how much is a course for a dual credit student at acc

by Mr. Geovanny Kunde 9 min read

Description $150 per course charged to DUAL (formerly ECS) students when enrolled in a tuition exempt courses offered at an ACC campus (exceptions apply). Visit the dual-credit website for more information. Description $60 per credit hour for any course you have attempted three or more times will be added to the tuition charged for that course.

Full Answer

Does the University accept dual credit?

Tuition and fees are waived for in tax district students for up to 12 eligible classes. Out of tax district students are assessed a $150 per course fee for up to 12 eligible classes. Types of eligible courses include core curriculum, workforce, and foreign language. Dual Credit students are assessed regular tuition and fees for additional classes that exceed 12 classes covered by …

What are dual credit classes?

The dual credit program covers tuition and fees for in tax district students for up to 12 eligible classes. Out of tax district students are assessed a $150 …

Can I take dual credit?

Take college classes in high school. Almost* free. Meet your high school graduation requirements AND earn university transfer credits, complete an associate degree, or get ready for a great job. Dual Credit Classes. Earn university-transfer credits at your high school, an ACC campus, or online. Learn more.

What is a dual credit program?

How many credits is a dual class?

All dual enrollment courses are awarded 0.5 or 1.0 credit towards high school graduation requirements. College credit is counted differently; each course will award at least 3 credits towards college graduation. Please view our Online Reference Booklet for more information.

What is a two credit course?

Dual credit courses are another option for high-performing students. These classes allow eligible high school students to earn both high school and college-level credit for classes they can take at their high schools during the regular school day.

How much is Austin Community College per credit hour?

2021-2022Credit Hours1In-District$85Out-of-District$286Credit Hours2In-District$170Out-of-District$572Credit Hours3In-District$255Out-of-District$858Credit Hours4In-District$340Out-of-District$1,144Credit HoursIn-DistrictOut-of-District11 more rows

What is the cost of an ACC course for a Williamson County resident?

Community members residing within the ACC taxing district receive lower in-district tuition/fees of $85 per credit hour compared to $361 for out-of-district residents.

How are course credits calculated?

Credits are awarded based on the credit hours you earn. The calculation of one credit is as follows: (1 hours classroom work + 2 hours homework) per week x (15 weeks/semester) = 1 credit for that semester. Most subjects/courses require 3 credits to be completed.Jan 31, 2022

Is dual enrollment free?

Dual enrollment classes cost between $0 to $400, according to Pearson, which is significantly less than the cost of a traditional college class. Dual credit tuition costs may be covered by the state, the student's high school district, the student or their parent, or some combination of these.Mar 24, 2021

How much does a semester cost at Austin Community College?

In-District Cost of AttendanceCategoryIn-district student not living at homein-district student living at home with parentsTuition and fees$2,550$2,550Room and board$10,240$3,264Books and Supplies$1,200$1,200Transportation$1,600$1,6002 more rows

How many credit hours is full time?

12 credit hoursTo be considered full-time, a student must enroll for at least 12 credit hours. To be considered half-time, a student must enroll for at least 6 credit hours.

How much does tuition cost at UT Austin?

In-state tuition 11,448 USD, Out-of-state tuition 40,032 USD (2019 – 20)The University of Texas at Austin / Undergraduate tuition and fees

What is the cost for a 15 credit semester at Arapahoe Community College?

2021-2022 Tuition RatesCourse TypeColorado Resident with COF 1 credit / 15 creditsOn Campus$153.35/ $2475.90ACC Online$263.20/ $3948.00CCCS Online$263.20/ $3948.00BAS - Advanced Paramedic Practitioner$263.20/ $3948.002 more rows

How much is Red Rocks Community College?

In-state tuition 4,379 USD, Out-of-state tuition 15,801 USD (2019 – 20)Red Rocks Community College / Undergraduate tuition and fees

How much does it cost to go to a community college in Texas?

Texas Community College Costs $2,270 is the cost of in-state tuition for the average community college in Texas. $13,430 is the total cost to live on-campus. $6,610 is out-of-state tuition. For 4-year public institutions, annual in-state tuition and fees total $8,900.Dec 27, 2021

General Tuition & Fees Information

The table reflects total tuition and student fees charged for each credit hour.


ACC Online Discount: Out-of-district, out-of-state, and international students are eligible for a discount on any ACC Online course they take. These classes are marked ONL and DLS in the course schedule.

When are transcripts available for ACC?

Official ACC transcripts are available 1-2 weeks after the last day of each session and can be requested online . Transcripts are also available in person at any ACC campus Admissions and Records office.

Does ACC have a letter grade?

Each school district also determines the conversion of ACC letter grades to numeric grades, if applicable. All ACC courses are issued a letter grade, only.

High School vs College

Have a disability? Understanding some of the differences between high school and college can help you have a smoother transition.


The most important thing that your high school student with disabilities can do is to be a strong self-advocate, someone who speaks or writes in support of themselves As a parent, you may have been involved in the process during high school but the student is now expected to take responsibility for their own needs and learning. Learn more

How to get dual credit?

Choose the Dual Credit option that’s right for you. Earn college credit at your high school, an ACC campus, or online. Earn your high school diploma and an associate degree at the same time. Graduate high school job-ready with a career-tech certificate. Tour colleges, travel to new places, and prepare for your future.

What is Explore ACC?

Join us for a virtual college visit! Explore ACC is a virtual event for high school seniors. We’ll help you figure out your next step and answer all your questions about life at Austin Community College. Learn More.

How to earn college credit?

Earn college credit at your high school, an ACC campus, or online. Earn your high school diploma and an associate degree at the same time. Graduate high school job-ready with a career-tech certificate. Tour colleges, travel to new places, and prepare for your future.