERGE Family Therapy and Teaching Clinic. During your 15-month practicum with this COAMFTE-accredited teaching clinic, you’ll provide individual, couples and family therapy to clients who present a wide variety of diagnoses, relational problems, and life issues. In order to successfully complete the practicum, you’ll provide 500 hours of client contact, 250 of which will be relational with more than one member of the client system in the therapy session. You’ll also receive 100 hours of supervision, 50 of which entail raw data, or video/live supervision.

Who wrote the Master's in Marriage and Family Therapy?

Written by Ella B. Webster Converse’s Master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy program stands out for many reasons. It is the only COAMFTE-accredited program in South Carolina, and it is …

What is play therapy?

Play Therapy is a model of therapy that promotes an understanding of children to provide help for children and families through the medium of play. The Play Therapy Track offers an optional addition to the Marriage and Family Therapy Master’s degree by helping students to complete the coursework necessary to become a Certified Play Therapist following licensure as a Marriage and Family Therapist. The Play Therapy Track, taught by Certified Play Therapy Supervisors, includes the following coursework:
