how much does it cost to rent out a golf course

by Kimberly Kautzer 8 min read

The minimum amount of how much is it to rent golf clubs is $50 for average golf courses and pro shops. However, it can go as high as $80 for a high-end golf course. It would also vary depending on the qualities of the club and the brand being rented.

Full Answer

What is the cost of hiring golf clubs?

Jul 01, 2020 · The cost to achieve the condition players expect — or will tolerate — ranges from about $500,000 a year for a daily-fee course to $1,000,000 a …

How to buy beginner set of golf clubs?

Push Cart Rental (per use) Golf Club Rental ; $4.50: 9 Holes/$10 More About Jefferson District Golf Course. Play and Practice Tee Times. Rates and Offers. Course and Clubhouse. Practice Facilities. Learn and Compete Junior Golf. Tournaments. Connect Golf Fairfax E-News Club ...

How much are Golf Club rentals?

May 21, 2020 · Prime Frontage: Lot cost, $250,000; House cost, $400,000; Total cost, $650,000 Interior Lot: Lot cost, $100,000; House cost, $400,000; Total cost, $500,000 In this example, the premium for the vacant lot is 150 percent ($250,000/$100,000), but the premium when the lot is developed is 30 percent ($650,000/$500,000).

How much for good set of golf clubs?

May 18, 2011 · Expect $ 1,250,000 to $ 1,500,000 range for a solid 12 month season daily fee golf course , leased carts , owned equipment , no depreciation , no interest , no debt service , no mgt fees , no water bill , 5% CIP allowance , no swimming / tennis , modest sales and marketing costs , modest service levels , modest F&B , modest utilities , ect.

How profitable is a golf course?

Profitable golf courses are generally selling for six to eight times EBITDA, while courses that aren't profitable tend to sell at 0.8 to 1.4 times revenue.Dec 21, 2021

Do golf course owners make money?

The most common income streams are green fees, membership fees, pro shop sales, and food and beverage sales. While increasing membership fees or green fees might seem like a good way to increase revenue, it might put off more golfers than the additional income earned.

How much does it cost to put on a golf tournament?

14. What is the average tournament fee? We have seen tournaments as low as $45 and as high as $7,500. The average event is $125 per player.

Is living on a golf course worth it?

In addition to having your next round of golf right outside your door, living on a golf course often affords views of sprawling green vistas. Even if golf isn't your game, the benefits of living in a golfing community may be something worth considering.Oct 3, 2018

Is a golf course a good business?

Buying a golf course is often a passion play. But with the right business savvy, it can also be a profitable enterprise.Aug 4, 2021

How many acres is an average golf course?

At the individual level, an average 18-hole golf course covers 150 acres, approximately 100 (67 percent) of which is maintained turfgrass. This area is predominantly comprised of rough (51 acres) and fairways (30 acres).

How much does it cost to sponsor a golf tournament?

Sponsoring a regular PGA Tour event costs in the neighborhood of $7 million per year. That money covers a portion of the purse, a television advertising commitment, a fee to the PGA Tour and to the tournament.Feb 14, 2007

Where do golf tournaments get their money?

Most of the purse money comes from the various television networks that broadcast PGA Tour events. As of 2012, television rights money provides 60 percent of each tournament's purse, according to an article in Forbes.

How much is it to sponsor a golf tournament?

Examples of Golf Tournament Sponsorship LevelsTITLE SPONSOR$10,000-$25,00GOLD SPONSOR$5,000-$10,000SILVER SPONSOR$2,500-$5,000DINNER or LUNCH SPONSOR$1,500-$3,500HOLE-IN-ONE or OTHER CONTEST SPONSORS$10001 more row

Is it toxic to live on a golf course?

Toxic Fairways People living near a golf course may be affected by sprays and dusts blown from the golf course onto their property and into their homes. Finally, pesticides applied to the turf may run off into surface waters or leach down to groundwater, which can then expose people to contaminated drinking water.

What are the disadvantages of living on a golf course?

The most obvious drawback to living on a golf course is the constant activity behind your home if you live directly on a fairway or green. There are busy parts of every neighborhood, but few involve golf carts and a steady stream of people as early as 5 a.m. on every possible day the weather allows it.

Is golf a dying sport?

Golf is dying, many experts say. According to one study by the golf industry group Pellucid Corp., the number of regular golfers fell from 30 to 20.9 million between 2002 and 2016. Ratings are down, equipment sales are lagging, and the number of rounds played annually has fallen.Jun 8, 2018

1. Generating Interest IN Your Outing

Golfers truly enjoy participating in golf outings. That is why so many companies and non-profits host and/or participate in them. But they can’t take unlimited time off to play in too many, so they must “pick their spots.” How can you be sure they will pick yours? You need a full complement of paying participants for your event to succeed.

2. Generating Revenue from Your Outing

Charity outings exist to raise money. But even when companies and organizations host golf outings for clients, prospects or employees, money is an important factor. In each case, you want to control your spending, yet deliver an outing that offers exceptional value and a positive, memorable experience.


Don't have midwest info but when I worked in Florida our budget for two 18 hole courses with 2 mechanics and 15 greenskeepers was $750K which I believe is low by most standards. This was a private country club too.


In my experience - some numbers quoted here are low. Maybe they are low end courses (not meant as an insult anyone), can't say. On average, courses in AZ and CA cost about 6M-15M, depending on course turf, turf equipment and facilities. An acquaintance bought a tournament level course years back.


If you are running an 18 hole facility with food and beverage ops here are some of the numbers you can expect#N#Food and Bev operation: 150,000#N#Golf related expense (flags, event signs, handicapping, pos software, staff, range balls, etc): 100,000#N#Maintenance: 200,000#N#Marketing: 75,000#N#Misc repairs/expenses: 100,000#N#These numbers may be slighlty skewed.


I'm sure the cost of gas is a budget buster for a lot of courses out there, especially with a weak economy where membership is cutting back either due to being laid off from work or just cutting back on expenses.


Way too broad of a question to get a good answer to without a ton more information. I've seen budgets that were $300k per year (goat track) and places where the greenskeeper made that much or more.


How much could one expect to spend on operating expenses for an above average golf course in the Midwest? I don't have much information to offer but would like some info on this. Thanks guys.


Are you guys including other op expenses if you have more than a golf course (pool, tennis, etc)?

How much is Eagle Marsh?

Price: $4.9 million. Eagle Marsh is a Tommy Fazio-designed public course spread across 256 acres in an affluent, gated community in the heart of the Treasure Coast. The closest golf course to Hutchinson Island and its beaches, it is a premier South Florida golf destination.

How many holes are there in Brick Landing Plantation?

The 18-hole course at Brick Landing Plantation, known as “The Brick,” starts and ends along the Intracoastal Waterway and winds through coastal marshes. Located about 30 minutes from Myrtle Beach attractions, this semi-private course offers the benefits of a private club while still being open to the public.
