how long is dmv dui course

by Evalyn Beer 6 min read

You will also face months-long reminders of how serious DUI crimes are treated in California by mandatory attendance at DUI classes. These classes are ordered by courts and/or the California DMV

California Department of Motor Vehicles

The California Department of Motor Vehicles is the state agency that registers motor vehicles and boats and issues driver's licenses in the U.S. state of California. It regulates new car dealers, commercial cargo carriers, private driving schools, and private traffic schools. The DMV works with …

and last anywhere from six weeks to 30 months, depending on the nature and location of your conviction.

12 hours to 30 months

Full Answer

How long does it take to complete DUI school?

If you are 21 years old or older, took a blood or breath test, or (if applicable) a urine test, and the results showed a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or more:

How long is the DUI offender program?

DUI Schools & Benefits. Each state has its own requirements regarding DUI classes, but most schools: Teach the offending driver the dangers of drunk driving. Provide counseling to those with alcohol addictions. Often, this counseling is mandatory, but for drivers with alcohol addictions, counselors might provide additional therapy or referrals.

How many DUI classes do you have to go to?

Apr 29, 2021 · These classes are ordered by courts and/or the California DMV and last anywhere from six weeks to 30 months, depending on the nature and location of your conviction. The purpose of DUI classes is to educate offenders about the perils of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs and to provide counseling to tackle their problems.

How long does a DUI stay on your record?

First DUI Offense; If you were convicted of a first DUI offense within 10 years, and your blood alcohol content was less than 0.20, you must complete a state-licensed three-month, 30-hour alcohol and drug education and counseling program. 9-MONTH DUI PROGRAM 60 hours

How much is 18 month DUI program in California?


First-Time Offenders - three-month, 30-hour alcohol and drug education and counseling program costs approximately $600. Second Time Offender 18 month DUI class (SB 38) - cost is approximately $1,800 - $1,900.

How do I get my license back after a DUI in California?

To fully reinstate your driving privilege with no restrictions, you must serve your full suspension or restriction, provide the DMV with proof of completion of a DUI program and provide proof of insurance (SR 22). You will be required to maintain the SR 22 for 3 years.

How long is license suspended for DUI California?

A court conviction for a first-time DUI in California automatically triggers a six-month license suspension pursuant to Vehicle Code 13352(a)(1). A Judge, however, does not impose this suspension. Instead, upon your conviction, the court notifies the DMV and the DMV imposes the suspension.

Does California accept online DUI classes?

The short answer is “no”. The state of California does not recognize any online DUI programs, and the DMV will not reinstate your driver's license if you do not complete the required coursework from an officially licensed California DUI program.

How long does a DUI stay on your record in California?

10 years
Fortunately, a DUI charge does not stay on your driving record forever. Generally speaking, it remains on your driving record for up to 10 years and is viewable by the DMV and law enforcement during that time. The other good news is that a DUI conviction on your driving record does NOT show on most background checks.

How much does a DUI cost in California 2020?

* How much does a DUI cost? California DUI fines range from $390 to $5,000 plus penalty assessments & fees that can raise the total cost to $18,000, depending on your DUI charge. DUI with injury or property damage may also require you to pay injured parties.

What is the penalty for first-time DUI in California?

For a first-offense DUI in California, consequences for conviction generally include three years of informal probation, fines of $390 plus “penalty assessments” (totally approximately $2000, and completing a first offender alcohol program that consists of a 30-hour class, at a cost of about $500.

Can I start DUI classes before my court date California?

You can start the classes before the court date after the DMV suspension.

Can I get a Class A license with a DUI in California?

California is one of the strictest states when it comes to the consequences of DUI's, including getting a commercial driver's license. Two DUI's results in a lifetime ban on applying for a CDL. There is no way around it. One DUI on your record will not necessarily prevent you from getting a CDL.Feb 8, 2022

What is a DUI program in California?

California DUI School is a program of alcohol education and prevention ordered by courts and/or the California DMV. A driver must enroll in California DUI school if convicted of a DUI or “wet” driving offense such as: Vehicle Code 23152(a), driving under the influence, Vehicle Code 23152(b), driving with a BAC of .

What does DUI mean in America?

DUIs and DWIs have slightly different meanings: A DUI refers to driving under the influence, while a DWI means driving while intoxicated or impaired. With a DUI, the charge could mean that the driver was driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.Sep 10, 2021

DUI Schools & Benefits

Each state has its own requirements regarding DUI classes, but most schools:

Hiring a DUI Attorney

Due to the seriousness of DUI charges and convictions, it's always wise to hire a DUI attorney if you can afford one.

How long is the DUI program?

This program usually spans 70-90 hours of education and counseling. The 18-month program is the one most commonly used for repeat DUI offenders. In most cases, even a third-time offender may be ordered to complete an 18-month (rather than 30-month) program.

How long do you have to go to DUI school in California?

If your BAC level is below 0.15 percent AND it is your first DUI conviction in the last 10 years, you will need to attend mandatory DUI school for three months. This is the most common DUI class duration for offenders in California. It will also be a term of probation for those convicted of drug DUIs as well as alcohol DUIs.

What is the purpose of DUI classes?

The purpose of DUI classes is to educate offenders about the perils of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs and to provide counseling to tackle their problems. Here’s what you need to know about DUI classes if you or a loved one has been convicted of DUI in California.

What is DUI class?

DUI classes are commonly conducted in-person and consist of a combination of counseling and education for DUI offenders. The educational component helps offenders understand the DUI laws in California and how they affect them. It also educates attendees on drug abuse and “problem” drinking and may include lectures, videos, and group discussions. ...

What is the educational component of DUI?

The educational component helps offenders understand the DUI laws in California and how they affect them. It also educates attendees on drug abuse and “problem” drinking and may include lectures, videos, and group discussions.

How long does it take to get a DUI in California?

If you are convicted of your first DUI in the State of California, you will be required to complete some amount of Alcohol Education. Most of the time, this means the 3 Month First Offender Alcohol Program, also known as AB541. This program usually takes about 12 weeks to complete and requires you to attend weekly meetings.

How long does a DUI program last in California?

DUI programs run anywhere from 12 hours to 30 months in California. The duration of your participation will depend upon the nature of your driving offense, your Blood Alcohol Content, and which county you are arrested and subsequently convicted in.

How long does a DUI stay on your record?

WARNING - presently a DUI conviction will be on your record for 10 years starting from your arrest date. However, there are efforts in the California legislature to make a DUI stay on your record for a lifetime and to be used against you for your whole life.

What do you need to do if you get a DUI in California?

When you are convicted of a DUI offense in California, the court may order you to complete an Alcohol and Drug Education and Counseling program provided by a state-licensed service provider. To enroll in one of these programs, you must be referred, either by the court or the DMV.

How Long Does a DUI Stay on Your Driving Record?

It’s hard to give one-size-fits-all advice about DUIs because each state handles them differently. In most of the United States, a driving under the influence charge will remain on someone’s driving record for up to 10 years or more, depending on how strict their state government is.

What Happens to Your Insurance While DUIs Stay on Your Record?

One of the first ways you will likely be affected if you get a DUI on your record is a rise in your insurance rates. Anytime you go to an insurance company looking for quotes, they will first examine your risk level based on your driving record.

Can A DUI in One State Appear on Your Driving Record in Another State?

The appearance of a past DUI on your driving record is nearly unavoidable. Again, this detail is very dependent on the laws according to the state. But, you are always in your interest to assume that the DUI will appear on your driving record when it’s pulled up.

How Does a DUI Get Erased From Your Record And How Can a DUI Remain?

You can get a DUI taken off of your record, but it’s not an easy process. To start, you will need to get legal help. Due to the complexity and strictness of laws surrounding DUI charges, there’s no way of getting around having to search for legal representation, especially if you want to be able to receive affordable car insurance again one day.

How Does a DUI Harm The Rate of Your Car Insurance?

When a driver gets a DUI, it’s not just the traffic offense or the DUI courses that costs them. Remember the system of points mentioned before? A DUI raises the number of points significantly. The more points you have, the higher the rates you’ll face. A drunk driving conviction can increase a person’s insurance rates by 80%.

How Long Does a DUI Harm Your Car Insurance Rates?

Insurance is expensive enough as it is. A person’s insurance premiums will be high for at least several years. The amount of time a person’s paying higher car insurance rates because of a DUI is not always the same as how long it will impact their driving record.

How to Check Your Record For a DUI And Other Infractions

It is always wise to understand how to check your driving record and see what infractions are still there, whether it be a DUI or any other type of charge. There is a process anyone can go through to view the current state of their record. It’s important to note that it may be different depending on where you live.

Is DUI school a defensive driving course?

DUI school or drunk driving education is a lot like defensive driving courses. While many offenders will be eligible for reducing fines and penalties by taking the courses, not all are eligible to do so. While some states have mandatory drunk driving education laws, it depends on each judge’s assessment in other states.

What are the requirements for a DUI?

If you’ve been convicted of a DUI, you may need to or be required to take defensive driving or alcohol education courses. They may be part of your sentencing or probation and may help you have your driving privileges restored. In many states, alcohol education is required before your license can be returned. Some of the reasons students take DUI or drunk driving education courses include: 1 Suspended sentencing arrangements or court orders 2 Conditions of probation 3 Reduction or elimination of DUI penalties 4 Overturn license suspension 5 Avoid jail time 6 Reduce court fines

What is drunk driving education?

Drunk driving courses are designed to educate the offender to become a more safe, responsible driver and to reduce the likelihood that the driver will attempt drunk driving or impaired driving again in the future.

What do you learn in drunk driving classes?

What You’ll Learn in Drunk Driving Education Courses. Often, drunk driving courses include both an assessment and intervention. In the assessment, you will be screened to evaluate your alcohol use and its impact on your driving. In intervention, you will receive group education and counseling about alcohol and drug use and how it affects driving.

How much is a defensive driving course discount?

Elective defensive driving courses typically result in an insurance discount between 5% and 15%, which can help if your insurance rate has skyrocketed after receiving a DUI conviction. Defensive driving course discounts are typically offered for three years, after which you’ll need to retake the course.

What is the purpose of DUI school?

If you’ve been convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI), you may need to complete drunk driving education courses, also known as DUI school or alcohol education programs. Similar to defensive driving courses, drunk driving education is most often used to reduce an offender’s sentencing or penalties.

Why do people take DUI courses?

Some of the reasons students take DUI or drunk driving education courses include: Suspended sentencing arrangements or court orders. Conditions of probation. Reduction or elimination of DUI penalties. Overturn license suspension. Avoid jail time. Reduce court fines.

What is DUI school?

California DUI school includes both counseling and education. Most of the counseling will be in a group setting. But there will also be some one-on-one interviews. The education component consists of education on California DUI laws, drug abuse and “problem” drinking.

What is a DUI school in California?

California DUI School is a program of alcohol education and prevention ordered by courts and/or the California DMV . A driver must enroll in California DUI school if convicted of a DUI or “wet” driving offense such as: Vehicle Code 23103.5, “wet reckless.”.

How many DUI programs are there in California?

DUI education program providers must be licensed by the State of California. There are nearly 500 state licensed DUI programs in California, administered by over 250 service providers. Licensed providers conduct only in-person programs.

How many classes does a California driver have to take?

But, in general, a driver can expect to attend 10-15 classes. This is usually one meeting per week, for three to four months. The typical three-month California DUI program consists of: an enrollment and intake session, 12 hours of education sessions, 18 hours of group counseling, and. 3 individual counseling sessions.

Can I take a 1650 waiver for DUI?

If ordered to attend DUI school, the judge may let an offender a 1650 waiver to take classes in your (new) home state. But it is important to note that the curriculum for the out-of-state DUI education program must be at least as comprehensive as California DUI school. It must also satisfy the California DMV.

What is a wet reckless DUI?

Wet reckless is a reduced offense that results from a DUI plea bargain in California. In essence, the driver admits to driving recklessly with some measurable amount of alcohol (the “wet” part) in his/her blood. 3. The twelve-hour DUI school program for “wet reckless” defendants consists of six weekly two-hour classes.

Local California DUI Education Providers by County

California “resident offenders” will be required to take a local DUI class. We have provided listings for local providers by county below. Just select the closest county to you from the list below to see the providers in that county.

Need help selecting the correct class to register for?

Just give us a call and we can guide you and help you select the correct class and number of hours for your particular situation. Our office hours are Monday through Thursday from 10 am to 4 pm CST.

How many hours of class time is required for a level 1 class?

The Level II course involves a minimum of 21 hours of classroom time using primarily interactive educational techniques in a group setting. The average class size may not exceed 15 students for Level II.

What is the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles?

The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles’ (FLHSMV) Bureau of Motorist Compliance provides administrative oversight for licensed Driving Under the Influence (DUI) programs statewide. Chapter 15A-10, F.A.C., provides the FLHSMV with the authority to certify instructors, investigate complaints, and evaluate effectiveness of the programs.
