how many students fail online course because don't understand deadlines

by Virginie Shanahan 9 min read

Why do students fail online courses?

The lack of scheduling skills may be another reason students fail online courses. One of the perks of some online courses is that all class material is available online. Still, students must locate the materials and download or at least study them. Other courses require students to buy the same textbooks used in traditional face-to-face courses.

How many students actually complete online courses?

According to 2015 Novoed report, general online course completion rates are as low as 13%. This means that out of 100 students enrolled in your course for instance, only 10 will actually complete it. So if you, like me, have at some point taken a course and left it unfinished, you’re definitely not alone.

Why do so many college students fail classes?

College students fail classes for a variety of reasons, many of which are largely within the control of the students. In some cases, the particular way a professor grades can impact a student. For instance, some instructors grade more heavily on homework, papers and projects while others put a lot of weight on tests.

What percentage of college students fail introductory courses?

As many as 50 percent of students who must take introductory “weed out” courses at colleges and universities fail those courses. The average “freshman retention rate,” as it’s referred to academically, can depend on the college or university a student attends.

What is the failure rate for online classes?

Divide papers you must write into “pages-per-day” to make them less formidable. The success rate for online classes is only 50 percent as opposed to 75 percent for face-to-face courses. Students who are struggling in a course are more likely to become discouraged and drop out.

How many students struggled with online learning?

Two-thirds of first-year students struggled with online learning last year, according to a report released yesterday by ACT, the nonprofit organization that administers the college readiness exam.

What is the percentage of students taking online classes 2020?

The number of students enrolled exclusively in fully online programs increased from 3.5 million in the fall enrollment data to 5.8 million in the 12-month enrollment data, or from 17.6 percent of all students to 22.7 percent of them.

Why do students not like online learning?

Students sometimes feel online learning is impersonal, isolating, and non-interactive. They sometimes feel their online teachers are not particularly interested in neither them nor the instructional process. “Quality of professors varies widely. Some are great, some are not so great.

How has online learning affected students?

Impacts include the lack of efficiency of technology, the difficulty for pupils to understand the concepts taught, and online learning causes social isolation and results in pupils not developing the necessary communication skills.

What is the most common challenge for students in online classes?

Perhaps the most common challenge students face in online degree programs is the lack of face-to-face engagement with professors and other students. Online courses are typically conducted through a virtual learning platform.

What are the statistics of online learning?

eLearning Growth Statistics The online learning market is growing at a compound annual growth rate of 9.23%. The eLearning market in the US could grow by $12.81 billion between 2020 and 2024. Worldwide, mobile learning could reach $80.1 billion by 2027. Since 2000, the eLearning industry has grown by more than 900%.

How effective is online learning statistics?

On average, students can retain 25% to 60% more information when learning online compared to 8% to 10% when in the classroom. eLearning requires 40% to 60% less time learning than traditional classrooms.

Is online learning effective?

Online learning is not only more effective for students, but it is also better for the environment. Online courses consume 90% less energy and release 85% less CO2 per student than traditional in-person courses, according to the Open University in the United Kingdom.

What are the struggles in online class?

What Are the Challenges of Online Learning for Students?Ineffective Time Management.Lack of Instant Communication.Not Receiving Timely Feedback.Not Receiving Clear Instructions or Expectations.Share Time Management Apps and Resources for Students.Utilize Educational Technology (“EdTech”)Increase Peer Review.More items...

How does online learning affect grades?

They find that online education lowered a student's final grade by about 0.2 standard deviations. Their work also confirms the results of previous papers, finding that the negative effect of online learning was driven by students with lower academic ability.

What is the negative effect of online class?

Tangibly, the most negative effect of online classes is a higher rate of class failure and dropouts. A study revealed in July 2011 by the Columbia University Community College Research Center indicated that Washington community college students were more likely to drop online classes than traditional ones.

Why do people abandon online courses?

Lack of time is one of the most common reasons why students abandon online courses. While some people indeed face unexpected personal circumstances, others simply fail to manage their time properly. Time management is also something you can teach your students.

What is the first challenge in online learning?

Since the online classroom is a new environment for many students, the first challenge is to adapt to online learning. If the platform seems too complicated, you risk losing your potential students.

How to get rid of technical issues?

To get rid of the technical issues and ensure a smooth eLearning experience for the students, you need to build a flexible and scalable server infrastructure by optimizing content with adaptive delivery ( to ensure quality and speed on every type of device and connection) and moving it closer to the user with a content delivery network (CDN). There are two ways to do this: build your own solution or use a ready-made CDN.

How many people are enrolled in online courses in 2019?

According to Class Central, there were 110 million people in the world enrolled in online courses in 2019. The number is impressive, but the question is: How many of them made it to the finish line, and how many dropped out right after registering for a course or completing the first lesson? A recent study found that of those who register for a course, 52% never even look at the courseware. Moreover, the dropout rate reaches a whopping 96% on average over five years. In this post, we’ll go through the 10 most common reasons why students fail online learning. This checklist will be useful for eLearning business owners, and anyone involved in online teaching who wants to enhance the eLearning experience for their students and grab and hold their attention to the end.

How long does it take to learn microlearning?

It’s a learning approach that involves breaking information down into small, bite-sized learning units that students can comprehend in a short time (from 3 to 10 minutes). One unit covers one specific topic, idea, or skill.

What are the advantages of online learning?

One of the biggest advantages of online learning is great flexibility: students can take courses at their own pace whenever and wherever they want. At the same time, when there’s too much of it, flexibility can be the biggest disadvantage too.

Why is online learning important?

That’s why your online courses should provide hands-on information, include relevant real-life examples, integrat e realistic practical scenarios , and give your students practical tasks to immediately apply gained knowledge to real problems.

Why doesn't online learning work?

So why doesn’t online learning work? Part of the problem is the lack of connection between students and teacher. According to The New York Times , pre-filmed video lectures have “an anonymous quality” that lacked the improvisational approach so crucial in the classroom setting. Online schooling turned learning into a “one-size-fits all endeavor”; this approach was unaccommodating to the individual’s specific needs.

Why do colleges need to offer tests?

Chronicle writer and associate professor Rob Jenkins insists that these institutions need to offer tests to determine if students could handle the online experience before enrolling in a course. While schools roll out more options spiked by student’s demand, he explains that Internet-based courses aren’t the best path for everyone.

Is online education a problem?

Thus, these online courses were not designed with struggling, low-in come students in mind . Instead of offering an alternative to a traditional educational system, online classes offered a leg up for already accomplished intellectuals.

Is technology making education easier than ever?

Technology is making education easier than ever – unless you try to get that degree online. Four years after what New York Times dubbed “ Year of the MOOC ,” online learning may be in danger of earning a failing grade.

Is online learning void of hands-on support?

While some students may ace online opportunities, the target audience is flunking out. Online learning is void of hands-on support crucial for the demographic it hoped to reach. Absent of human touch without organic professor interaction or classroom discussion, this alternative form of education needs a serious study session if it hopes to make honor roll.

How many students take online classes in 2019?

February 11, 2019. Online courses have become an increasingly popular learning option for college students. Nearly 1 in 3 students in the United States take classes online, and over 3 million are enrolled in exclusively online programs, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.

What is the potential pitfall in online education?

Baum and Protopsaltis suggest that the potential pitfall in online education is the lack of face-to-face interaction between students and teachers. In-person communication is intrinsic to motivating and helping students understand course material, according to the paper.

How much does taking an online course reduce the probability of a student receiving an A grade in the class?

At four-year, for-profit colleges, taking an online course reduced the probability of a student receiving an A grade in the class by over 12 percent, according to a 2017 paper published in the American Economic Review and featured in this study. Students taking online courses were also more likely than students enrolled in in-person classes to drop out of college.

Does online education live up to its promise?

However, a new paper titled “ Does Online Education Live Up to Its Promise? A Look at the Evidence and Implications for Federal Policy ” argues that students enrolled in online classes have lower grades and failed classes in higher numbers than students taking traditional face-to-face courses. The paper, written by George Mason University professor Spiros Protopsaltis and Urban Institute fellow Sandy Baum, suggests that online courses are possibly less beneficial to students, especially those with weaker academic backgrounds, than traditional courses.

What percentage of students study online?

So, who studies online? According to the same website, 35.3 percent of students take at least one course online. In fact, in one four-year period the number of people studying online more than doubled. While enrollment at traditional brick-and-mortar schools is down by up to four percent in the US, the percentage of students enrolled in online programs has risen by double digits. The pandemic has resulted in an uptick of online students as well, but the growth from Covid-19 may be temporary. Students forced to take online programs view them more negatively than those who elected to forego traditional learning. That may be because online learning is not without difficulties.

What do you need to know to complete an online course?

In order to complete an online program or even a single course, students must have a fundamental knowledge of how to operate in the “cyber world.” If students don’t have this knowledge, it is important to take a prerequisite computer skills course.

Who Studies Online?

The National Center for Education Statistics says that 14 percent of undergraduates and nearly 31 percent of graduate students earn their degrees completely online. A greater percentage, however, take at least one online course. While undergraduates surveyed saw their programs as equal to traditional offerings, more than half of graduate students said that the online degree programs were better than traditional advanced degrees.

How to be more organized as an online student?

Organization and avoiding procrastination are great ways to begin. It also helps to cut down on distractions. The biggest distraction for online students is social media, but there are others. Identifying and ridding oneself of these time wasters can lead to feeling more organized. That means not answering phone calls or checking up on your Facebook “status.” There are apps that allow people to close certain websites and applications at a specified time and for a stated duration.

Why do students feel isolated?

Besides increasing the difficulty of interpreting the material, the lack of engagement can leave students feeling isolated. That is because education is not only an academic pursuit; it is social. Isolation brought on by the lack of peer-to-peer and student-instructor interaction can bring on depression. That, in turn, can make concentrating on assignments difficult, decrease the ability to organize thoughts and disrupts memory. Of course, not all students taking courses or entire programs online will suffer depression, but many will. In fact, a US News and World Report asserts that students interact with peers in person less than they did a generation ago. While they do interact online, it is a different atmosphere. Half of traditional college freshmen reported feeling depressed when they entered school. Social engagement is necessary to good mental health, and students who study online must take advantage of virtual gatherings and forums for academic success and for their own mental health.

How to make sure students don't miss assignments?

Keeping an accurate schedule in a day planner and checking it frequently can make sure students don’t miss assignments or deadlines. You can succeed in an online class, but it may take more self-discipline, a greater commitment to staying motivated and better study habits than a traditional course would require.

Why do people choose online degree programs?

However, just because you may be able to complete a college course without ever leaving your house doesn’t mean that the work is easier or that there won’t be any challenges along the way.

What to do if you don't want to buy a course?

If you don’t want to buy a course that offers something else, rather than help you, take the time getting to know the course instructor. I know the pressure sometimes is beyond belief, but take a deep breath and do some “background check.”

Why are courses created?

Some courses are created to give you more opportunities to buy new products/services (through affiliate links for instance; nothing wrong with that, by the way, but for some that is one main goal, which makes the “helping part” less helpful).

What does "course D out" mean?

You get course-d out (using Breanne Dyck’s words), go on an online learning moratorium, thinking you’re beyond help.

Do deadlines work for you?

Deadlines must work for you, not the other way around. Show them who’s in charge. Click To Tweet

Why do college students fail classes?

Some of the most common reasons that college students fail classes include poor preparation for the changes that come with attending a university, spotty attendance of college classes, inadequate study habits and less than ideal time management skills.

What happens if you miss a class?

You also miss critical lecture and discussions of topics and content, which can lead to poor performance on tests.

Why is procrastination bad?

Procrastination sometimes leads to incomplete or deficient performance on homework, papers and projects.

Why do students plagiarize?

In some cases, students may plagiarize papers to make up for lack of planning and effort, which often means automatically failing the course and can even result in dismissal from the school.

What is the first year of college?

The first year of college is often a major transition. Students leaving home for the first time must balance work, school and other activities as well as make the majority of their life decisions independently. In some cases, students aren't mentally, emotionally or academically ready to handle the demands of college classes. Some lack the necessary motivation and work ethic. Others struggle with the emotional difficulties that come with being on their own. Colleges often offer personal counselors who work specifically with students trying to balance academics with personal life challenges. Most colleges also have peer tutoring services, study skills courses and other opportunities for struggling students to utilize.

Why are some students not mentally ready for college?

In some cases, students aren't mentally, emotionally or academically ready to handle the demands of college classes. Some lack the necessary motivation and work ethic. Others struggle with the emotional difficulties that come with being on their own.

How does a professor affect a student?

However, regardless of the various assessment methods, college students benefit by being cognizant of common causes of academic failure.

What percentage of students do not graduate from remedial classes?

The Statistics. Freshmen who begin their first semesters as underachievers are the least likely to graduate. Of those who must take remedial classes to get off the ground academically, 75 percent will not make it to graduation. As many as 50 percent of students who must take introductory “weed out” courses at colleges and universities fail those ...

How many students leave school after first year?

Colleges and universities are not required to report how many failures contribute to the 29 to 30 percent of college students who leave school during or after their first year. But there’s no doubt that college can be tough, particularly for freshmen.

What happens if you give in to time misspent?

Giving in to time misspent can lead to cramming for tests and scrambling to finish projects on time, and both can result in subpar work. Partying too much can lead to fatigue and hangovers, both of which are sure to have a negative effect on studies. Even one missed class can set a student seriously behind.

How does high school compare to college?

College courses require more study time than high school students are used to – two to three hours per hour spent in class on average – and good writing skills, something that’s not as necessary in high school. It’s not uncommon for an ace high school memorizer to flounder when faced with these new learning challenges.

What is the retention rate of freshmen?

The average “freshman retention rate,” as it’s referred to academically, can depend on the college or university a student attends. Ivy League schools tend to lose very few freshmen. Columbia retains 99 percent of its freshmen, and Dartmouth retains 98 percent. This drops by several percentage points for other universities, like the University of Colorado in Denver, and even more for less prestigious colleges. These numbers reflect students who fail to return to that particular school for their sophomore years, for any reason, including failing grades. Nonetheless, they may lend credence to the premise that students who don’t graduate at the top of their high school classes will struggle more and fail to return for their second years. At least, they're unlikely to be among those who attend Columbia or Dartmouth.

Do students drink more during the week?

Statistics indicate that the more students drink during the week, the more their grades will fall. Even without these temptations, these students are on their own for the first time without a parent to drag them out of bed in the morning or remind them to study. Handling so much freedom can take some adjustment.

Why do online students need to be self motivated?

Online students need to be self-motivated because you won’t have your peers or instructors leaning over your shoulder holding you accountable. 3. Weekends can be busy.

What does Mason say about discussion boards?

Mason says there are often discussion board posts or relatively simple tasks that can fall off of your radar, resulting in a loss of easy points. Online students tend to sharpen their organization skills and attention to detail, which will both set you up for success in the real world. 11.

Can technology fail?

4. Technology can fail. Online courses are dependent on technology and the reality is that technology isn’t always reliable. Former online student Amber Hunt is an author and journalist who recalls a few instances when a site was down and she didn’t give herself enough of a cushion to deal with it.

Is online learning good for everyone?

Online learning definitely has its perks, but it’s not for everyone. There are some common complications that many online students face and it’s helpful to know what to expect. If you’re considering becoming an online student and want to know if you have what it takes to overcome the obstacles, this article is for you.

Can online students earn brownie points?

6. Quality of participation can’t always be measured. Online students can’t really earn brownie points from instructors by sitting in the front row, taking notes and being actively engaged during class, which is not always the case with online students.


A Word on The Global Situation

During the outbreak of COVID-19 and global lockdown, distance learning (and especially eLearning) became the only feasible way of learning, which means the industry is now facing an unprecedented surge in demand. For eLearning businesses, this situation brings great opportunities for growth as well as lots of …
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So, Are You Ready to Make The Most Out of This situation?

  • We analyzed existing studies on online education dropouts and compiled 10 factors that prevent students from completing courses in full. Let’s find out if your eLearning business is ready to provide seamless customer experience and retain most of your students.
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Adaptation Difficulties

  • Since the online classroom is a new environment for many students, the first challenge is to adapt to online learning. If the platform seems too complicated, you risk losing your potential students.
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Wrong Expectations

  • The course appeared to be too difficult or too easy, too time-consuming or too theoretical—these are some faulty expectations that will lead to frustration and dropouts.
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Technical Issues

  • Bugs and slowdowns on the eLearning platform aren’t something that helps students be more motivated. Instead, it may force students to abandon the course. Even if your online platform has never experienced any technical issues, the spike in demand for online learning during the COVID-19 lockdown might harm your platform’s performance. A rapid increase in traffic on your websit…
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Poor Time Management

  • Lack of time is one of the most common reasons why students abandon online courses. While some people indeed face unexpected personal circumstances, others simply fail to manage their time properly.
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Problems with Motivation

  • There are tons of reasons why students can lose motivation—from unclear course outcomes and lack of control to feeling frustrated because of social isolation.
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Too Much Flexibility

  • One of the biggest advantages of online learning is great flexibility: students can take courses at their own pace whenever and wherever they want. At the same time, when there’s too much of it, flexibility can be the biggest disadvantage too.
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Lack of Human Contact

  • One of the major limitations of the online learning experience is a lack of communication with classmates and teachers, which can be frustrating for some students. Moreover, studies showthat social engagement and community components make students five times more engaged and 16 times more likely to finish the course.
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Too Bulky Chunks of Information

  • It’s a familiar situation: you need to embark on a large project, and you simply don’t know where to start. But once you break it down into smaller tasks, it becomes more approachable and doable in your eyes. The same thing is true of education: too massive and complicated modules can scare students away from the course.
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Who Studies Online?

The National Center for Education Statisticssays that 14 percent of undergraduates and nearly 31 percent of graduate students earn their degrees completely online. A greater percentage, however, take at least one online course. While undergraduates surveyed saw their programs as equal to traditional offerings, more than half of gr…
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Misunderstanding Effort Involved

  • The first big hurdle online students face is miscalculating their workloads. Some students take online courses because they can adapt their schedules and work full-time while earning a degree. Here’s the caveat. Traditional program courses average three credits each. So do online courses. Traditional students will spend three hours a week in the classroom. Online students should spe…
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Virtual Classroom Engagement

  • Perhaps the most common challenge students face in online degree programs is the lack of face-to-face engagement with professors and other students. Online courses are typically conducted through a virtual learning platform. This platform may include reading materials, assignments, and even a forum or chat room for class discussions. Professors can provide course instruction in a …
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The Importance of Staying Motivated

  • For some students, the convenience of online courses can encourage poor study habits. Without a set class schedule, as students would have in a traditional course, the temptation to procrastinate may be stronger. With no in-person interactions with the instructor or with fellow students, it can be easy to forget assignments and deadline unless the student keeps organized. Online course…
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How to Get Motivated

  • People start out motivated to study online, but once the novelty wears off, the romance ends. They begin to doubt whether they can succeed and become discouraged. Psychology Todaysays one answer to this problem is affirming self-talk. The theory is that people are inclined to do things that increase their perception of being adequate. If thy make a choice to affirm themselve…
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Lack of Digital Literacy

  • Just as being unable to read cripples students when trying to use printed resources, being digitally illiterate can keep them from succeeding in online study. Recalling that education is a social activity as well as an intellectual one, it is imperative to be able to access forums to interact with peers and navigate email to contact instructors. Additionally, students must be able to use progr…
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Technical Issues

  • It’s discouraging to locate an assigned video and begin to watch it, only to have that annoying buffering circle begin to spin in the center of the screen. Aside from a computer, a reliable and fast Internet connection is the most important beginning point for an online course or program. If the signals are weak or the bandwidth too narrow to connect, there is no way to succeed in onlin…
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The Program

  • One of the biggest obstacles to online study may be the school or the program itself. Many schools have instituted an online component, but it is an adjunct to traditional courses. Schools that are dedicated to helping students succeed in online study have faculties that are knowledgeable in the aspects of online vs traditional learning. That includes recognizing how th…
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