how to delete a course ubuntu

by Katlynn Auer 6 min read

How do I uninstall a program in Ubuntu?

Sep 04, 2019 · Click the Installed tab. Scroll down the list of programs, then click the Remove button next to the program to uninstall. Use the Synaptic Package Manager The default Ubuntu Software Center may not display every application on your system. The Synaptic Package Manager is a more robust application.

How to remove package on Ubuntu from command line?

Mar 31, 2020 · Right-click the Ubuntu partition and choose Delete. Tip: You can identify the Ubuntu partition from three factors: partition size, file system, and drive letter. Ubuntu partition often lacks drive letter and its file system is usually Ext4.

How to remove files on Ubuntu Linux?

Dec 02, 2020 · Command to delete and remove files on Ubuntu Linux. The syntax is as follows for the rm and unlink command to remove files on Ubuntu Linux: Open the Ubuntu terminal application (bash shell) Type any one of the following command to delete a file named ubuntu.nixcraft.txt in the current directory; rm ubuntu.nixcraft.txt OR unlink ubuntu.nixcraft.txt

How to delete a software repository in Ubuntu?

Aug 29, 2014 · Uninstall / Delete / Remove Package. Just use the following syntax: Heading ##sudo apt-get remove {package-name} For example remove package called mplayer, enter: $ sudo apt-get remove mplayer. Remove package called lighttpd along with all configuration files, enter: $ sudo apt-get --purge remove lighttpd. To list all installed package, enter:\ dpkg --list

How do I uninstall a program on Ubuntu?

About This ArticleOpen the Ubuntu Software Center.Click the Installed tab.Scroll to the program you want to remove.Click Remove.Click Remove to confirm.

How do I delete a file in Ubuntu terminal?

How to Remove FilesTo delete a single file, use the rm or unlink command followed by the file name: unlink filename rm filename. ... To delete multiple files at once, use the rm command followed by the file names separated by space. ... Use the rm with the -i option to confirm each file before deleting it: rm -i filename(s)More items...•Aug 10, 2021

How do I delete a directory in Ubuntu?

To delete an empty directory, use the -d ( --dir ) option and to delete a non-empty directory, and all of its contents use the -r ( --recursive or -R ) option. The -i option tells rm to prompt you to confirm the deletion of each subdirectory and file.Feb 26, 2020

How do I delete in terminal?

To delete a specific file, you can use the command rm followed by the name of the file you want to delete (e.g. rm filename ). For example, you can delete the addresses.Sep 3, 2020

How do I delete files and folders in Ubuntu terminal?

Another option is to use the rm command to delete all files in a directory....The procedure to remove all files from a directory:Open the terminal application.To delete everything in a directory run: rm /path/to/dir/*To remove all sub-directories and files: rm -r /path/to/dir/*Feb 5, 2022

How do I force delete a directory in Linux?

How to force delete a directory in LinuxOpen the terminal application on Linux.The rmdir command removes empty directories only. Hence you need to use the rm command to remove files on Linux.Type the command rm -rf dirname to delete a directory forcefully.Verify it with the help of ls command on Linux.Nov 2, 2020

How do I delete a full directory in Linux?

To remove a directory and all its contents, including any subdirectories and files, use the rm command with the recursive option, -r . Directories that are removed with the rmdir command cannot be recovered, nor can directories and their contents removed with the rm -r command.

How do you delete a directory which is not empty in Linux?

To remove a directory that is not empty, use the rm command with the -r option for recursive deletion. Be very careful with this command, because using the rm -r command will delete not only everything in the named directory, but also everything in its subdirectories.Jan 18, 2018

????How do I completely uninstall Ubuntu?

In dual boot mode, you just need to delete Ubuntu partitions and fix MBR. In single boot mode, you should delete Ubuntu partitions, create NTFS par...

????How do I uninstall Linux?

The Linux uninstall process is same as Ubuntu uninstall process. You can refer to the uninstall process in this post.

????How do I uninstall Ubuntu from Windows 10?

If you want to uninstall Ubuntu WSL from Windows 10, the process is as follows:Press "Windows + I" shortcut to open SettingsClick Apps.In Apps & fe...

????How do I remove Linux and install Windows?

Make a Windows installation media.Delete Linux partitions and create NTFS partitions.Follow the wizard to install Windows.

How to delete Ubuntu partition?

Step 1: Log into Windows. Then, click the above button to free download and install MiniTool Partition Wizard. Launch this software and get to its main interface. Right-click the Ubuntu partition and choose Delete.

How to open disk management?

Step 1: Log into Windows. Press " Windows + R " shortcut to call out Run box. Type " diskmgmt.msc " in the Run box and then press Enter to open Disk Management.

What is a bootloader?

The Boot Loader is a small program that runs before the operating system kernel runs. It will initialize the hardware devices and establish a map of the memory space, so as to prepare a suitable software and hardware environment for the operating system kernel. When you install Ubuntu, the MBR has been rewritten.

What is Windows 10 WSL?

In Windows 10, there is a feature named Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), which is a compatibility layer that allows users to natively run Linux binaries like Ubuntu, openSUSE Leap, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Kali Linux, and Debian.

Is Ubuntu a free operating system?

Ubuntu is an open-source and light-bloated operating system, which means that you can get the official version for free and run it on your computers. Due to these advantages, many of you who are tired of Windows decide to switch to Ubuntu without careful consideration, just like me.

Command to delete and remove files on Ubuntu Linux

The syntax is as follows for the rm and unlink command to remove files on Ubuntu Linux:

Delete multiple files on Ubuntu Linux

Type the following command to delete the file named dellLaptopSerials.txt, tom.txt, and dance.jpg located in the current directory:#N#vivek@nixcraft:~$ rm dellLaptopSerials.txt tom.txt dance.jpg#N#You can specify path too.

Ubuntu Linux delete a file and prompt before every removal

To get confirmation before attempting to remove each file pass the -i option to the rm command on Ubuntu Linux:#N#vivek@nixcraft:~$ rm -i fileNameHere#N#vivek@nixcraft:~$ rm -i dellLaptopSerials.txt

Force rm command on Ubuntu Linux to explain what is being done with file

Pass the -v option as follows to get verbose output on Ubuntu Linux box:#N#vivek@nixcraft:~$ rm -v fileNameHere#N#vivek@nixcraft:~$ rm -v cake-day.jpg

Ubuntu Linux delete all files in folder or directory

You need to pass the following options:#N#vivek@nixcraft:~$ rm -rf dir1#N#vivek@nixcraft:~$ rm -rf /path/to/dir/#N#vivek@nixcraft:~$ rm -rf /home/vivek/oldschoolpics/#N#It will remove all files and subdirectories from a directory. So be careful. Always keep backups of all important data on Ubuntu Linux.

Ubuntu Linux delete file begins with a dash or hyphen

If the name of a file or directory or folder starts with a dash ( - or hyphen -- ), use the following syntax:#N#vivek@nixcraft:~$ rm -- -fileNameHere#N#vivek@nixcraft:~$ rm -- --fileNameHere#N#vivek@nixcraft:~$ rm -rf --DirectoryNameHere#N#vivek@nixcraft:~$ rm ./-file#N#vivek@nixcraft:~$ rm -rf ./--DirectoryNameHere


The rm command removes files on Ubuntu Linux. The rm command options are as follows:

1. What is Ubuntu software repository?

For those wondering, a software repository (shortly repo) is a central place where the developers keep the software packages. The packages in the repositories are thoroughly tested and built specifically for each version by Ubuntu developers.

1. Delete A Repository In Ubuntu

1. Whenever you add a repository using add-apt-repository command, it will be stored in /etc/apt/sources.list file.

2. Delete Repository keys in Ubuntu

1. We use apt-key command to add and manage the repository keys. First, let us list the added keys using command:

How to clean temporary files?

We can clean the temporary files automatically. In the search bar, start typing privacy then you will be able to see a tab history and trash. Click on history and trash. Now toggle clean temporary files option to yes. Set the time period when to clean temporary files. You are done.

What is temporary file?

Temporary file : A temporary file is a file created to hold information while a file is being created or modified. Now let’s see why we need to clean or delete the temporary files. Application programs often store temporary files on your computer’s hard drive. They are supposed to be disposed of when the job or program, that it is finished.

How To Delete Route In Ubuntu Linux?

I have some route in my routing table. But I want to delete one route from routing table. How can accomplish this?

List Existing Routes

To get detailed information about route that will be removed we list the existing routes in our system.

Remove Specific Route

This command can be run all modern Linux distributions like Kali, Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS. We remove the route by giving specific details about route like below. We will use ip route del command and provide related parameters.


We want to check the last status of our routing table. We issue the same command we issued when starting.

Make room for a new OS

Jonathan Terrasi is a former Lifewire writer who specializes in security and digital privacy, Linux, and consumer technologies.

Live-Boot With Ubuntu On A USB Drive

Since you are trying to remove Ubuntu, you probably still have the USB drive that you installed it from. Use this for live-booting over your Ubuntu installation to be deleted, so that your computer’s onboard hard drive will not be accessed at all while performing the wipe. If you don’t have your Ubuntu USB anymore, you can make one yourself .

Fast Deletion With the GParted Application

If you find running terminal commands intimidating and just want to quickly trash your hard drive's data with a few taps, you can use a graphical disk management utility that comes preinstalled on Ubuntu called GParted .

Fast Deletion With A Header Overwrite

After booting into a live Ubuntu session, open up the “Terminal” application and run this command to identify all disk devices.

Thorough Deletion With A Full Disk Overwrite

The steps for this are initially the same as those for wiping the disk headers: start by live-booting your USB, opening up a terminal and determining the hard drive’s device name using the “lsblk” command. Again, the name (under “NAME”) in the row with a size matching your hard drive’s is the name of the drive to be wiped.

What is the shortcut for deleting a file in Linux?

In this topic, you will learn about different keyboard shortcuts in Linux.#N#CTRL+Shift+n is used for creating a new folder.#N#Shift+delete to delete a file#N#ALT+Home for going into the home directory#N#ALT+F4 Close the window#N#CTRL+ALT+T to open terminal.#N#ALT+F2 to enter a single command#N#CTRL+D to remove a line#N#CTRL+C for copy and CTRL+V for paste.

How to install Ubuntu on desktop?

Follow the steps given below for a smooth installation of Ubuntu: Step 1: Open up your favorite browser and then go the and click the Download Section. Step 2: From the Download Section, you have to download the Ubuntu Desktop LTS.

What are some examples of Linux distributions?

You can say that each franchise of McDonald’s is like a distribution. So, the examples of Linux distributions are Red Hat, Slackware, Debian, and Ubuntu, etc. 3. Installation Guide. This topic will give you a complete way through which you can install Ubuntu on your system.

What is Linux used for?

All software’s architecture is covered with Linux, as it helps to communicate between the computer program and the system hardware and also manages the requests between them. Linux is open-source software.

How does Linux work?

In windows, you have ‘Folders.’ Whereas Linux has ‘ root ’ as its basic directory, and under this directory, all files and folders reside. You can see your root folder in your system by opening the file system, as shown below. It has all the files and folders under it. The root folder is the main folder; then you have subfolders in it like bin, boot, dev, etc. If you click on any of these folders, it will show you different directories reside in it, proving that Linux has a hierarchical structure.

Where are kernel modules stored?

Kernel modules are stored in the home directory or the root folder . These are the drivers that can be loaded and unloaded as well as needed or at the boot time. The kernel is the low-level aspect of your computer that sits between the user and hardware, and its job is to how to you know, talk to CPU to communicate with the memory and the communication with the devices. It takes all the information from the application and communication with the hardware, and it also takes all the information from the hardware, and it communicates with the application, so you can say that kernel is a bridge which takes the information from the application to the hardware and from the hardware to the application. For the kernel to communicate with the hardware, it needs to have some specific modules. It needs to have a module that can tell it how to do that, and those modules are available and built-in, and a few of them can be imported. They are externally available, and you can use them as you need them.

Who is Talha from Linux Hint?

Talha is a contributor at Linux Hint with a vision to bring value and do useful things for the world. He loves to read, write and speak about Linux, Data, Computers and Technology.

How to delete fonts in ubuntu

How to delete fonts in ubuntu. I am a new ubuntu user and find it hard to delete fonts that I have installed.

Ubuntu 18

Launch a file manager as sugo (e.g. sudo nautilus) and navigate to /usr/share/fonts. Browse through the opentype and especially the truetype directory, and delete fonts you don't want. (If you really dislike the fonts, press Shift+Delete for extra effect :)
