how long did it take you to complete codecademy's basic javascript course?

by Tatum O'Connell 9 min read

Learn JavaScript teaches JavaScript, which is a web programming language. It takes 30 hours to complete. Students learn object-oriented programming concepts and programming fundamentals in 14 lessons that build on one another.Sep 17, 2021

Full Answer

How long does it take to finish a Codecademy course?

I'd imagine you could finish in under a week if you truly focus when you are working. Most of Codeacademy's lessons are repetitive (so that you really learn the material) and thus can be completed fairl What should beginners learn on the Codecademy?

Is the JavaScript course on Codecademy worth it?

I completed the JavaScript course on Codecademy awhile back, and out of all the courses Codecademy has, I think that the JS course is the most detailed and helpful for a beginner. I did about 34% of the Python course, but got bored as it was too rudimentary and seemed not be as engaging as the JS one.

What should a beginner learn on codeacademy?

Most of Codeacademy's lessons are repetitive (so that you really learn the material) and thus can be completed fairl What should beginners learn on the Codecademy? Originally Answered: What should beginner's learn on the Codecademy? Many people begin with the HTML and CSS track, but start with the language you are most interested in.

How many hours a week should you learn to code?

We’d recommend somewhere between five and 15 hours per week. If your goal is “learn to code” in a general sense, it can feel overwhelming, and it’s almost impossible to know when you’ve succeeded. To get a better idea of how long it might take you to reach your goal of learning to code, here are a few tips to get clear on your path.

How long does it take to learn JavaScript basics?

‌If you're learning on your own, it can take six to nine months to become proficient in JavaScript. Some of that time is spent learning how to think like a programmer — helpful for when you move on to learning other programming languages.

How long does it take to learn JavaScript in hours?

Getting yourself acquainted with syntactical stuff should not take you more than a week working 2 to 4 hours daily. Then you would have to go through the advanced concepts like the Closures, Web APIs, Event Loop, Prototype chain etc. This is gonna take some time. From one month to a couple of months.

Is 3 months enough to learn JavaScript?

While JavaScript is a step up from the most fundamental web development skills (languages like HTML and CSS, which can be learned in under a month), you can still expect to learn JS basics in a matter of months, not years—and that's whether you learn through online classes or teach yourself through book study.

How many hours should I study JavaScript?

2 hours a day are enough to learn Javascript basics, and learning the core basics of JS can take you 5 to 6 weeks, given that you know some of the basics in computer science and some prior experience of algorithms.

Can I learn JavaScript in 2 months?

So the answer to your first part is YES! You can learn the syntax and related packages for JavaScript in 2–3 months easily.

Can I get a job with just JavaScript?

If you know JavaScript, there are plenty of jobs available to you—even if it's your only programming language. The most common role is front-end developer, but increasingly, you can also become a full-stack or back-end developer. However, you'll want to add some other skills like HTML, CSS, Node.

Can I learn JavaScript in 6 months?

Well, If you are looking to learn JavaScript than you can learn in 1 Month to get into advance level and you become a expert in 6 Months. Learning JavaScript is not harder but rather easy so you need to spend 4–5 hours a days on learning JavaScript Programming.

Why is JavaScript so hard?

On the other hand, unlike HTML, JavaScript is a programming language, making it more difficult to learn than HTML. This is because a markup language merely describes what an action signifies, while a programming language defines a series of those actions to be performed.

Is JS harder than Java?

Java. It's a bit harder to learn Java than Python and JavaScript. It's one of the most stable and reliable ways to build large systems. If you want to work at large tech companies, Java will be useful for your future job search.

Can I learn JavaScript in a week?

You won't learn JavaScript in a week. On average it takes around 3-9 months to get a solid grasp of JavaScript. However, you can probably pick up the basic patterns of JavaScript in a week with a consistent 8 hour learning day.

Can you learn JavaScript in 2 days?

Seriously, two days is about enough to get a feel for the basics. It's nowhere near enough time to get to "professional" level (whatever that means exactly). The more experience you have with other languages, the easier it will be, though.

Is Python better than JavaScript?

On this count, Python scores far better than JavaScript. It is designed to be as beginner-friendly as possible and uses simple variables and functions. JavaScript is full of complexities like class definitions. When it comes to ease of learning, Python is the clear winner.

Build a Library

It's time to build fluency in Object-oriented JavaScript. In this next Pro Project, we're going to practice Classes in JavaScript so you can hone your skills and feel confident taking them to the real world. Why? You'll practice utilizing the power of object-oriented programming and implement non repetitive code with concepts like inheritance.

School Catalogue

It's time to build fluency in Object-oriented JavaScript. In this next Pro Project, we're going to practice Classes in JavaScript so you can hone your skills and feel confident taking them to the real world. Why? You'll gain confidence in extending classes to their subclasses, then linking their shared methods and properties.

Message Mixer

It's time to build fluency in JavaScript Modules. In this project, we're going to practice creating a modular program in a Node.js environment so you can hone your skills and feel confident taking them to the real world. Why? You don't want to copy and paste your functions from file to file. Learn to reuse them by exporting and importing.

What are the different time frames for learning to code?

As you can imagine, the more time you spend practicing and learning, the quicker you’ll learn to code and put your skills to use solving problems. But each of us has a different amount of time to dedicate to our learning journey.

How to learn to code more quickly

As you’re starting out on your learning journey, regardless of which type of learner you are, you want to set a realistic weekly time commitment for yourself. Now, everyone’s situation is different, so don’t put any extra pressure on yourself. Just put enough time into your pursuit so that you can make some decent progress each week.

Learning milestones you can look forward to reaching

While we’re all on our own timelines when it comes to learning to code, there are some common milestones to look forward to. Here are four main milestones that you’ll encounter on your way to learning to code:

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Codecademy JavaScript Review

In today’s Codecademy JavaScript review, we’re going to look at a few things:

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a text-based programming language that was created in 10 days by Brendan Eich.

Codecademy JavaScript Review

Codecademy Pro has a variety of JavaScript courses, skill paths and career paths.
