how is the plot obtained in step b.3 compared with the experimental data? course hero

by Odessa Aufderhar 5 min read

What is the situation I have encountered with the experimental data?

The situation I have encountered is a simple statistical comparison of the experimental data, which accepted as correct, with the results obtained via six theoretical models. In the experimental data, there exist y values corresponding to x values and also the measurement errors of y values.

Why is it important to visualize experimental data before analyzing it?

Before formally analyzing the experimental data, it is important that we visualize it. Visualization is a powerful tool to spot any unconvincing situations — such as a failed randomization, a failed manipulation, or ceiling and floor effects — and to have an initial sense of the effect ’s direction.

What is the difference between experimental data and theoretical data?

In the experimental data, there exist y values corresponding to x values and also the measurement errors of y values. In theoretical values, there exist y values corresponding to the same x values as the experimental data. Theoretical values are calculated with six different models. I've uploaded an excel file as an example.

Which feature of an experiment ensures the estimate of a causal effect?

The main feature of an experiment that ensures the estimate of a causal effect is that people are randomly allocated to an experimental condition. This feature is called “ randomization ” and it prevents people with certain characteristics from self-selecting into the Treatment and the Control group.

What is the advantage of using an experiment compared to observational data?

Why do we need to remove the answers that were given in any “ Preview ” mode or “Test” mode?

Is it good practice to check whether the participants allocated in the Treatment or in the Control have the same completion rate?

Can we plot mean by group?

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Experimental data analysis: A guide to the selection of simple ...

(2nd Edition), Pierre Gy's theory and Sampling Practice, Vol. I. Heterogeneity and Sampling, CRC Press Inc, Florida (USA) (1989)

Q: How to analyze data in experimental design? - Editage Insights

As with all research designs, the first step is to formulate the hypothesis or pose the research question. This leads to formulating the experimental design, which provides guidelines for planning and performing the experiment as well as analyzing the collected data.

Data Analysis for Advanced Science Projects

Sandra Slutz, PhD, Staff Scientist, Science Buddies Kenneth L. Hess, Founder and President, Science Buddies Introduction. Whether your goal is to present your findings to the public or publish your research in a scientific journal, it is imperative that data from advanced science projects be rigorously analyzed.

What is the advantage of using an experiment compared to observational data?

The main advantage of using an experiment compared to observational data is that well-designed experiments allow you to measure causal effects.

Why do we need to remove the answers that were given in any “ Preview ” mode or “Test” mode?

We also need to remove the answers that were given in any “ Preview ” mode or “Test” mode, because those were not generated from your experimental sample. (Note: in our case, all answers were generated in “Test” mode).

Is it good practice to check whether the participants allocated in the Treatment or in the Control have the same completion rate?

It is good practice to check whether the participants allocated in the Treatment or in the Control have the same completion rate. If this is not the case, the internal validity of your experiment might be in danger.

Can we plot mean by group?

Alternatively, we can directly plot the mean by group, along with the bootstrapped standard errors for the means:

Why do scientists do scatter plots?

This is the first form of plot typically scientists do, just to visualize where their data is, how does it look like, whether you're working in the right dynamic range or not. So this kind of information is very critical at this point, so that you don't spend effort in analyzing your data even before you understand whether your experiment has actually been somewhat successful.

How to plot error bars in MATLAB?

So to plot any error bars in MATLAB, you can use this Error Bar function and specify the x data on y data, and the standard deviation, and the plot type. So here, this all specifies the circle that is being plotted over here. Similarly, you can get various types of markers, like square, triangle. Whatever marker you want, you can specify that. And we have the error bars. I have grid on here. But if you don't like or don't want to have grid, you can just specify it as grid off command. And again, x-label, y-label, and, of course, the title of this plot is essential.

Do you have to correlate the output variable?

This is a standard experiment, which perhaps many experimentalists do in your own research. That is, you will have to generate a calibration curve. You'll have to correlate your output variable, which, in my case, which was the absorbance of my spectrometer, versus is the dependent variable, which is the alkali concentration that I was using.

Is MATLAB a good environment for research?

And you can learn more about it there. Overall, MATLAB is a very powerful environment for researchers and scientists, so that they can quickly churn out data and quickly plot plots and have a script which can represent your entire task in the form of a live editor.

What is the advantage of using an experiment compared to observational data?

The main advantage of using an experiment compared to observational data is that well-designed experiments allow you to measure causal effects.

Why do we need to remove the answers that were given in any “ Preview ” mode or “Test” mode?

We also need to remove the answers that were given in any “ Preview ” mode or “Test” mode, because those were not generated from your experimental sample. (Note: in our case, all answers were generated in “Test” mode).

Is it good practice to check whether the participants allocated in the Treatment or in the Control have the same completion rate?

It is good practice to check whether the participants allocated in the Treatment or in the Control have the same completion rate. If this is not the case, the internal validity of your experiment might be in danger.

Can we plot mean by group?

Alternatively, we can directly plot the mean by group, along with the bootstrapped standard errors for the means: