what do you ned on upper division course to pass csulb

by Karl Metz 5 min read

Completion of at least 40 upper-division units (courses numbered 300-499). No course taken at any community college may count toward fulfillment of these 40 units. Completion of at least 30 units in residence at CSULB of which at least 24 must be upper-division and at least 12 must be in the major.

Full Answer

What classes do you need to take to get into CSULB?

192 rows · Upper Division D Courses (300-400) - Social Sciences and Citizenship (Category D) - GE Approved Courses. The following courses are approved to meet the General Education requirements indicated. Please note the following in reviewing these approved course lists: Major courses and campus-wide required courses that are approved for GE credit shall also fulfill …

How many upper division units do you need to graduate CSULB?

Prerequisite Information The College of Business Administration does not allow student to take a course and the prerequisite at the same time. Registration in most upper division (300/400) College of Business Administration classes is restricted to CBA majors and minors. You will receive the message “requisite not met” if you try to enroll in a CBA class and are not a major or …

Can a previous CSULB student take an additional course?

To be accepted toward this requirement at CSULB, the transfer course must be approved for upper division general education credit at the campus offering the course. Other courses may be used, on an individual basis, to meet the requirement if they are approved for General Education at the campus offering the course and if the purpose of the ...

What general education (GE) requirements are required to transfer to CSULB?

Apr 08, 2022 · Completion of at least 30 units in residence at CSULB of which at least 24 must be upper-division and at least 12 must be in the major. Units earned in Extended Education or Open University cannot be counted toward fulfillment of the residence requirement.

What is considered upper division CSULB?

LD = Lower Division (100 and 200 level courses); UD = Upper Division (300 and 400 level courses) Students under earlier G.E. plans or who need help with the above chart should contact their College Advising Center or the University Center for Undergraduate Advising.

What is a passing grade CSULB?

Note: although a D grade is passing for undergraduate coursework, if it is converted to an NC it is no longer a passing grade. Therefore, faculty and students should be aware that if a student chooses to convert a D grade to NC, they will need to retake and pass the course.Apr 10, 2020

Can you take upper division classes as a freshman CSULB?

6. Can freshmen/sophomore students take upper-division (300-499) classes? University policy prohibits students with under 30 units from taking upper-division courses without permission of the instructor.

How many times can you attempt to pass a class with AC or better CSULB?

This can only be done once per course at CSULB. If you don't earn a “C” or better on the second try, all grades will be counted. Undergraduate students may repeat 28 units of which 16 can be for grade forgiveness, per Executive Order 1037.

What is the minimum GPA for CSULB?

The minimum CSULB Index to be considered for Fall 2022 CSULB freshmen admission: Graduates of California high schools and other California residents: 2.5 GPA or greater in college preparatory subjects, AND 3,200 minimum “CSULB Index” to be considered, for non-STEM major and a 3,600 minimum “STEM Index” for STEM majors.

How many units is considered full time at CSULB?

12 orFull-time enrollment during the fall and spring semesters is: Undergraduate, credential, and second baccalaureate students: 12 or more units. Master's degree and certificate students: 8 or more units. Doctoral students: 6 or more units.

How many units can I take per semester CSULB?

18 unitsThe official unit limit per fall or spring semester is 18 units. Students seeking to exceed the 18-unit limit must complete an Extra Unit Petition form available on the Enrollment Services website.

Can you get kicked out of CSULB?

Academic Disqualification occurs when a student who has been placed on academic probation did not raise their CSULB GPA or Overall GPA to a 2.0 or better, and as such results in dismissal from CSULB. This can happen after one or two semesters on academic probation. Students can appeal their disqualification.

How many courses does CSULB offer?

Begin exploring different career possibilities available from the 90 majors options offered by CSULB. Visit the Candid Careers website to explore careers and learn from professionals in a variety of industries. What Can I Do With This Major?

Should I retake a class I got AC in for medical school?

Every grade you get, even if the class is retaken, is factored into your GPA. So going from a C to a B isn't worth the retake so much as going from a D to an A. Retaking a class takes time, effort, and money, so always be sure that you can improve your grade before deciding to do so.Mar 4, 2021

What happens if you get an F in a class in college?

The Consequences of Failing a Class A failing grade will likely hurt your GPA (unless you took the course pass/fail), which could jeopardize your financial aid. The failure will end up on your college transcripts and could hurt your chances of getting into graduate school or graduating when you originally planned to.May 8, 2020

Can you retake a class you got AC in CSULB?

Students are not allowed to repeat a course in which they received a grade of A, B, C or CR, (except for courses specified as repeatable for credit and upper-division courses in an undergraduate student's major completed more than ten years prior to graduation).

Prerequisite Information

The College of Business Administration does not allow student to take a course and the prerequisite at the same time.

You may recieve a permit if you have

Credit for the prerequisite based on an Advanced Placement (AP) Examination

General Education Policies

Only courses on the General Education Master Course List at the time the student takes the course shall count for General Education.

General Education Resources

A new General Education pattern is effective Fall 2018. Students who enter Fall 2018 or later must follow this pattern unless they hold catalog rights to a prior General Education pattern. Students who are under a prior General Education pattern may elect to complete the new pattern.

Previous Courses (No Longer Certified for General Education)

Beginning Fall 2008, the General Education course list is maintained on the CSU web site and contains all currently certified courses. The list below reflects courses offered Fall 2008 or after which are not currently active reflecting the period when they were eligible for GE credit.

What is the GPA of Cum Laude?

Cum Laude: GPA equal to or greater than 3.500 but less than 3.750. Undergraduate students may be considered eligible for honors at graduation provided that a minimum of 45 units are earned at California State University, Long Beach.

Is CSULB a public university?

Though CSULB is a publicly supported institution, generous contributions to the Beach Fund are critical to keeping the University thriving. Supporting the Beach Fund allows the President and Deans to address the ongoing, immediate needs of the University. Contributions to all areas enhance state support and student fees to provide all students with access to a quality education. Such areas most impacted by your support are:

What is the oldest honor society?

Honor Societies. Phi Beta Kappa - Founded at the College of William and Mary in 1776, it is the oldest and most prestigious honor society for students of the liberal arts and sciences. A chapter was established at California State University, Long Beach in 1977.

What is Phi Kappa Phi?

Phi Kappa Phi - Founded in 1897 at the University of Maine, it is the oldest and largest national honor society which recognizes and encourages superior scholarship in all academic disciplines. Chapter 86 was established at California State University, Long Beach, in 1963.

What is Beta Alpha Psi?

Among these organizations at California State University, Long Beach are the following: Beta Alpha Psi (Accounting) - National scholastic fraternity to give recognition to excellence in the field of accounting.

What is the purpose of CSULB?

CSULB’s core academic purpose is to graduate students with highly valued degrees. Graduation rates for CSULB students have increased dramatically in recent years and the length of time it takes students to complete degrees has decreased. The availability of needed courses and support by academic advisors and learning communities greatly improved graduation rates. These improvements were key to CSULB’s recognition as one of “America’s Best Colleges and Universities” ( U.S. News and World Report) and as a “Best Value College” and “Best in the West” (The Princeton Review).

How many baccalaureate degrees are there at CSULB?

CSULB offers 85 baccalaureate majors (see CSULB Colleges and Departments for a list of degree programs and admission requirements). Baccalaureate degrees are constructed of three interrelated areas: (1) the breadth component, called the General Education (GE) Program, which is the basis for the baccalaureate degree with courses that offer training in general skills, methodologies, and habits of thought; (2) the depth component, or major, which establishes an understanding of the breadth of a body of knowledge, competence in the fundamental skills and methodologies of the discipline, and understanding and skill at an appropriate depth in one or more facets of the discipline; and (3) the elective component that provides the possibility for personal exploration, enhancement, and development to complement the rest of the degree program (and might include a minor and/or a certificate program).

What is the California Education Code?

The California Education Code (section 89320 ) requires “each state university, in administering any test or examination, to permit any student who is eligible to undergo the test or examination to do so, without penalty, at a time when that activity would not violate the student’s religious creed.

How long is a student veteran considered full time?

In consideration of the Veterans Affairs Services requirement to equitably certify student veteran benefits in accordance with Title 38 of the United States Code, a post-baccalaureate student veteran in a credit-limited program is considered full-time as long as he or she is enrolled in those courses that are required by the educational program being pursued. Full-time status is awarded to all post-baccalaureate and graduate students who have less than nine (9) units when no other units are offered in their program. This status must be approved and coordinated with the Office of Veterans Affairs Services, located in the Foundation building, Suite 265. For information, call (562) 985-5115 or (562) 985-4279.

What is the Office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development?

Procedures and sanctions of the Office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development are under the administration of the Vice President for Student Services and are conducted pursuant to the authority provided in Section 41301 of Title 5 of the California Administrative Code. Copies of Section 41301 of Title 5 may be found in the University Bulletin and the Campus Regulations available in the Office of Judicial Affairs. Copies of Chancellor’s Executive Order 148, “Student Disciplinary Procedures for the California State University” are also available upon request.

How does academic technology work in a class?

Some classes use academic technology to replace part or all of the face-to-face class meetings. In a hybrid class, one-third to two-thirds of the student/faculty and student/student contact time uses academic technology to structure remote activities. The remaining communication is face-to-face, similar to traditional classes. A Local Online Class is a course offering in which the majority of the instruction occurs when the student and instructor are not in the same place, but it may require up to two hours of face-to-face meetings per unit on the California State University, Long Beach campus within the given semester. A fully online is a course offering in which communication between faculty and student occurs primarily via academic technology, but it may also include off-site meetings. The mode of instruction is indicated in the online class schedule for each term. (PS 03-11)

What is considered a full time student in California?

1.1 A student pursuing a baccalaureate degree or a credential program carrying 12 or more units during the fall or spring semester is classified as a full-time student. A student pursuing a post-baccalaureate certificate or master’s degree carrying 8 or more units or a student pursuing a doctoral degree carrying 6 or more units during the fall or spring semester is also classified as a full-time student. These definitions derive from federal financial aid regulations and have no bearing on the definitions used by the State of California to determine a student’s liability for the State University Fee.

How many hours of online classes are required for California State University?

A Local Online Class is a course offering in which the majority of the instruction occurs when the student and instructor are not in the same place, but it may require up to two hours of face-to-face meetings per unit on the California State University, Long Beach campus within the given semester.

Why is classroom attendance important?

Classroom attendance is often one of the most necessary and important means of learning and, in many classes, is essential to the educational objectives of the course. Faculty members must include their guidelines for assigning grades in the syllabus.

Anyone else think they made the student sign in worse?

The stupid student center now asks for my log in credentials twice and also asks for a text code twice as well.

Student center sign in is so annoying

Is there any way to take off the phone # and just use ur user & password to sign in? I'm so annoyed by this extra security and having to get a text and put in the code all the time.

Can someone explain to me why do we have to pay a fee to apply for graduation

Sorry my brain can't comprehend how retarded it is that the school makes us pay thousands in tuition to attend and has the audacity to charge a fee to graduate. It's like they purposely want to milk you every step of the way.

Volunteer Opportunity

My name is Sierra and I am with APLA Health. Within our clinic at St. Mary Medical Center we offer a plethora of services with an emphasis on accessibility and ease. We are currently looking for Peer Health Educators to assist with our events to promote free HIV testing here in Long Beach. If this interests you, please feel free to contact me.


Hi guys, I am new here and in urgent need of assistance. Today I received an emailing saying this from CSULB:

Retail interview (Ross Stores)

Hi, I know this is unrelated to csulb but I figured that some students might be working in retail or have been interviewed before. I have a Ross Dress For Less interview tomorrow as a retail associate and I’m not sure what to wear.

Financial Aid Forms

Is anyone else still waiting for the financial aid forms? The request link keeps saying I have no to do items. I tried contacting the FA office but it went to voicemail :/

What is considered a full time student in California?

1.1 A student pursuing a baccalaureate degree or a credential program carrying 12 or more units during the fall or spring semester is classified as a full-time student. A student pursuing a post-baccalaureate certificate or master’s degree carrying 8 or more units or a student pursuing a doctoral degree carrying 6 or more units during the fall or spring semester is also classified as a full-time student. These definitions derive from federal financial aid regulations and have no bearing on the definitions used by the State of California to determine a student’s liability for the State University Fee.

How long is a post-baccalaureate student considered full time?

In consideration of the Veterans Affairs Services requirement to equitably certify student veteran benefits in accordance with Title 38 of the United States Code, a post-baccalaureate student veteran in a credit-limited program is considered full-time as long as they are enrolled in those courses that are required by the educational program being pursued. Full-time status is awarded to all post-baccalaureate and graduate students who have less than nine (9) units when no other units are offered in their program. This status must be approved and coordinated with the Office of Veterans Affairs Services, located in Brotman Hall, Room 270. For information, call (562) 985-5115 or (562) 985-4279.

What is a CSULB credit hour?

Credit Hour. The CSULB credit hour definition is consistent with the California State University system and federal law (Title 34, Code of Federal Regulations, sections 600.2 and 600.4 revised July 1, 2020). The law requires all accredited institutions to comply with the federal definition of the credit hour.

How long is a credit hour?

A credit hour is assumed to be a 50-minute period. In some courses, such as those offered online, in which “seat time” does not apply, a credit hour may be measured by an equivalent amount of work, as demonstrated by student achievement. CSULB follows a course classification system which correlates to the credit hour.

What is CSULB advising?

Advising is an opportunity for students to connect to their college or department advisor, faculty and staff to discuss future educational plans. Through this connection, students will be able to discuss future educational goals, review program options, and receive advice on course selection.

How many hours does a faculty member have to teach?

Each instructional faculty member will hold one office hour per week for every class taught, up to a maximum of four hours. All faculty who teach one or more classes with face-to-face instruction are required to hold at least one hour of regularly schedule face-to-face office hours.

Do CSULB students have to attend classes?

Class attendance and/or participation are restricted to officially enrolled CSULB students and visiting students whose names are on the instructor’s class roster. Students may only attend classes in which they are officially registered. Students who receive permission to audit a class must officially register for the class on an audit basis by the deadline. Students are expected to attend classes regularly. Classroom attendance is often one of the most necessary and important means of learning and, in many classes, is essential to the educational objectives of the course.