how much is a course at ccp

by Paris Hoppe 4 min read

Full Answer

How much does it cost to get a CCP?

Based on these options, the total costs for obtaining a CCP will vary from approximately $5,000 to $15,000 for the total of ten exams required to earn certification. This does not include travel costs which will be depend on the individual’s own circumstances, but many of the courses are taught at various locations across the country.

What grade do you get for CCP courses?

Students earn letter grades for the CCP courses (e. g. , A, B, C, D, and F). For students who do not pass a CCP course or withdraws from the course after the college’s required date (usually after the 14 th calendar day of the term), the grade will appear on both the college and high school transcripts (i. e. , F or W).

What is a CCP certification?

Obtaining a CCP certification signifies that a recipient has successfully completed a wide-ranging curriculum in the fundamentals of compensation management. CCP candidates learn how to integrate compensation programs with business strategy, design and administer pay programs, and effectively communicate compensation information.

How long does it take to get a CCP certification?

Earning a CCP can be as done as quickly as the candidate can take CCP courses and pass all ten exams. For the majority of candidates, the main challenges will be lack of spare time and available funds. Given these limitations, it typically takes most candidates several years to earn their certifications.

What is Community College of Philadelphia?

How much does it cost to get transcripts?

How much is a nonrefundable deposit for Allied Health?

How much is the penalty for a check in the college?

Is there a college fee for credit courses?

Is the new student processing fee refundable?

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How much is each class at PCC?

Tuition for residents is $123 per credit. Most classes are 1 to 4 credits each.

How much are units at PCC?

$46.00 per unitPCC Fees - California ResidentsFEE NAMESEMESTER AMOUNTINTERSESSION AMOUNTEnrollment$46.00 per unit$46.00 per unitHealth$22.00$18.00Student Representation$2.00$2.00Course/Materials FeeVaries with courseVaries with course1 more row

Does PCC have free tuition?

The PCC Promise helps us do that.” Under the program, students who meet eligibility requirements will receive one year of their PCC education completely free of tuition fees. Any student who graduates from a high school within PCC's district and enrolls the Fall Semester after graduation will qualify for the program.

How much is tuition at Delaware County Community College?

In-state tuition 9,710 USD, Out-of-state tuition 13,550 USD (2019 – 20)Delaware County Community College / Undergraduate tuition and fees

How many credits is full time at PCC?

12 creditsFull-time enrollment is defined as being enrolled for at least 12 credits at every point during the term.

How much are summer classes at PCC?

*Summer Fees $18 Health Fee, $2 ASB Fee and $5 Student Activity Fee per semester....Based upon an average of 12 units per term.At HomeAwayNon Resident Tuition$9,884$9,884Total Non-Resident$25,695$34,3536 more rows

Who is eligible for Pell Grant?

Federal Pell Grants usually are awarded only to undergraduate students who display exceptional financial need and have not earned a bachelor's, graduate, or professional degree. (In some cases, however, a student enrolled in a postbaccalaureate teacher certification program might receive a Federal Pell Grant.)

Does PCC have dorms?

PCC, like most community colleges in the U.S., does not offer any dormitories or boarding. But, many convenient housing options are available near campus, including apartments, shared housing, and homestays.

Who is eligible for the California college Promise Grant?

California College Promise Grant Income StandardsNumber in Family Household (including the student)2022-2023 CCPG Income Standards Total 2020 Family Income1 Family Member$19,3202 Family Members$26,1303 Family Members$32,9404 Family Members$39,7505 more rows

How much is Dutchess Community College?

In-state tuition 4,896 USD, Out-of-state tuition 9,246 USD (2019 – 20)Dutchess Community College / Undergraduate tuition and fees

How much is West Chester University a year?

West Chester University of Pennsylvania Tuition & Financial Aid. West Chester University of Pennsylvania's tuition is $9,993 for in-state and $21,567 for out-of-state students.

How much does Penn State Brandywine cost?

In-state tuition 13,102 USD, Out-of-state tuition 19,542 USD (2011 – 12)Penn State Brandywine / Undergraduate tuition and fees

How much does a credit cost at PSU?

Cost of Tuition As of June 2020, current mandatory fees are not yet known. Tuition rates are $496.50 per credit for Oregon residents and $723.50 per credit for non-residents. Costs for textbooks and supplies is ca.

How much is community college Oregon?

For Oregon community colleges, the average tuition is approximately $4,676 per year for in-state students and $7,715 for out-of-state students (2022). For private community colleges, the average yearly tuition is approximately $14,004 per year.

What is tuition at Portland Community College?

In-state tuition 4,810 USD, Out-of-state tuition 9,670 USD (2019 – 20)Portland Community College / Undergraduate tuition and fees

What is the tuition at Oregon State University?

In-state tuition 11,858 USD, Out-of-state tuition 31,467 USD (2019 – 20)Oregon State University / Undergraduate tuition and fees

Course Offerings | Community College of Philadelphia

Vaccination Update. Due to City of Philadelphia mandates, all students, faculty and staff must be fully vaccinated. To register for in-person or hybrid classes, students need to be fully vaccinated or have an approved exemption.

Login to MyCCP | Community College of Philadelphia

Login to the secure side of to access your Community College of Philadelphia Account. Login to the MyCCP Portal

Nursing Program | Bucks County Community College

Bucks County Community College offers certificate and associate degree programs at a fraction of the cost of a traditional four-year college. Bucks has campuses in Newtown, Perkasie, Bristol and offers Online Learning. Several associate degrees can be earned online, in person, or a combination of both. A variety of non-credit certificates, trainings and courses are available through our ...

How to enroll in a payment plan at CCP?

The plan is available for the fall, spring, and summer semesters. To enroll in the plan log into MyCCP, click on the Student tab at the top of the page, click on the Financial Services channel and select "Enroll in a/ View your Payment Plan". Specific payment plan information for the current semester can also be found on this page by clicking on the term specific "Payment Plan Information" link. For additional information, please review the Payment Plan FAQ; additional questions can be addressed to Student Tuition Services at 215-751-8130 or via email.

How to get a refund from CCP?

This service provides students with the convenience of receiving a refund from financial aid and/or other sources of funds on their student account directly into their bank account. Go green and get refunds processed up to 70% faster than by paper check by signing up for direct deposit. To sign up , please log into MyCCP, click on the Student tab at the top of the page, click on the Financial Services channel and select “Direct Deposit Authorization Form - New/ Change/ Cancel”. Please review our Direct Deposit FAQ for more information.

How much is a nonrefundable deposit for Allied Health?

An applicant accepted or readmitted for full-time status by the College may be required to remit a $50 nonrefundable deposit within a specified timeframe for Allied Health curricula. The applicant's letter of acceptance will specify the date.

How are capital costs funded?

The College’s capital costs are funded by the city and state. The capital fee is charged to students in circumstances where the student is a nonresident and therefore capital support from the city or state is not provided.

What is Community College of Philadelphia?

Community College of Philadelphia supports commitment to community college education through the development of a viable student scholarship and award program. Individuals, organizations and corporate donors are invited to establish awards or scholarships, in accordance with applicable College policies, for students enrolled at the College or for use by the College’s students upon transfer to other colleges and universities.

Is there a college fee for credit courses?

To fund the cost of student publications, intramural and intercollegiate athletics, student clubs and organizations, and other special services and activities for students, there is a general College fee for credit courses.

Who awards scholarships for college students?

Many business enterprises, labor union locals, churches and faith-based organizations, and community groups award scholarships for collegiate studies. Parents of prospective students are encouraged to ascertain from employers and union offices what benefits may be available for their dependents. Students who are employed are sometimes eligible for financial assistance by their employers.

How much does it cost to get a CCP?

Based on these options, the total costs for obtaining a CCP will vary from approximately $5,000 to $15,000 for the total of ten exams required to earn certification. This does not include travel costs which will be depend on the individual’s own circumstances, but many of the courses are taught at various locations across the country.

How long does it take to get a CCP?

Earning a CCP can be as done as quickly as the candidate can take CCP courses and pass all ten exams. For the majority of candidates, the main challenges will be lack of spare time and available funds. Given these limitations, it typically takes most candidates several years to earn their certifications.

Why do employers require CCP certification?

Certified compensation professionals enjoy a competitive advantage in the job market because the certification assures employers that the employee has attained the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively manage compensation programs.

How to take CCP exam?

There are a variety of ways to prepare for the ten exams required for certification. Prior to taking a CCP exam, candidates usually complete the associated coursework in one of three ways: 1 Traditional classroom – a traditional instructor-led course conducted over two days; 2 Virtual classroom – a two-day online course with live instruction and participant interaction; or 3 Self-study – an independent study program using pre-recorded materials.

What is CCP certification?

CCP Certification is needed to become a Certified Compensation Professional, thus the CCP acronym.

How many exams are required for CCP?

Candidates for CCP certification must pass ten exams that cover the knowledge and skills required of compensation professionals, including job analysis, base pay administration, market pricing, variable pay, accounting, quantitative analysis, and regulatory compliance. There are a variety of ways to prepare for the ten exams required ...

What is a certified compensation professional?

The Certified Compensation Professional designation is granted by WorldatWork, a nonprofit association that serves compensation professionals who design and deliver total rewards programs. World at Work is considered the gold standard for professional development in compensation and rewards.


Earning your CCP can be a daunting process, so we broke it down into the five steps you need to take in order to achieve this certification.

How many CCP exams are there?

View all ten mandatory CCP exams on the Certified Compensation Professional home page.

How many credit hours do you have to register for CCP?

Students who register for more than 30 credit hours will be responsible to pay for the entire course that placed them over the 30 hour limit. Because that class is “outside of CCP,” public institutions of higher education must charge their regular tuition rate, unless obtaining a Chancellor approved tuition waiver. It is very important to note that students must be informed of the fact that they are over the 30 hours prior to the course starting date. Institutions of higher education must inform the school of all student registrations with a pre-term notice at least 14 days before the course begins. Secondary schools must review the notice (or multiple notices if students are registered with more than one institution) to determine the number of hours for which a student is registered. If the student is over the 30 hours, the school must inform the student of the option to drop the course before the census date or continue with the course as a “self-pay” student at the regular tuition rate.

When is CCP probation in effect?

The first term CCP Probation will be in effect is summer 2018, however the most current cumulative GPA available must be used to determine a student’s probation status. If a student attended more than one college, we have created a spreadsheet to assist you in calculating the cumulative GPA, available here .

How many hours are public school students funded?

Public school students are funded up to 30 hours per year (including high school only courses and college courses). Courses that exceed or cause the student to exceed the maximum number of hours are outside of College Credit Plus and, therefore, are not funded through the state College Credit Plus program.

How many credit pathways are there in the US?

The law as it is currently written limits the 15 and 30 credit pathways to public school districts, in partnership with public colleges and universities. However, it is in the best interest of students and the state that established pathways involving private secondary schools also be recognized if they meet certain criteria. Therefore, the chancellor has granted approval for courses included in pre-existing model pathways involving private secondary schools to be designated as Level I courses under the College Credit Plus program under the course approval process (OAC 3333-1-65.12 (H)) as described in FAQ Section D, #1. For more information, please review the Additional Level I Courses Approved for the 2018-2019 Academic Year document.

When does college credit plus start?

The College Credit Plus Program includes courses taken during the summer term. The summer term will apply as the first term of the next school year. If you want to participate during a summer term, you must submit your letter of intent to participate early enough (between February 15 and April 1) to apply and gain admission to the college and register for course (s) in the spring. Many college summer terms begin in May.

How to determine how many credit hours a student can take in a year?

In order to determine the number of credit hours a student can take in a year, the secondary school must calculate the number of course credits that are for high school credit only and multiply that by 3. That number is then subtracted from the 30 hours. The result is the maximum number of credit hours a student can take in the College Credit Plus program. (This is based on a semester system.)

What is Community College of Philadelphia?

Community College of Philadelphia seeks to make a college education accessible for all students by offering affordable tuition rates.

How much does it cost to get transcripts?

The transcript fee is payable in advance and requires the student’s written release. For normal mail service (allow 5-7 business days for processing), the fee is $10 per transcript. For instructions on how to request transcripts online please click here.

How much is a nonrefundable deposit for Allied Health?

An applicant accepted or readmitted for full-time status by the College may be required to remit a $50 nonrefundable deposit within a specified time frame for Allied Health curricula. The applicant’s letter of acceptance will specify the date.

How much is the penalty for a check in the college?

A penalty of $25 will be assessed for all checks and electronic checks (e-checks) issued to the College but not paid on presentation to the bank. A replacement check--by cash, certified check or money order--must be presented within five business days.

Is there a college fee for credit courses?

To fund the cost of student publications, intramural and intercollegiate athletics, student clubs and organizations, and other special services and activities for students, there is a general College fee for credit courses.

Is the new student processing fee refundable?

Students registering for the first time to take credit courses will be charged a one-time new student processing fee in the first semester bill. This fee is nonrefundable as of the first day of the semester.


Tuition and Fees

An applicant accepted or readmitted for full-time status by the College may be required to remit a $50 nonrefundable deposit within a specified time frame for Allied Health curricula. The applicant’s letter of acceptance will specify the date. This deposit ensures you a place at the College and will be credited to the initial s…
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Other Costs

Making Payments

Direct Deposit

The Board of Trustees sets tuition and fees and reserves the right to change them without notice. Tuition varies based on residency; Philadelphia residents pay $159 per credit hour; other Pennsylvanians pay $318 per credit hour plus a $10 nonresident capital fee per credit; and non-Pennsylvanians pay $477 per credit h
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Fulfillment of Financial Obligations

  • Although the tuition for Philadelphia residents is relatively low, students should be aware of the need to plan ahead and anticipate all costs for the period of enrollment. The basic budget for one semester at the College should include, in addition to the appropriate tuition and fees, the following estimates*: 1. Books and Supplies $2,400 2. Transportation $3,100 3. Meals $1,300 *A…
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Refund Policy

  • A Community College of Philadelphia bill notification will be emailed to each student prior to the beginning of each semester. Students will need to login and select "Bill Summary" from the Financial Services channel of the Student menu on MyCCP to view their bills. If the bill is not received, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain it from the Student Tuition Services. The Colle…
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Tax Incentives

  • As part of the College’s efforts to provide students with a more efficient refund process, the College has implemented the student refund direct deposit option. This service provides students with the convenience of receiving a refund from financial aid and/or other sources of funds on their student account directly into their bank account. Go green and get refunds processed up t…
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Financial Aid

  • If any student has not met his or her full financial obligations, the College reserves the right to withhold any of its services from the student until the obligations are met. Restricted services include, but are not limited to, registration, grades, transcripts and additional services.
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Financial Aid Withdrawals, Refunds and Repayment Policy

  • It is the student’s responsibility to submit an official drop form or drop classes via the web, even in cases of non-attendance. Students who drop prior to the start of the term will not incur any charges other than fees that are considered nonrefundable. The first day of the term marks the beginning of the refund policy regardless of the first scheduled class day for any particular stud…
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Alternative Funding Sources

  • Federal tax laws provide special benefits to help students and parents pay for college. For example, a tax creditallows you to subtract an amount from the taxes you owe: Below are brief summaries of the tax incentives most likely to benefit adult, nontraditional students. Not all students or parents will qualify for these tax credits. Be sure to obtain a complete explanation o…
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