how know course-based or research-based graduate school

by Filomena Christiansen 3 min read

What is the difference between a course-based and research-based masters degree?

Course-based Masters Degrees are based on course modules taught through lectures, lab work, seminars or distance learning, while research-based Masters Degrees requires student to carry out their own research project in a specialized field of study. Research Masters Degrees normally take longer than taught Masters Degrees to complete.

Are graduate degrees taught or research-based?

Some graduate degrees are mostly taught, leading up to an end-of-course research project, while others have a strong focus on independent research from the outset. You need to figure out which teaching and assessment methods work better for you.

What do you need to know when researching a graduate school?

When researching grad schools, make sure you choose a department well-matched to your academic and professional interests. 3. Facilities Depending on your research project and discipline, you might need to have access to various pieces of technology or special library collections.

What are graduate courses really like?

Plante says graduate courses tend to involve small classes as opposed to large lectures, and he notes that grad students are typically engaged in academic research outside of the classroom.

What is the difference between course-based and research-based Masters?

Course-based master's degrees are based on structured course modules taught through lectures, seminars, laboratory work or distance learning, while research-based master's degrees require the student to carry out their own research project(s) in a specialized field of study.

What is a research-based graduate degree?

Course-based Masters Degrees are based on course modules taught through lectures, lab work, seminars or distance learning, while research-based Masters Degrees requires student to carry out their own research project in a specialized field of study.

What is the difference between graduate taught and graduate research?

The difference between postgraduate taught and postgraduate research programmes largely comes down to the level of independence you have during your studies. Research Masters require students to undertake extensive research training, while taught Masters involve a mixture of lectures, seminars and coursework.

What is the difference between project based and thesis based Masters?

The thesis option is most appropriate for students who desire to develop additional research skills and who plan on pursuing a Ph. D. or seek a career in research. The project option oftentimes involves the researcher seeking to solve a problem or issue of significance in regulatory affairs or quality assurance.

Should I do a course-based or thesis based Masters?

The academic, thesis based Master's differs from the professional degree in that it emphasizes original research and research methodology. Professional, course-based Master's degrees are more structured and focus on the direct application of knowledge in teaching and educational administration contexts.

What is the difference between Master by coursework and master by research?

Course-based Masters Degrees are taught through lectures, lab work, workshops, or distance learning, while research-based Masters Degrees enable students to conduct their research projects in a specialized area. Research-based postgraduate programs usually take longer to complete than course-based programs.

Is a research Masters better than a taught?

For a start, research Masters degrees are generally worth the same number of credits as taught Masters degrees. Both types can be 1-2 years long (depending on the qualification). You may also be surprised to learn that both may actually include a taught and research element.

Do you do research in Masters?

Difference between a taught and research master's Taught programs will follow a similar format to your undergraduate degree, and will include things like lectures, seminars, and workshops. You'll still need to do your own research and independent study, but you'll get guidance from your professors and tutors.

What are research courses?

Postgraduate research courses involve the completion of original academic research. They also include research skills training that will equip you to become an independent researcher, capable of advancing knowledge in your field.

Can you do a PhD with a course-based Masters?

Some course-based master's degrees are intended for students who have recently completed a bachelor's degree, while others may require prior work experience for admission. After completing a bachelor's degree, a master's degree is normally the next step, though it's sometimes possible to move directly into a PhD.

Are all Masters thesis based?

Yes. Master's programs focused more on application than research typically don't require a thesis – although they may still give students the option. Examples of common non-thesis master's programs include nursing, business, and education.

Which is better dissertation or coursework?

A thesis master's degree is more research intensive. Students who aim to work on a thesis can expect to do more reading and writing as they specialize their knowledge. The coursework is generally centered around preparation for a final thesis, building their skills in research, data collection, analysis, and writing.

How to complete a masters degree?

In many universities, there is an option to complete master’s degree through regular course work or through research, or through a combination of course work and research. This is in sharp contrast to days when these degrees were rigid in their demand of requisite number of hours for coursework. Today both masters by coursework ...

What is a masters by coursework?

Masters by Coursework. As the name implies, the major component in Masters by coursework is regular attendance of lectures and tutorials. The student has to fulfill the requirements of assessments such as essays and assignments. However, even in Masters by coursework, there is a component of research though it is miniscule in terms ...

Is a masters degree through research a PhD?

Typically a master’s degree through research has research component up to 70% in comparison to regular classroom lectures. It would be better to call masters by research as a mini PhD. Here a student is not required to attend classes or write exams to complete course work.

1. Career prospects

For many, a graduate degree is also an opportunity to develop the expertise and connections required to kick-start a career, move up a level, or enter a new field. Save yourself time in the long run by pausing to consider all your options.

2. The faculty

This can’t be stressed enough. Researching the faculty and looking up some of the research published by key figures in the department could help you figure out whether a university is right for you, and also help you win over the admissions officers in your personal statement and interview.

3. Facilities

Depending on your research project and discipline, you might need to have access to various pieces of technology or special library collections. Researching the facilities will help you decide whether to pick school X over school Y, as well as making a convincing case in your application.

4. Location

You need to be in the right frame of mind to tackle all of the challenges academia throws at you.

5. Fees & funding

Tuition fees and funding opportunities vary greatly by country. Some countries, such as Germany or Sweden, offer free tuition; while other study destinations, such as the UK or the US, charge hefty fees for their world-renowned programs – in some cases offset by full tuition waivers, scholarships and assistantships for a select number of students.

6. Course structure

Each university will implement its own course structure and reading list, and one course structure may be better aligned with your interests. Take a look at the syllabus outlined online in the course description.

7. Teaching and assessment methods

Some graduate degrees are mostly taught, leading up to an end-of-course research project, while others have a strong focus on independent research from the outset. You need to figure out which teaching and assessment methods work better for you.

Why are graduate programs so special?

Because graduate programs are hyper-focused on a particular academic discipline, these programs are only suitable for people who are certain what discipline they are most interested in, higher education experts warn. Nevertheless, the specialization of grad programs is part of what makes these programs appealing to students who are fascinated by ...

What are the different types of graduate degrees?

Experts on graduate education note that there is a wide variety of graduate degrees, including both professional degrees, such as law degrees and medical degrees, and academic degrees , such as a doctorate .

What does Huguet recommend for grad students?

Huguet recommends that prospective grad students think carefully about their career goals before applying to grad schools. "Begin by asking yourself what kind of career you’d like to pursue, and then do some research to see what kinds of degrees are necessary for your dream job," Huguet suggests.

What is the purpose of graduate school?

The purpose of graduate school is to develop expertise in a specific academic subject, higher ed experts say. Since graduate programs are very focused on a specific subject, they are best for students who are certain what discipline interests them most. (Getty Images)

Do grad students have to have an undergraduate degree?

Graduate school administrators and professors say that, because grad students typically already have their undergraduate degree, they are expected to meet a higher academic standard than someone in college. In contrast to undergraduate students who are required to take courses in multiple academic disciplines, grad students can focus all ...

Is graduate school appropriate for everyone?

Graduate students, graduate degree recipients and university faculty warn anyone contemplating attending graduate school that though this type of advanced education can be fulfilling and valuable, it is not appropriate for everyone. "If a student is not sure what they want to do, graduate school is probably not a wise idea, ...

Do students need to learn how to learn class materials without such close guidance from a teacher?

However, most graduate programs have a long-term project that students must complete, such as a research paper. These require a different kind of relationship with a teacher.

How is graduate school different from undergraduate school?

Graduate school, then, is quite different from undergraduate school. It takes longer, it requires more focused and sustained work, it involves more intensive relationships with faculty and other students, and it makes considerably greater demands on your personal identity.

What is graduate school?

Graduate school is training in research. It is for people who love research, scholarship, and teaching for their own sake and for the difference they can sometimes make in the world. It is not for people who simply want more undergraduate courses. It is not for people who are in a hurry to get a real job.

How many letters of recommendation do I need to get into graduate school?

Your application to graduate school will also involve some letters of recommendation, usually three or four. Most of these letters will probably (but not necessarily) be from professors in the department where you got your undergraduate degree. It helps, other things being equal, if you get letters from famous professors as opposed to junior ones. But the important thing is to get letters from people who know you and who can say things about you that make you sound like you belong in graduate school.

How long does it take to decide whether to go to graduate school?

You will need to ask for advice. You should figure that the decision will take about a year to make, so ask for a lot of advice over a long period. Start toward the middle of your junior year, if not before.

How long does it take to get a PhD?

Graduate school, as I mentioned, generally takes five to eight years. That's a long time.

How many years of graduate school is there?

More specifically, graduate school is typically a five to eight year program (in the US anyway; fewer years in most other countries) of study and research organized by a single department or interdisciplinary program of some university, culminating in a doctoral degree (usually a PhD).

What are the different types of graduate schools?

Graduate school comes in three varieties: professional schools (law, medicine, education, and so on), master's programs, and doctoral programs. I know little about either professional schools or master's programs, so I will concentrate on doctoral programs.

What is the ultimate key to graduate school?

It ultimately boils down to this: The ultimate key to graduate school is transitioning from a “student” mentality to a “professional” mentality.

Why don't you play hard as an undergrad?

Have some fun, play hard, but don’t play as long as the undergrads because you have already started your career and everything you do counts. For example, those with the professional mentality enjoy the extra time in the summer, unencumbered with classes, to make huge strides in their publishing.

Is graduate school an apprenticeship?

Truth #1: Graduate School Is Not School at All, but an Apprenticeship. The term “school” makes you think that the most important aspect of this experience is class and that you are a student who must do well in the class. However, your goal is not to get straight As, but to learn to become a productive, independent researcher.

What is a PhD in GRE?

A PhD is the most advanced degree in a given academic field. (Note that this is not true of professional fields—we will discuss the difference in the next section.) Quick side note: we've created the world's leading online GRE prep program that adapts to you and your strengths and weaknesses.

What is the difference between a graduate degree and a professional degree?

For example, a JD trains you to become a lawyer. An MD trains you to become a doctor. So while a graduate degree focuses on an academic discipline or area of inquiry, a professional degree focuses on professional training.

What is a good GRE score?

Good GRE Score. You’ll need a GRE score that’s reasonably competitive for the programs you’re interested in. (See more on what’s a good GRE score here ). This will usually involve a high score in the more relevant section of the GRE. So for a math or science graduate degree, you’ll need a high Quant score.

What are the benefits of graduate school?

Here are some of the main benefits of graduate school: 1 Graduate degrees are necessary for work in academia. 2 Some fields may give you higher earning potential and expanded job prospects. 3 You can gain skills in a new area or discipline than your undergraduate degree. 4 Graduate school can help you get research experience and publication credits. 5 A graduate degree can help you strengthen your application to professional school.

How long does it take to get a PhD?

A PhD can take anywhere from three years (if you have a master’s degree and write extremely fast!) to eight years (if you have a lot of coursework to complete and a particularly obscure dissertation topic). But the time it usually takes to complete a PhD is in the 4-6 year range.

What is a PhD?

What is a PhD? PhD stands for Doctor of Philosophy. The PhD is the most advanced degree in a given academic discipline. It’s also known as a doctorate or a doctoral degree.

What is a masters degree?

What is a Master’s Degree? The Master of Arts is the typical Master’s graduate program for humanities and social science disciplines. They can be fairly general—for example, an MA in Communication or Anthropology, or even Humanities. They can also be highly specialized, like an MA in Folklore or an MA in History of the Book (a real degree!).