how many pdus for 3cr master course

by Josh Ortiz 6 min read

How many PDUs can I claim for my course?

How Many PDUs Can I Claim for My Course? Scrum Alliance certification courses generally qualify for 14-16 PDUs depending on the amount of hours that were dedicated toward training (excluding breaks, lunches, etc.) Scrum Alliance is considered the certifying body, but not the training provider for your course offering.

How many PDUs do Scrum Alliance certification courses qualify for?

Scrum Alliance certification courses generally qualify for 14-16 PDUs depending on the amount of hours that were dedicated toward training (excluding breaks, lunches, etc.) Scrum Alliance is considered the certifying body, but not the training provider for your course offering.

How to earn PDUs in 30 PDUs?

Earning 30 PDUs or 60 PDUs sounds easy but as you have learned above, there are many categories under which you need to earn your PDUs. So, look for the activities online and in your local area, participate in them, and submit them to PMI.

How many PDUs do I need for my CAPM® certification?

If you hold a Certified Associate in Project Management Professional (CAPM) ® certification, you are required to earn 15 PDUs in a 3-year cycle. These 15 PDUs can be further broken down as follows: Minimum of 9 Education PDUs Maximum of 6 Giving Back PDUs

How do I claim PDUs for Scrum Master certification?

So a 2 day CSM class earns you 14 PDUs.Login to your PMI account.Select Report PDUs.Select Course or Training Option.For Provider: Type Kaizenko – Do not select an option from the dropdown.For Course: Type Certified ScrumMaster – Do not select an option from the dropdown.More items...•

Does 1 PDU equal 1 hour?

One PDU is equal to one hour of activity. Triangle features three distinct areas where you must earn PDUs: technical project management, leadership, and strategic and business management. You must earn a certain number of PDUs in each area to fulfill the renewal requirements.

How many PDUs can you claim as a practitioner PMP?

8 PDUsYou can earn up to 8 PDUs per cycle by working as a practitioner, such as a project manager, project coordinator, project procurement manager, etc. Make sure that you have an up-to-date and detailed job description that verifies your activities and responsibilities, in the event that it is requested by the PMI.

How many PDUs do you need to work as a practitioner?

If you hold an Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP), Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP), or Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP) certification, you are required to earn 30 PDUs in a 3-year cycle.

How many PDUs is a course?

Q. How many PDUs do I need? A. You are required to complete 24 PDUs, which may be earned any time during your renewal period.

How do I calculate PDU?

1 hour of instruction related to project management, project risk, project scheduling, or program management equals 1 PDU. By attending relevant educational courses provided by training organizations NOT registered with PMI.

How can I get 35 PDUs for free PMP?

2:064:13Earn 35 Free Contact Hours for the PMP Exam - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipLet's discuss this more in-depth. The project management institute does not require that contactMoreLet's discuss this more in-depth. The project management institute does not require that contact hours must be attained through formal face-to-face lectures you can even earn all 35.

How many PDUs Can I claim for reading a book?

Read Books Each hour of reading equals one PDU, up to a maximum of 30.

What counts as a PDU for PMP?

What are PDUs? Professional Development Units (PDUs) are one-hour blocks of time that you spend learning, teaching others, or volunteering.

How many PDUs Can I claim for informal learning?

For both these informal methods, 1 hour of learning counts as 1 PDU. There are some easy PDUs to claim here. If you are employed in a project role and can prove that with your employment contract and job description, you can claim 8 PDUs per cycle.

How can I get free PDU for PMP?

Earning free PDUs from The Project Management Podcast could not be simpler:Install a podcast app on your phone or tablet.Subscribe to The Free PM Podcast in your app.Listen to the 15 latest free episodes immediately.Automatically receive all future free episodes.Document your learning in The PDU Logfile.Claim your PDUs.

How many PDUs Can I claim for work experience?

It is pretty easy. You can claim maximum 8 PDUs per cycle (3 years) and maximum 5 PDUs in one year.

How many PDU are Required for PMP Exam?

The requirements for maintaining a PMP credential through PMI are simple: you have three years to earn a total of 60 PDU credits. This three-year Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) cycle begins the day you pass the PMP exam.

Earn 60 PDUs in a 3 Year Cycle for CCR

You need to earn all 60 PDUs within your three-year CCR cycle to renew your PMP certification. While PMI is flexible regarding exactly how you earn these 60 PDUs, you must follow a few specific PMP requirements concerning the two types of PDUs: Education and Giving Back.

Talent Triangle PDUs

The PMI Talent Triangle describes the three critical skill areas for any effective PMP credential holder: a combination of Technical, Leadership, and Strategic and Business Management skills. PMP certification requirements state you must align your education PDUs to each of these three areas by earning at least 8 PDUs per area.


We answered the question of the how many PDU are required to recertify for PMP. Earning 60 PDUs to maintain your PMP certification can be challenging. The following tips can help make this process smooth and manageable:

How many PDUs are needed for PMI?

Moreover, these education PDUs must contain at least 8 PDUs from each category of the PMI talent triangle: Strategic, Technical and Leadership. Once you completed the 8 PDUs from each category, remaining 11 PDUs of the education category can be from any of the PMI talent triangle categories.

How to get PMP PDUs?

Attending a project management related course or training will bring you PMP PDUs. The best way to earn PMP PDUs is, attending a PMP PDU courses online. Since these courses will grow your project management knowledge, these are recognized as source of PDUs by PMI.

How many PDUs are there in a PMI meeting?

Attending to a meeting, activity or local event related to project management will bring you PDUs as well. Note that, these are generally limited to 1-2 PDUs. Educational sessions of PMI events, PMI events and other PMI chapter events can be source of the PMP PDUs.

What is a PDU in project management?

If you share your project management knowledge and experience with others, these will bring PDUs to you as well. For instance, you can mentor junior project management professionals, you can teach your colleagues in your organization or you can act as a subject matter expert on a specific topic. These belong to the share knowledge PMI PDI category.

What are the two main categories of PMP PDU?

There are two main PMP PDU categories: Education and Giving Back . While education PMI PDU category activities increase the project management knowledge of the PMP certified professional, giving back PMI PDU category activities focus on contribution to the project management knowledge.

What does PDU stand for in PMI?

PDU stands for Professional Development Unit , and PMI was not classifying PDUs until 2016. PMP certified professionals were attending to trainings, courses, activities and working as practitioner in the projects. Upon submitting their earned PDUs, they were having the right to renew their PMP certification.

How many contact hours do I need to renew my PMP certification?

If you have attended a 35 contact hours PMP certification training, and if this course was satisfying your PM education requirement to sit for the PMP exam, you cannot use this same activity when renewing your PMP certification. You must attend new courses or activities to earn PMP PDUs.

How many PDUs do I need to get PMI?

If you hold any of these certifications, you need to earn 60 PMI PDUs in a three-year cycle. These 60 PDUs can be earned in the Education and Giving Back categories. Education is the required category while the Giving Back category is optional.

How many PDUs can you earn from PMI meetings?

The events could earn you anywhere from 2 to 50 PDUs and from the meetings, you can typically earn 1 to 3 PDUs. Read a book or read something online. You can check the PMI store or other online or local book stores for a book of your interest, related to project management. Informal tea, lunch or dinner cum learning.

How long is the grace period for PMI?

PMI will allow 1 year of grace period so that you can make up your PMI PDU and make the renewal fee payment. During this grace period, your certification status will still show as suspended though. During this suspension period, PMI does not permit that you refer yourself as a project management professional.

How to earn PMI PDU?

The Education category gives you many options to earn your PMI PDU, such as: Taking an online, live, or classroom-based course. PMI recommends or you can look up courses at other similar websites for self-paced training, online live training, articles, or guides.

Is PMI certification required?

Maintenance of your PMI certifications is a mandatory requirement by PMI. It is necessary to keep your certification valid and active. All PMI certification maintenance requires that you earn the required number of Professional Development Units (PDUs) in a three- year cycle.

When does a certification renewal start?

Once you have made the renewal fee payment, your new cycle will start from your current certification expiry date, even if you have made the payment before the certification expiry date. For example, your certification renewal date is 1 February 2021 and you renew it on 1 November 2019.

Can I earn free PDUs?

Yes, so you see, there are many ways to earn free PMI PDUs. Earning 60 PDU’s has been made easy by PMI, even if you used the free options, you earned PDUs! There is a catch though! The free options to earn PMI PDUs will earn you a small number of PDUs so you will need to find and utilize so many PDU earning options.
