how many summer course do you have to take for hope scholarship[

by Mateo Mueller 6 min read

Please note that the award will be prorated and paid based on the number of Course Program of Study (CPOS) hours they register to take in the summer. Students must be enrolled for at least six CPOS credit hours to receive HOPE Scholarship payment.

Students who are Tennessee residents meeting the eligibility GPA and hours requirements will be awarded based on the number of hours they register to take in the summer. Students must be enrolled for at least six credit hours to be eligible for the HOPE Scholarship.

Full Answer

How many hours can you get a HOPE Scholarship for?

Students must be enrolled for at least six CPOS credit hours to receive HOPE Scholarship payment. If you need information about using HOPE at another institution in the summer, see our page on Consortium Agreements. As a HOPE Scholarship recipient please note that hours attempted during summer session will count toward HOPE attempted hours and the GPA will …

What GPA do you need to renew the HOPE Scholarship?

Students may also qualify for HOPE scholarship funds by earning a 3.0 or better average after completing at least 45 quarter hours or at least 30 semester hours of college credit, even without ever completing high school or earning a GED. Students who first received HOPE scholarship funds before summer 2011 lose their eligibility June 30, 2015.

What is an eligible enrollment for HOPE Scholarship?

Apr 06, 2022 · Your award amount will be based on your total summer enrollment as of Friday, July 1 (refer to the Add/Drop question below). Please refer to our HOPE award amounts chart to determine how much you can receive. Remember - Summer enrollment works the same as fall/spring in that 6-8 credit hours is 1/2-time, 9-11 credit hours is 3/4-time, and 12 ...

How do I continue to receive the OSFA HOPE Scholarship?

It is worth noting that Georgia College does not charge additional tuition for hours in excess of 15 each term. For example, if you are enrolled in 12 hours your Fiscal Year 2021 HOPE Scholarship payment will be 12 x $229 = $2748. A second example, if you are enrolled in 17 hours your Fiscal Year 2021 HOPE Scholarship payment will be 15 x $229 ...

Does GA hope pay for summer classes?

Does HOPE Scholarship pay for Summer classes? Yes, as long as you have maintained your HOPE eligibility after Spring checkpoint. After you register for summer classes, our office will review you for summer aid eligibility.

What are the requirements for HOPE Scholarship in Georgia?

A HOPE Scholarship recipient must graduate from high school with a minimum 3.00 grade point average (as calculated by GSFC) and maintain a minimum 3.00 cumulative postsecondary grade point average to remain eligible.

How do you lose HOPE Scholarship in GA?

A student will lose the HOPE Scholarship or Zell Miller Scholarship if their GPA is below the minimum requirement at one of the checkpoints and may only regain the scholarship one time.

How does the HOPE Scholarship work in Georgia?

Georgia's HOPE Scholarship is available to Georgia residents who have demonstrated academic achievement. The scholarship provides money to assist students with a portion of the tuition cost at a HOPE Scholarship eligible college or university.

How much does GA HOPE Scholarship pay?

For 2021-22, the HOPE Scholarship pays a maximum of $7,680 for two semesters of enrollment in 15 credit hours per term. Actual payment amounts for HOPE will be pro-rated down for students enrolled in fewer than 15 eligible hours.

HOW MUCH IS HOPE Scholarship in GA?

HOPE Scholarship pays the 15 hour rate of $3,840, leaving him with a balance of $1,055 which he pays by the tuition and fee deadline. During the drop/add period, he drops a class and is now enrolled in 12 hours.

Is Hope GPA the same as institutional GPA?

The GPA used for HOPE Scholarship is a Cumulative GPA, which means that all courses ever taken towards any Degree Program after High School Graduation are counted. The Institutional GPA that is visible in PAWS only includes courses that are applicable towards a student's current Degree program.Oct 12, 2018

What is the cheapest university in Georgia?

Most Affordable Colleges & Universities in Georgia#1. East Georgia State College. Swainsboro , GA. ... #2. Georgia Highlands College. ... #3. Atlanta Metropolitan State College. ... #4. Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College. ... #5. Gordon State College. ... #6. Dalton State College. ... #7. Middle Georgia State University. ... #8. College of Coastal Georgia.

Can you use Georgia HOPE Scholarship out of state?

If I am a transient student at an out-of-state institution, can I receive the HOPE/Zell Miller Scholarship? No. The HOPE/Zell Miller Scholarship is awarded based on your enrollment at a HOPE eligible institution within the state of Georgia.

HOW IS HOPE Scholarship calculated?

Term Calculation: 37 / 12 = 3.08 HOPE GPAThe Grade Value multiplied by the number of GPA Hours equals the number of Quality Points (Only grades of A-F earn quality points)The Total Quality Points divided by the number of total GPA Hours equals the Grade Point Average (GPA)

What GPA do you have to have to get into UGA?

a 4.0 GPAAim for a 4.0 GPA. UGA has high standards when it comes to GPA. The average GPA of the admitted class of 2023 was 4.0. This means that if your school offers AP or IB courses that can raise your GPA above 4.0, you'll want to take those classes and score well.Aug 14, 2020

What GPA do you need for the Zell Miller Scholarship?

a 3.7 or greater GPAThe Zell Miller scholarship provides full tuition funding to undergraduate Georgia residents who graduate from high school with a 3.7 or greater GPA and a score of at least a 1,200 reading and math score on the SAT or an ACT composite score of 26.Nov 10, 2020

What happens if you lose Hope Scholarship?

If you have lost HOPE Scholarship eligibility at a Checkpoint it may be possible for you to regain eligibility. The information below highlights the academic requirements to regain academic eligibility for HOPE Scholarship.

What is a transient enrollment?

Transient enrollment is when your college/university (home institution) approves your enrollment in a course (s) at a “host” institution with the purpose of applying the credit earned to your major or program of study at your college/university.

What is a TCSG?

Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) No minimum number of hours per semester of enrollment required for eligibility. University System of Georgia (USG) No minimum number of hours per semester of enrollment required for eligibility. Eligible Private College/University.

How many hours can you get on Hope Scholarship?

HOPE Scholarship will no longer cover any costs associated with mandatory fees or book expenses. HOPE Scholarship eligibility is limited to 127 attempted or paid hours, or the first bachelor's degree - whichever occurs first.

When does Hope Scholarship expire?

This expiration date will be June 30th of the seventh academic year after either of these.

How long do you have to be a resident of Georgia to get a Hope Scholarship?

Generally, you must meet the residency requirements of the Georgia College Admissions Office. You must be a Georgia resident for 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes of the semester you would like to receive the HOPE Scholarship. In addition, if you graduated from high school on or after July 1, 2008, ...

How long does it take to appeal a Hope Scholarship?

GSFC must receive your appeal within 45 days of your denial of HOPE Scholarship from Georgia College. Address this appeal to:

What happens if you don't maintain your GPA?

If you do not have the minimum GPA required at your "90-hour Tier Checkpoint", you will no longer qualify for HOPE Scholarship.

Does Hope GPA count as a grade?

Your HOPE GPA will count all grades for courses taken after high school graduation. This includes both grades when retaking a course, grades for non-credit coursework and all transfer grades (even if courses are not accepted at Georgia College or paid for by HOPE).

What is Hope Scholarship?

A student's program of study, leading to an Associate or Baccalaureate degree program, can be awarded under the HOPE Scholarship program. Award amounts are available for summer enrollment. Class status is determined by the postsecondary institution. Entering freshmen must meet the following criteria.

What is the minimum GPA for a college student?

Have a minimum 2.75 – 2.99 cumulative GPA and have a semester GPA of at least 3.0 at the end of the semester in which the student attempted 72 semester hours and any multiple of 24 semester hours thereafter.

When do you have to take the SAT and ACT?

ACT/SAT exams must be taken on a national test date or state test date and prior to the first day of college enrollment. The ACT Residual test and the ACT Superscore are not accepted. Must enroll within 16 months following high school graduation at any postsecondary institution.

Do you have to have a home of record in Tennessee?

Members of the Armed Forces or TN National Guard must have Tennessee as the Home of Record at the time of entry into military service; or be classified as an in-state student under the Tennessee Board of Regents promulgated rules by the FAFSA application date.

How long can you get Hope Scholarship?

A ten-year limit exists for students first receiving the HOPE Scholarship during summer term 2019 (FY20) or later. A seven-year limit exists for students first receiving the HOPE Scholarship during the 2011-2012 academic year (FY12) or later. A student is ineligible to receive HOPE Scholarship funds once the student has reached ...

What is Hope GED?

HOPE GED Grant is available to Georgia residents who earn a General Education Development (GED) diploma awarded by the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG). The Grant provides a one-time $500 HOPE award that can be used toward tuition, books or other educational costs at an eligible college or university in Georgia.


The HOPE and Zell Miller Scholarships are available to qualifying Georgia residents who demonstrate academic achievement. The information provided here is only highlights of the Program Regulations, so please visit for complete information.


The Zell Miller Scholarship pays the standard undergraduate tuition rate. The initial HOPE Scholarship award amount assumes the maximum amount for which you are eligible each semester. The HOPE award amount will be reduced if you enroll in fewer than 15 hours. HOPE award amounts cannot be increased if you enroll in more than 15 hours.

Basic HOPE and Zell Miller Scholarship Eligibility Requirements

To meet residency requirements for the HOPE and Zell Miller Scholarships, you must be a resident of Georgia at the time of high school graduation.

Continuing Eligibility

HOPE Scholarship recipients must maintain a 3.00 HOPE GPA. Zell Miller Scholarship Recipients must maintain a 3.30 Zell Miller Scholarship GPA.

HOPE & Zell Miller Scholarships

Please review the HOPE and Zell Miller Award Amounts to determine your award amount.

Award Amounts for the HOPE Scholarship

Please review the HOPE and Zell Miller Award Amounts to determine your award amount.


Academic Eligibility in College

  • HOPE Scholarship HOPE Scholars have academic requirements that must be met to maintain HOPE Scholarship eligibility while in college. The information below highlights the academic requirements.
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Maintaining Academic Eligibility

  • College/University Enrollment 1. HOPE Scholars must: 1.1. Be enrolled in an undergraduate major or program of study (associate or bachelor’s degree) 1.2. Attend an eligible college or university in Georgia 1.2.1. Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) No minimum number of hours per semester of enrollment required for eligibility 1.2.2. University System of Georgia (USG) 1.2.…
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Gaining and Regaining Eligibility in College

  • If you have lost HOPE Scholarship eligibility at a Checkpoint it may be possible for you to regain eligibility. The information below highlights the academic requirements to regain academic eligibility for HOPE Scholarship. Gaining HOPE Scholarship Eligibility 1. HOPE Scholarship may be gained as a college/university student 2. Eligibility can be checked after you have attempted 30 …
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College Transfers and Transient Eligibility

  • The information below highlights the requirements to maintain HOPE Scholarship eligibility when transferring to or attending as a transient student at another HOPE eligible college/university. Transferring Colleges 1. HOPE Scholarship eligibility may continue when transferring from one HOPE eligible college/university to another HOPE eligible college/university by continuing to mee…
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