how does my desired course of special education study relate to special education

by Mr. Kirk Williamson II 5 min read

How do I begin my studies of special education?

Begin your studies of special education by reading a brief legislative history of special education on the following page. Note that this article provides information up to 2002; the IDEA law was reauthorized in 2007. You will learn more about this reauthorization in Module 2 of this course. Special Education Glossary

What is the purpose of the special education course?

Top 10 Reasons To Get A Special Education Degree. A special education degree from California University of Pennsylvania is a great investment in your future. Whether you want to teach special education in elementary schoolor middle school, or want to earn a bachelor’s degree that qualifies you for many other exciting employment opportunities serving individuals with disabilities, …

What's in the Special Education study guide?

Mar 31, 2022 · Course Summary This course is designed to help teachers better understand special education law. Engaging lessons provide you with the knowledge and ability to address student needs as they relate ...

What are the competencies of a special education teacher?

Apr 07, 2022 · Praxis Special Education (5354): Practice & Study Guide • 33K views • 5 min. About this course: 13 hours of educational videos. 136 self-paced lessons. 13 …

Why is it important to learn about special education?

Special education is of great importance for children with learning disabilities, because it gives them the opportunity to get quality education in line with their unique needs. Special education enables every student to gain a high level of independence and reach their full potential.Jul 19, 2021

How does idea relate to special education?

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a law that makes available a free appropriate public education to eligible children with disabilities throughout the nation and ensures special education and related services to those children.

What can you learn from working with special needs?

Learning Life Lessons Working with children with special needs will teach you very important lessons in life. You will come to the realization that you don't have to be a saint to succeed in meeting the needs of others. You will acquire a better understanding of the problems such children face in their development.

What is the main focus of special education for students with disabilities?

There may be students whose special education focuses primarily on speech and language development, cognitive development, or needs related to a physical or learning disability.

How would you include students with disabilities in your classroom and subject?

8 Tips for Introducing a Student with Disabilities to a General Education ClassroomEstablish Basic Principals. ... Let Each Student Share. ... Dispell Myths. ... Address The Challenges. ... Talk About The People We Know With A Disability. ... Highlight Famous People. ... Give Disability Awareness Lessons. ... Make A Positive Classroom Community.Sep 28, 2017

What did IDEA 2004 Change?

IDEA 2004 included a new provision requiring the special education and related services, supplemental aids and services outlined on a student's IEP need to be based on “peer-reviewed research” to the “extent practicable.”

What you learn in special education?

Special education serves children with emotional, behavioral, or cognitive impairments or with intellectual, hearing, vision, speech, or learning disabilities; gifted children with advanced academic abilities; and children with orthopedic or neurological impairments.

What are the three most important lessons you have learned from interacting with individuals with disabilities?

10 Things The World Can Learn From People With Disabilities True happiness is really possible in a "broken" body. ... Patience can get you through almost anything. ... Accidents can and will happen. ... Disability can happen to anyone. ... Don't sweat the little things. ... Being different is an opportunity.More items...•Jan 10, 2014

Why do you want to work with students with special needs?

Working with individuals with special needs brings with it a host of unique challenges and opportunities. The children I work with make every day fulfilling, and I know my work is making a positive impact and helping each individual to grow, gain skills and work towards independence.May 5, 2017

What is the main goal of special education?

To help the exceptional children to learn and acquire necessary skills for their self-help, independent living and leading future life as properly as possible. To help them to acquire necessary social skills, emotional literacy to live and participate in school, home and community life as properly as possible.

What are the benefits of being a special education teacher?

in special education opens up opportunities for both personal and professional growth.You will be a more effective teacher to every student. ... It sets you apart in a teaching job search. ... It increases your earning potential. ... It could lead to new career paths outside of teaching. ... It offers a lifetime of learning.

What is unique about special education?

Special education is alternative instruction, support, and services provided for students who have academic, behavioral, health, physical, or other unique needs beyond those met by traditional educational techniques.Jan 15, 2014

What is special education degree?

A special education degree from California University of Pennsylvania is a great investment in your future. Whether you want to teach special education in elementary school or middle school, or want to earn a bachelor’s degree that qualifies you for many other exciting employment opportunities serving individuals with disabilities, we’ve got you covered. Here are the Top 10 reasons to get a special Education Degree from Cal U.

What are the benefits of special education?

Special education professionals often report that one benefit of a special education classroom is the small class size, which allows the teacher to truly get to know his or her students. In addition to smaller class sizes, special education teachers often have a classroom aide or other specialist in the room, so the teacher can take time to address an individual student’s needs without worrying that such one-to-one attention is taking away from the group as a whole. This degree of personal investment and attention to the individual is crucial in a special education classroom, and it creates lifelong bonds that both the student and teacher find meaningful and rewarding.

Why do special education teachers need a bachelor's degree?

All education professionals are committed to learning, but in special education, a bachelor’s degree is just the beginning. Each student with special needs presents a unique combination of gifts and challenges – and a new incentive for his or her teachers to learn more. As we’ve seen with autism in recent years, scientific study and practitioners’ experiences result in new insights, which in turn encourage teachers to become lifelong learners, even after they leave Cal U. Sometimes special education professionals develop an interest in a particular subject and decide to improve their education in order to transition their careers toward this new professional focus. Many bachelor’s degree holders eventually return to Cal U to attain a master’s degree due to the many doors a graduate degree can open .

Why do Cal U graduates go back to school?

Job promotion is just one of the many reasons that Cal U graduates working in special education may return to school for a graduate degree at some point in their careers.

Is special education rewarding?

Special Education Is Meaningful and Rewarding. Most people who receive a bachelor’s degree in special education are committed to working with individuals with disabilities.

Does California University of Pennsylvania have special education?

California University of Pennsylvania certainly is proud of its many graduates who go on to work as special education teachers. However, many people are unaware of the wide selection of career options available with a special education degree.

Is special education a team effort?

Special Education Is a Team Effort. A special education teacher is not alone in figuring out the best way to respond to an individual or a class. In fact, special education programs have always emphasized the value of a team approach.

What is special education law?

Special education law has come a long way in addressing the needs of students with a variety of disabilities, developmental disorders and impairments. This course provides a comprehensive overview of all you need to understand about special education law. Lessons are divided into chapters that closely examine legislation designed to address ...

What is an engaging lesson?

Engaging lessons provide you with the knowledge and ability to address student needs as they relate to their civil rights, classroom accommodations and learning outcomes.

What do special education teachers need to know?

Special education teachers must demonstrate a deep understanding of behavior and cognitive development, classroom management methods and specific instructional strategies. Use this chapter to review these topics and more as part of your preparations for the Praxis Special Education exam.

Why do we use Praxis exams?

Several states employ the use of Praxis exams to measure the knowledge level of aspiring teachers and other school personnel to determine their readiness to assume their desired positions. Special education teachers in these states must take and pass the Praxis Special Education exam to satisfy licensure requirements.

Can you register for Praxis exam over the phone?

You also have the option of registering over the phone for an additional service fee if you've previously signed up for a Praxis exam. You'll be required to log in to the online account and print an admission ticket to bring to the testing center. Scoring the Praxis Special Education Exam.

How does brain science help us?

Brain science now helps us understand the biology of learning and of learning disabilities. Simple models of the learning process allow us to identify brain-friendly strategies and create detours around perceived “learning disabilities.”

Where did the young woman put in charge of a group of children labeled “impossible to educate

In 1896, in the slums of Rome, a young woman was put in charge of a young group of children labeled “impossible to educate.”. Her students were the “special ed” students of the time –with the greatest needs– from the poorest parts of Rome.

What is the law of 80/20?

Or, 80% of effects come from 20% of causes. The Law of 80/20 is why you wear 20% of your clothes 80% of the time.

What is the 80/20 principle?

The 80/20 Principle is a universal law that can easily transform the lives of your students! Harness this Universal Law, and you’ll be well on your way to a massive victory with your precious students! It’s the Law of 80/20. We don’t usually realize it, but 80/20 governs our lives.

Who endorsed Susan Kruger?

Endorsed by Dr. Ned Hallowell. “Susan Kruger is an absolute genius. She’s made getting organized simple, which is the only way kids will stick with it, and she’s made it fun, which is a minor miracle. She’s tremendously innovative, creative, and wise.

Who was the first female physician in Italy?

One woman did it! That woman was Maria Montessori. As the first female physician in Italy, she was considered an outcast herself; nobody wanted a woman doctor. She had….

Can special education outperform Gen Ed?

It might seem impossible that your “special” students could outperform gen ed. But, gen ed isn’t exactly at optimal function. And they’re focused on all the wrong metrics and remedies. Meanwhile, special education educators are far more connected to the root of learning problems.
