how many questions are on becker far review course

by Brandon Dooley 6 min read

In terms of quantity of practice material, Becker provides over 9,000 multiple-choice questions and 400+ simulations across its modules, practice test bank and simulated exams.

How long does Becker Far final review take?

The length of the Becker Final Review depends on how much of the content you utilize prior to the exam. If you're more versed in certain topics of section over others, you may not need to study the CPA final review in full. In total, there are 35+ hours of video lectures in the Becker Final Review.

How long is the Becker CPA Review course?

38 hoursIf you want to be as prepared as you can possibly be, this review covers all four parts of the CPA Exam in 38 hours of new video lectures, 800+ more multiple choice practice questions and 100 extra task-based simulations (with SkillMaster videos).

How long does it take to study for far with Becker?

between 200 to 400 hoursMost candidates spend between 200 to 400 hours of time studying for the entire exam; that's about 20-25 hours per week, which can be a substantial time commitment on top of your other obligations.

How many sections does Becker far have?

Becker's Business Exam Review includes 6 sections, 38 topics, 1,526 MCQs, 113 task-based simulation tasks and 27.82 hours of lectures. BEC has a reputation of being the easiest section of the CPA Exam, but don't be fooled. If you choose to take the BEC exam last, study hard and finish strong.

What is the Becker CPA pass rate?

94%Becker estimates the overall pass rate to be between 45-55% in any given year. What are the Becker CPA pass rate statistics? In 2020, Becker's Exam Day Ready students reported successfully passing 94% of the CPA Exam sections they attempted.

How many questions are in Becker?

In terms of quantity of practice material, Becker provides over 9,000 multiple-choice questions and 400+ simulations across its modules, practice test bank and simulated exams.

How do you pass far with Becker?

Complete the Becker Final Review 1-2 weeks before your CPA Exam date & hone in on your weak areas.Create a CPA Exam Study Schedule with Becker. ... Start Each Learning Module with a Pre-Assessment. ... Get the Most from Each Becker Learning Module. ... Reach Out for Support. ... Supplement Your Studies. ... Take the Becker Simulated Exams.

How many hours should I study for far?

Hours Needed to Study for the FAR Exam The AICPA recommends that CPA Candidates spend a minimum of 300 to 400 hours to study for the CPA Exam. That's about 16.7 days of consecutive study time—needless to say, it's a lot.

How can I pass the CPA exam in 3 months?

Quick Facts on Passing the CPA Exam in 3 Months Develop a study plan and stick to it. Don't spend all your time reading study materials and watching videos. Reserve those for problem areas that you may encounter. Use practice questions and exams to prepare for the real exam format.

How many questions is the far?

66 multiple choice questionsOf the total 66 multiple choice questions (MCQs) on the FAR CPA Exam, 12 are pretest questions and do not count toward a candidate's score.

Which CPA Review course has the highest pass rate?

Based on self-reporting of its exam prep students, Becker claims a 94% pass rate in 2020, and it boasts that more than 90% of all Watts Sells Award winners from the Accounting Institute for Success are Becker students. This is a national award that recognizes the highest performing students who pass the exam.

Which CPA Exam is the hardest?

Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR)Students often report that Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) is the most difficult part of the CPA Exam to pass, because it is the most comprehensive section.