The non- turfgrass component – which accounts for 33 percent of the total – includes non-turfgrass landscapes, water bodies, buildings, bunkers and parking lots. At the individual level, an average 18-hole golf course covers 150 acres, approximately 100 (67 percent) of which is maintained turfgrass.
While most modern 18-hole golf courses occupy as much as 60 hectares (150 acres) of land, the average course has 30 hectares (74 acres) of maintained turf. [16] Golf courses can be built on sandy areas along coasts, on abandoned farms, among strip mines and quarries, and in …
“This means an 18-hole course of all short par 3s could be built on as little as 30 acres, while an intermediate length or executive course of 18 holes of par 3s and 4s would require 75-100 acres, and a full size par 72 course would need 120-200 acres. This assumes, of course, only usable land which does not allow for wetlands, restricted areas, or land not easily made part of the …
Jul 31, 2018 · The amount of land being used for golf courses is about 2 million acres. That is larger in size than the state of Delaware, but smaller than Connecticut. The USDA says the “miscellaneous” land used...
Golf courses require anywhere from 100 to 200 acres of land for an 18 hole championship course. The size of 18-hole golf courses can vary, sometimes drastically, but most courses are between 5,000 and 7,000 yards. But that's just the distance from hole to hole.
150 acresWhile most modern 18-hole golf courses occupy as much as 60 hectares (150 acres) of land, the average course has 30 hectares (74 acres) of maintained turf.
The average golf course is approximately 6600 yards long (3.75 miles or 6 kilometers) made up of Par-3, 4 and 5's, with a varying number of each depending on the course.Jul 12, 2021
The Nullarbor Links golf course in Western Australia's Golden Outback has captured the imagination of the world. This unique 18-hole par 72 golf course spans 1,365 kilometres from Kalgoorlie in Western Australia to Ceduna in South Australia.
This means that there are 1,053,360 hectares of golf course in the world, which is about 4067 square miles. Estimates show that the amount of habitable land is about 24,642,757 square miles, so that would mean that about 0.016503835 % of the habitable land mass of Earth is covered by golf courses.Dec 16, 2015
2,244,512 acresAccording to the Golf Course Superintendents of America, there are 2,244,512 acres of golf courses in the U.S. That's the equivalent of 3,507 square miles.Jul 2, 2009
On the PGA Tour, the average golf course length these days is around 7,200-7,300 yards. On the LPGA Tour, average golf course length is around 6,200 to 6,600 yards. On the Champions Tour for over-50 pros, average golf course length is around 6,500 to 6,800 yards.Nov 4, 2019
approximately 7,200 yardsThe average course length on the PGA Tour is approximately 7,200 yards. That's 4.09 miles. And the average PGA Tour pro plays 78 rounds per year.Jun 20, 2017
Average Golf Course Length in Miles. The golf course length on the PGA tour covers around 7,200 yards which is 4.09 miles. A PGA player on an average plays about 78 rounds in a year spanning 319 miles a season.
The average length of a golf course is 6,700 yards (6 .12 kms). If you’re a professional and play on the PGA tour, you’ll probably be playing on a golf course which spans a length of about 7,200 – 7,300 yards.
Average Golf Course Length in Meters 1 While Par 3 is 230 meters for men it covers roughly 190 meters for women. 2 Par 4 covers 230 meters for women and 410 meters for men 3 Par 5 is 412 meters for women and a 631 meters for men 4 The distance for women’s Par 4 ranges from 193 – 366 meters and Par 5 ranges from 367-526 meters.
A golf course is a field or a ground in which the game of golf is played. The grounds enclose a series of holes each consisting of a ‘fairway’ surrounded by the green. The rough and several ‘hazards’ included in the out of play area, the greens and tees, occupy approximately 5% of the total space. Seemingly simple, golf courses vary not only in ...
Regulation golf courses comprise of 18 holes but vary in length. It’s common to see four short holes which are about 130-400 yards in length. Added are ten average holes that are 350-400 yards, and four longer holes of 450-550 yards distance between the holes.
The origin of this type of golf course can be traced back to Scotland in the year 1741.
Rough is an area that every golf player tries to avoid having their ball in. Only superintendents and the maintenance crew deal with the rough on a regular basis. It’s very important to maintain the roughs properly and in perfect condition.
You can find 18-hole, 9-hole, and executive golf courses. Each of these has varying sizes and its own set of unique features. While an 18-hole golf course can be commissioned in 200 acres, a 9-hole golf course or an executive golf course can be made ready in 80 to 100 acres.
An analysis of the golf courses presents all over the world reveals that they are available in all shapes and sizes. Some of these courses are more than 7,000 yards while most of them are around 5,000 yards. All golf courses are unique in size and design.
9-hole course. A 9-hole golf course is a smaller course having 9 holes. It has majorly par 4s holes and a mix of par 3s and par 5s holes. There is no special significance to the name. It just says what the golf course is - a 9-hole golf course.
It is a kind of rapid-fire golf, a litter shorter and quicker. This kind of golf course could be offered both on 18-hole and 9-hole courses. The distinction between the executive golf course and the standard golf course is that it is shorter and quicker than the standard version of the game.
If you are looking at the shortest version of the golf, it is the par 3 golf course. It is shorter than the executive golf course. It offers you the opportunity to play a quick round of golf and return to your normal routine. The name par 3 course denotes the fact that the course involves playing on par 3 circuits only.
The approach course is for those who find the par-3 course a tad too much. They are looking for a shorter version of the game. At the approach course, you have holes between 30 and 100 yards. Your golf at this course is all about laying the ball pitch ing and putting.
Hazards: Hazards are obstacles in the game and they make your game enjoyable by introducing a twist. Hazards may come in the form of artificial ponds, lakes, or other areas. These areas are usually marked with red or yellow colors. All these parts make the golf course longer and more enjoyable.
Most golf courses are spread across 110 to 190 acres. The number of of acres required was determined during a February 2001 survey by the Golf Course Superintendent Association of America.
Golf courses require anywhere from 100 to 200 acres of land for an 18 hole championship course. The size of 18-hole golf courses can vary, sometimes drastically, but most courses are between 5,000 and 7,000 yards. But that's just the distance from hole to hole.
This includes all out-of-play areas and hazards. The average area needed for the rough areas is 66.8 acres.
Matt Crownover is the sports editor at the Lebanon Express in Lebanon, Ore. He primarily covers high school athletics and maintains the paper's online blog. Matt holds a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from Eastern Washington University in Cheney, Wash.
GCSAA is a leading golf organization that has as its focus golf course management. Since 1926, GCSAA has been the top professional association for the men and women who manage golf courses in the United States and worldwide. From its headquarters in Lawrence, Kan., the association provides education, information and representation to more than 21,000 members in more than 72 countries. GCSAA’s mission is to serve its members, advance their profession and enhance the enjoyment, growth and vitality of the game of golf. Visit GCSAA at
Many different turfgrass species are maintained on golf courses. Cool-season grasses (bentgrass, bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, fescue) are grown on 66 percent of the turfgrass acreage on the nation’s golf courses, while warm-season gras ses (bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, seashore paspalum) are grown on the remaining 34 percent of the turfgrass acreage. More bermudagrass is planted on golf courses in the U.S. than any other turfgrass species. An estimated total of 485,892 acres of bermudagrass are maintained on U.S. golf courses, followed by an estimated 338,223 acres of Kentucky bluegrass.
It is a collaborative effort of the environmental and golf communities, dedicated to strengthening the compatibility of golf with the natural environment. The Institute concentrates on delivering programs and services involving research, education and outreach that communicate the best management practices of environmental stewardship on the golfcourse. For more on The Institute, visit
While research to date indicates that golf courses can be compatible with the environment, the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America’s (GCSAA) Golf Course Environmental Profile will provide reliable information that will identify areas of strength and point out opportunities for improvement. The first survey on the physical characteristics and environmental improvements on golf courses, as summarized in this report, provides the industry with a new set of data, which will be complemented by the ensuing surveys. To view the full report of the first survey of the Golf Course Environmental Profile, visit
Often, a golf course will include among its facilities a practice range or driving range, usually with practice greens, bunkers, and driving areas. Markers showing distances are usually included on a practice range for the golfer's information.
Aerial view of a golf course ( Golfplatz Wittenbeck at the Baltic Sea, Germany) A golf course is the grounds where the sport of golf is played. It consists of a series of holes, each consisting of a tee box, a fairway, the rough and other hazards, and a green with a cylindrical hole in the ground, known as a "cup".
The cup holds a flagstick, known as a "pin". A standard round of golf consists of 18 holes. Most courses contain 18 holes; some share fairways or greens, and a subset has nine holes, played twice per round. Par-3 courses consist of nine or 18 holes all of which have a par of three strokes.
It is on links land near the towns of central eastern Scotland that golf has been played since the 15th century.
A successful design is as visually pleasing as it is playable. With golf being a form of outdoor recreation, the strong designer is an adept student of natural landscaping who understands the aesthetic cohesion of vegetation, water bodies, paths, grasses, stonework, and woodwork, among other elements.
The hole, or cup, is always found within the green and must have a diameter of 108 millimeters (4.25 in) and a depth of at least 10 centimeters (3.94 in). Its position on the green is not fixed and typically is changed daily by a greenskeeper in order to prevent excessive localized wear and damage to the turf.
In 2014, the PGA Tour held a Champions Tour event on a nine-hole par-3 course, the Big Cedar Lodge Legends of Golf in Ridgedale, Missouri, with four (regular division) or three (over-65 division) rounds played over the par-3 course, and one round played on a nearby regulation 18-hole course with par of 71.