how much do gmat prep course cost?

by Madison Robel 5 min read

not present

Rank Name Price Range
1 Target Test Prep $99-$399
2 $79-$349
3 Manhattan Review GMAT $990-$1,599
4 Magoosh GMAT $219-$799
Jun 15 2022

Compare the Best GMAT Prep Courses
Magoosh Best Overall$24950 points
GMAT Official Starter Kit Best Free CourseFreeNone
Kaplan Best Online Course$999 to $1,599Score improvement
Princeton Review Best In-Person Course$1,299 to $1,649Score improvement or 700+ score (depends on course)
4 more rows

Full Answer

Are GMAT prep courses worth it?

GMAT prep courses are not the only way to study for the GMAT, but they are an important option for many future GMAT participants. GMAT prep courses are worthwhile to anyone who wants to do better on the GMAT exam and doesn't trust themselves to study well using only books and other non-course resources.

How much is the GMAT exam fee?

GMAT exam fee is $250. However, it differs in a few countries. Also, the GMAT cost will be more than just the GMAT exam fee.

How much does it cost to reschedule the GMAT?

An Overview of GMAT Exam Fees Scheduling fee (U.S. and Canada) $275 Scheduling fee (US Overseas Territories, ... $250 Rescheduling fee (more than 60 days out) $50 Rescheduling fee (15-60 days out) $100 Rescheduling fee (within 14 days of the ... $150 4 more rows ...

How much does the at-home GMAT cost?

However, for the at-home GMAT exam, you can send your scores to unlimited business schools free of cost, thus, you do not incur any additional score report cost which is approx. $35 each. To know more about how much the GMAT costs in your location continue reading this article.

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Is a GMAT prep course worth it?

So, are GMAT courses worth it? Ultimately, the answer to this question is one that is unique to each and every test-taker. A GMAT prep course is only worth it if you are willing to adopt their approaches and put in all of the time and effort that it requires.

How long is a GMAT prep course?

How long does GMAT prep take? Remember, studying for the GMAT takes time. Plan to spend about two to three months and 100–120 hours reviewing material and practicing regularly. The top scorers on the GMAT spend 120+ hours, on average, studying for Test Day over a period of time.

How long should I study for GMAT to get 700?

In short, the higher your target score, the more hours you will need to spend on your study. For a 700+ score you are looking at around 120 hours of prep time, which is around 16 weeks or 4 months of prep time with 10-15 hours of study time every week.

How much does Kaplan GMAT prep cost?

Kaplan GMAT Private Tutoring With respect to pricing, Kaplan is on the more expensive side of tutoring costs. Their packages range in price from around $2,500 (10 hours) up to $5,000 (40 hours). This equates to a price per hour of roughly $125-250.

How can I improve my GMAT score from 500 to 700?

To boost your score, make sure you have your fundamentals covered and that you are spending time learning as much as you can from every question you practice. As always with GMAT prep, don't get bogged down on the theory without understanding how the GMAT tests it in practice.

How do I get a 750 on the GMAT?

Here are the four steps for scoring 750 or higher on the GMAT:Commit 60-to-100 hours of your time. The most fool proof way to improve at the GMAT is to put a serious number of hours into prep work. ... Relearn all the relevant content. ... Practice and review. ... Consider tutoring.

Who scored 800 in GMAT?

Dan Edmonds knows how to take a standardized test. The first time he ever sat for the GMAT in 1997, while a Ph. D. student in comparative literature, Edmonds notched a 780 on the test, just 20 points shy of a perfect 800 score.

Is 770 a good GMAT score?

A 770 is in the 99th percentile. The 99th percentile starts at 760 so technically a 770 is 99th%+ but the GMAT only provides integer percentiles. The LSAT actually digs into the decimals so you can get a 99.9 percentile LSAT score.

What is a good first time GMAT score?

A GMAT score between 650 and 690 is good, and a score of 700 or higher is great, MBA experts say.

Which GMAT coaching is best?

It tests your Analytical Reasoning Skills, Verbal Reasoning, Integrated Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning skills. Preparing for the GMAT test is crucial....TOP 10 GMAT COACHING INSTITUTES IN INDIAJamboree Institute. ... Career Launcher. ... Vegas Consultancy Services. ... AIEL. ... Endeavor Careers. ... BYJU'S GMAT. ... Sharp Minds. ... Aspire Global.More items...

Which GMAT prep is the best?

Best GMAT Prep Courses SummaryBest Overall GMAT Prep Course: Princeton Review.Best Value GMAT Prep Course: Magoosh.Most Efficient GMAT Prep: PrepScholar.Best Adaptive Tech: Target Test Prep.Most GMAT Practice Material: Kaplan.Best GMAT Video Lessons: Manhattan Prep.

Does Khan Academy have GMAT prep?

It includes lessons on dozens of topics, including the GMAT and other standardized tests. For GMAT prep, Khan Academy offers hundreds of videos that take you through official, GMAC-authored practice quant questions, showing you how to successfully complete each kind of quant problem from start to finish.

Magoosh is our top choice, with extensive resources and a competitive price

Eric Rosenberg is a finance, travel, and technology writer. He has 10 years of experience in banking, corporate finance, and corporate accounting.

Final Verdict

Overall, Magoosh is our top choice because it offers an extensive GMAT prep course for a reasonable price. The $250 course includes a year of access to course materials and comes with a 50-point score improvement guarantee.

How to Choose the Best GMAT Prep Course

To pick the best GMAT prep courses, it’s a good idea to look at course materials, the number of practice exams and questions, cost, score improvement guarantees, and duration as top factors.

Frequently Asked Questions

GMAT prep courses are not the only way to study for the GMAT, but they are an important option for many future GMAT participants. GMAT prep courses are worthwhile to anyone who wants to do better on the GMAT exam and doesn't trust themselves to study well using only books and other non-course resources.


To pick the best GMAT prep courses, we looked at the details of 10 popular course providers, focusing on materials, cost, duration, and learner outcomes. Courses with extensive question banks, multiple practice exams, and long durations fared best in our ratings.

How much does it cost to take the GMAT?

How Much Is the GMAT? Wherever in the world you’re taking the test, the GMAT exam fee will be the same: $250 . Most people register for the GMAT online and pay this $250 registration fee with a credit card. The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or JCB.

How much to reschedule GMAT?

Reschedule more than 7 days before test date: $50. Resched ule 7 days or fewer before test date: $250. Before you buy the best binoculars to see the Aurora Borealis, make sure you know how much of a financial hit you’ll take canceling or rescheduling the GMAT.

How much can I refund if I cancel my GMAT?

If you cancel your test more than seven days in advance of your test date, then you can get an $80 refund. If you cancel seven or fewer days out or miss your test completely, you won’t get any of the original $250 registration fee back. Rescheduling the GMAT is a little more affordable.

How much does a GMAT waiver cover?

Vouchers may cover all or part of the registration fee. They can cover $50, $100, $150, $200, or the entire GMAT cost. You would be responsible for paying any remainder. These waivers only cover the cost of GMAT registration. You can’t put the money toward any other additional fees.

How long before GMAT can I cancel?

If you do suspect you need to cancel or reschedule the GMAT, try your best to do so more than seven days before your chosen test date. Wait any longer, and you’ll have to wave goodbye to your $250 registration fee. If you suspect you won’t be able to make the test, make sure to change your registration more than seven days ahead of time.

What is GMAT diagnostic assessment?

Our proprietary GMAT Diagnostic Assessment creates a customized study plan for you that takes you from registration all the way to test day! It is included with every account and proven to significantly maximize your score.

How many hours do I need to study for the GMAT?

According to GMAC, students who got a score of 700 or higher on the GMAT spent an average of 121 hours studying for the test. While GMAC’s free preparation software is very useful, it isn’t going to give you 121 hours of studying. You’ll need to invest in an additional book, online program, class, or tutor.

What Is Included

The online registrations give access to free test preparation materials.

Additional Costs

Several independent companies such as Kaplan and The Princeton Review provide private tutoring options for the sum between $570-$5,400, based on the number of hours and skill level of the chosen instructor.

How much does it cost to reschedule the GMAT?

In most of the world, rescheduling the GMAT online costs $50 if you reschedule your GMAT exam date at least 60 days days before your scheduled test, $100 if it’s 15-60 days in advance, and $150 if 1-14 days in advance. So when can you reschedule your GMAT test date?

How much can I refund for GMAT?

For most test-takers around the world, the GMAT cancellation policy offers a refund of: $100 (with more 60 than days notice) $75 (15-60 days notice) $50 (1-14 days notice). This refund comes from your initial registration fee ...

How long before GMAT can I reschedule?

To avoid paying hefty fees, you should reschedule at least 1-2 days before your GMAT test date. You cannot reschedule the GMAT within 24 hours of the test date. If you don’t show up for your exam, your account history will instead register a “no-show.”.

How much does GMAC charge for test day?

Besides rescheduling fees, GMAC also charges for score reports. On test day, you are given five (5) free score reports. Any more will cost you $35 each in most countries, with different pricing in various parts of Europe.

How often can I retake the GMAT?

Cost to Retake the GMAT. You may retake the GMAT once every 16 calendar days, but no more than 5 times in a rolling 12-month period (but let’s be real, taking the GMAT 5 times would not be ideal anyway). However, there are no discounts for taking the test again.

Does GMAT cost vary in Europe?

Needless to say, other secondary GMAT fees (score reporting, cancellation, etc.) can also vary in Europe. And of course, local taxes can also vary in any country. See the official GMAT Location Specific Pricing & Regulations page for more information.

Is B school expensive for GMAT?

Since B-school itself will be pricey, you might want to consider this when budgeting in your GMAT cost . If you’re concerned about expenses, you might consider planning to avoid a rescheduling fee or a retake. In addition, be aware that GMAT fee waivers may be available.

What are the factors to consider when deciding the best GMAT prep course for you?

There are several factors to consider when deciding the best GMAT prep course for you. Along with a proven record of success, you should take into account your budget, the amount of time you have to prepare, and the level of coaching and training you feel you need.

How long does it take to get ready for GMAT?

PrepScholar offers a self-paced GMAT prep package that can get you ready in two months, four months, or six months, depending on your needs and flexibility. The self-paced learning style makes PrepScholar particularly useful for students that have busy schedules or other substantial time commitments.

What is Veritas Prep?

Veritas Prep offers a comprehensive study course consisting of self-paced learning programs, live class courses, and private tutoring options. Whichever plan you choose, you gain access to over 5,000 practice questions, on-demand and livestream HD video lessons, and admissions consultation. Veritas Prep equips you with a solid GMAT foundation, high reasoning skills, and excellent interpretation techniques to help you ace the real exam. The course also guarantees a minimum of a 70-point improvement, which can be the difference between a fail and a pass. The teaching staff is handpicked from the 99th percentile of previous GMAT takers, and participants enjoy access to resources for a full year.

What is e-GMAT?

e-GMAT is a thorough prep course that employs full-time, qualified instructors dedicated to developing and improving your intellectual and test-taking capabilities. The instructors consist of GMAT experts who have scored highly on the exam and are ready to share the insider knowledge that helped them succeed.

How much does Magoosh cost for GMAT?

Magoosh GMAT prep course offers a great value for your money. For as little as $249, you gain a full year of access to top GMAT preparation materials, including viRdeos, recorded classes, sample questions, and practice tests. Not only do these resources help you prepare for the test, but they also equip you with first-rate GMAT strategies and skills. While taking practice exams, you’ll also enhance your time-management and reading comprehension skills. As you study, you can enjoy a user-friendly platform that lets you quickly and easily access the course material of your choice. You also receive both written and video explanations for all practice problems, which helps you thoroughly understand the exam questions.

How does target test prep work?

After an initial practice test, the course will analyze your skill level and offer personalized tests designed to enhance your performance. You also receive a “target score” for you to work towards as you progress through the course. The course is split into 20 chapters, with each chapter broken down into 500 lessons. Dividing the subjects into small, thorough portions helps you digest the course content more fully and easily. As a bonus for subscribing to Target Test Prep’s services, you are granted access to their new GMAT Verbal course at no extra cost. You also receive direct coaching and feedback from leading GMAT experts.

What is the GMAT 2021?

The GMAT, or Graduate Management Admission Test, is a business school entrance exam that measures your reasoning, critical thinking, analytical, and problem-solving capabilities. Every year, over 200,000 students take the exam in hopes of increasing their chances of acceptance into top MBA programs.

Benefits of GMAT prep courses

Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of taking a GMAT prep course is that it gives a sense of structure to your studying.

Benefits of studying solo

A main benefit to studying for the exam on your own is that you have much more flexibility to move at your own pace.

When should you choose a GMAT prep course?

If you’re on the fence about whether or not you should enroll in a GMAT classes, it’s a good idea to take a step back and assess yourself in a few different areas before making a decision either way.

So are GMAT prep courses worth it?

The vast majority of the best GMAT prep courses will cost you hundreds, possibly even thousands, of dollars. So, are GMAT courses worth it?
