how many standard chart types and sub types are available in excel course hero

by Johnnie Cormier 4 min read

How many types of charts are there in MS Excel?

When you click a chart subtype, Excel creates the chart by using the default layout and color scheme defined in your workbook’s theme. Keyboard Shortcut Press Alt+F11 to create a chart of the default type on the current worksheet or press F11 to create a new chart sheet. Unless you or another user changed the default, Excel creates a column chart.

What type of Excel chart should I use for analysis and reporting?

Ms-Excel - 37 - To add or change the Chart Title. 1. Click the Titles tab. 2. Click in the Chart title box, and then type the text for the title. To add a Legend to a chart. 1. Click the Legend tab. 2. Select the Show legend check box. 3. Under Placement, click the option you want. Note. When you click one of the Placement options, the legend moves, and the Plot Area (area bounded by the …

How many data series can be used in a chart?

Mar 13, 2020 · Here is the list from xl2010 (73 of them) I expect this is enough for most users. I also expect that additional chart types, added in later XL versions, may be described as decorative. '--. '---. Some new, some older Excel programs (now free) at MediaFire...

What are the different types of bar charts?

Excel offers the following major chart types −. Column Chart; Line Chart; Pie Chart; Doughnut Chart; Bar Chart; Area Chart; XY (Scatter) Chart; Bubble Chart; Stock Chart; Surface Chart; Radar Chart; Combo Chart; Each of these chart types have sub-types. In this chapter, you will have an overview of the different chart types and get to know the sub-types for each chart type. Column …

How many types of charts are available in Excel?

Choose your charts wisely
Chart Type
1.Column Chart
2.Line Chart
3.Bar Chart
4.Area chart
2 more rows

What are the different types of chart offered by Excel?

For a description of each chart type, select an option from the following drop-down list.
  • Column chart. Data that's arranged in columns or rows on a worksheet can be plotted in a column chart. ...
  • Line chart. ...
  • Bar chart. ...
  • Area chart. ...
  • Stock chart. ...
  • Surface chart. ...
  • Radar charts. ...
  • Treemap chart (Office 2016 and newer versions only)

How many chart types are there?

There are several different types of charts and graphs. The four most common are probably line graphs, bar graphs and histograms, pie charts, and Cartesian graphs.

What is a chart sub type in Excel?

Part of a video titled Excel 2003 Tutorial Changing the Chart Sub type Microsoft Training ...
We have seen how we can use the chart toolbar to change major categories of chart types like from aMoreWe have seen how we can use the chart toolbar to change major categories of chart types like from a column chart to a bar chart.

What is chart and types of chart?

A chart is a graphical representation for data visualization, in which "the data is represented by symbols, such as bars in a bar chart, lines in a line chart, or slices in a pie chart". A chart can represent tabular numeric data, functions or some kinds of quality structure and provides different info.

What are charts in Excel?

A chart is a tool you can use in Excel to communicate data graphically. Charts allow your audience to see the meaning behind the numbers, and they make showing comparisons and trends much easier.

What is the size of a standard chart?

Picture size w x h [mm]Chart size w x h x d [mm] (+/- 2 mm)*
A1066800 x 6001245 x 835 x 3.2
A1066-1400 x 835 x 3.2
A540540 x 405600 x 500 x 3.2
9 more rows

Which of the following chart types is not available in Excel?

Clustered (side-by-side) stacked column charts are not supported in Excel. Only one column is rendered in the Excel output. For example, you have a 100% stacked column chart with Product line and Order method as columns.

What are the subtypes of bar chart?

There are six types of bar graphs based on their structure and the number of parameters they can accommodate. The six types of bar graphs are vertical, horizontal, double, multiple, stacked, and bar-line bar graphs.Jul 9, 2021

Where is chart subtype in Excel?

On the Chart Type tab, to select the chart type and subtype:
  1. Under Select a chart type, click the image representing the type of chart you want to create. ...
  2. If you selected the Bar chart type: ...
  3. If you selected the Line/Area chart type, click the radio button to select the chart subtype:

What are the subtypes of pie chart?

Overview of pie chart subtypes: Pie. The basic pie chart everyone knows and loves, which shows the breakup of a single series of data. Pie in 3-D and Exploded Pie in 3-D.Mar 18, 2020

How many data sets are needed for a stock chart?

For the stock chart, there must be at least two data sets. A pie chart can only be used to represent one series of data. They cannot handle two data series. To keep the chart easy to understand, we should restrict the data series to two or three. Else the chart will not be understandable.

What is a column chart in Excel?

A column chart is a bar-shaped chart that has a bar placed on the X-axis. This type of chart in excel is called a column chart because the bars are placed on the columns. Such charts are very useful in case we want to make a comparison. Below are the steps of preparing column chart in excel –. Select the Data and go to Insert Tab, then select ...

Why is a column chart called a column chart?

This type of chart in excel is called a column chart because the bars are placed on the columns.

Why do we use line charts?

Line charts are used in case we need to show the Trend in data. They are more likely used in analysis rather than showing data visually. In this type of chart, a line represents the data movement from one point to another. Select the Data and go to Insert Tab, then select Column Chart. Then the Line Chart looks like as given below:

What is pie chart?

A pie chart is a circle-shaped chart that is capable of representing only one series of data. A pie chart has various variants that are a 3d chart and doughnut charts. This is a circle-shaped chart that divides itself into various portions to show the quantitative value.

What is the difference between a line chart and an area chart?

Area chart and the line charts are logically the same, but the difference that makes a line chart an Area chart is that the space between the Axis and the plotted value is colored and is not blank.

Can a pie chart be used to represent two data series?

A pie chart can only be used to represent one series of data. They cannot handle two data series. To keep the chart easy to understand, we should restrict the data series to two or three. Else the chart will not be understandable. We must add “Data labels” if we have decimals values to represent.

What are the different types of charts in Excel?

You can also change the chart type later. Excel offers the following major chart types −. Column Chart. Line Chart. Pie Chart. Doughnut Chart.

How many data series does a doughnut chart have?

It is similar to a Pie Chart with the only difference that a Doughnut Chart can contain more than one data series, whereas, a Pie Chart can contain only one data series. A Doughnut Chart contains rings and each ring representing one data series.

Can you change the chart type later?

Excel provides you different types of charts that suit your purpose. Based on the type of data, you can create a chart. You can also change the chart type later. Each of these chart types have sub-types.

How to create a column chart?

To create a column chart, arrange the data in columns or rows on the worksheet.

What is a line chart?

Line charts can show continuous data over time on an evenly scaled Axis. Therefore, they are ideal for showing trends in data at equal intervals, such as months, quarters or years.

What is a doughnut chart?

Doughnut Chart. A Doughnut chart shows the relationship of parts to a whole. It is similar to a Pie Chart with the only difference that a Doughnut Chart can contain more than one data series, whereas, a Pie Chart can contain only one data series. A Doughnut Chart contains rings and each ring representing one data series.

What is the difference between a doughnut chart and a pie chart?

It is similar to a Pie Chart with the only difference that a Doughnut Chart can contain more than one data series, whereas , a Pie Chart can contain only one data series.

How to make a chart in Excel?

Step-1: Open MS Excel and navigate to the spreadsheet which contains the data table you want to use for creating a chart. Step-2: Select data for the chart: Step-3: Click on the ‘Insert’ tab: Step-4: Click on the ‘Recommended Charts’ button:

What is Excel chart used for?

Excel charts are commonly used for data visualization and presentation. But selecting the right Excel chart is always a challenge. If you use an incorrect Excel chart for your analysis, you may misinterpret data and make the wrong business and marketing decisions.

When to use pie chart?

When to use a pie chart. #1 Use a pie chart when you want to show a 100% composition of data. In other words, the various pie slices you use must add up to 100%. What that means, do not create a pie chart where the various pie slices do not represent parts of the whole pie.

What is funnel chart?

When to use a funnel chart. Funnel charts are a visual representation of the progressive reduction of data from one phase to another phase. The first stage is usually referred to as the intake stage. The chart below shows different stages of the purchase funnel and how user moved from one stage to the next:

What is gridline on a chart?

Chart gridlines are the faint lines that appear on the plot area of a chart. They are used to make the data in a chart that displays axes easier to read. They can appear both horizontal and vertical.

Is a trend short or long term?

A trend can be short (or seasonal), intermediate, or long term. Longer the trend more significant it is. For example, a 3 months trend is not as significant as 3 years trend.

What happens if you use an incorrect chart in Excel?

If you use an incorrect Excel chart for your analysis, you may misinterpret data and make the wrong business and marketing decisions. If you use an incorrect Excel chart for your presentation, then stakeholders may misinterpret your charts and take wrong decisions.

Is a bar chart better than a column chart?

However, Bar Charts do tend to display and compare a large number of series better than the other chart types.

What is a data series in a pie chart?

A Pie Chart displays one series of data. A data series is a row or column of numbers used for charting. In the worksheet below, we have outlined a single data series. If we had selected multiple series for the Pie Chart, Excel would ignore all but the first.

What is an area chart?

The Area Chart. Area Charts are like Line Charts except that the area below the plot line is solid. And like Line Charts, Area Charts are used primarily to show trends over time or other category. The chart at left is an Area Chart for our single series.

What is the purpose of a scatter chart?

The purpose of a Scatter Chart is to observe how the values of two series compares over time or other category. To illustrate the Scatter Chart, we will use the worksheet values shown below:

Where is the legend on a chart?

The legend can be moved to the top, bottom, left, right, or top right ("corner" in older versions) of the chart . Legend names can be changed by changing the column headings in the sheet or editing the chart directly in new Excel versions.


Chart #1 – Column Chart

Chart #2 – Line Chart

Chart #3 – Pie Chart

Chart #4 – Bar Chart

Chart #5 – Area Chart

Chart #6 – Scatter Chart

Chart #7 – Stock Chart

Chart #8 – Radar Chart

Things to Remember

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