how do you sign up for the refresher course on ncsbn

by Samanta Hane 6 min read

What are the requirements for a refresher course in North Carolina?

The program fosters outstanding leadership development, the acquisition of advanced knowledge and skills, and the generation of regulatory evidence. ICRS promotes collaboration, innovation and new ideas for the protection of the public and the future of professional regulation. ICRS offerings include: ICRS Certificate Program.

How do I access the NCSBN learning extension?

Dec 07, 2018 · Login to (Note: Only board of nursing members and staff can login to NCSBN Passport) Select NCSBN Learning Extension for Members. On the Learning Extension for Members home page, click the menu icon in the top right hand corner of the screen to open the menu then select Catalog. Use the Search options on the left side of the Catalog …

Where can I find information about nurse refresher courses?

Feb 17, 2022 · The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide an organization through which boards of nursing act and counsel together on matters of common interest and concern affecting the public health, safety and welfare, including the development of licensing examinations in nursing.

What is the NC AHEC RN refresher program?

The NCSBN retake policy allows candidates to retake their exam 45 days after administration of the exam. Candidates who have applied for licensure/registration with a participating nursing regulatory body (NRB) will be permitted to take the NCLEX eight times a year and there must be 45 test-free days between each examination. This is unless the desired jurisdiction of …

Is Ncsbn review course good?

I would recommend this review to anyone. It is the best review for the NCLEX and it is very affordable. ATI and Kaplan are extremely overpriced and although they work for some people everyone learns differently; studying with NCSBN is the best option because it is the closest thing to the actual NCLEX that you can get.

What is Ncsbn learning extension?

NCSBN Learning Extension's reviews for the NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN bring you content that simulates the real test. The courses have more than 1,500 NCLEX-style questions to help reinforce what you learned in nursing school.

How do I contact Ncsbn?

Visit the NCSBN website, 1.312.525.3600.Fax 1.312.279.1036.Email [email protected]. National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. Examinations Department. 111 E. Wacker Drive, Suite 2900. Chicago, IL 60601-4277.

What documents do I need for NCLEX?

Examples of acceptable forms of identification for domestic test centers are:Passport books and cards.Driver's license.Provincial/Territorial or state identification card.Permanent residence card.Military identification card.

What is the national pass rate for the NCLEX?

90.9NCLEX Pass Rates by StateSTATEOVERALL PASS RATE %California90.9Colorado90.7Connecticut89.5Delaware93.647 more rows•Jan 10, 2022

What do you need to score on the NCLEX to pass?

In December 2019, the NCSBN Board of Directors voted to raise the passing standard for the NCLEX-PN Examination. The new passing standard is -0.18 logits*, 0.03 logits higher than the current standard of -0.21 logits.

How do I contact the Maryland Board of Nursing?

Please contact the Maryland Board of Nursing at (410) 585-1900 from 8 AM to 5 PM Eastern Standard Time for appropriate forms and information.

How do you know if I passed Nclex?

Some NCLEX test-takers can find their name and license information on the state board of nursing (BON) website. While it may take up to six weeks to receive a notification with your official results, some people have accessed their license status online on the BON website within a few days of taking the exam.

How do I change my address on my Ncsbn?

change, address change or email address change must contact their nursing regulatory body (NRB) . This cannot be done at the test center. If the name on your ID and ATT email do not match, you will be turned away and will have to reregister and pay...

How often is the NCLEX offered?

When and How Often is The Test Offered? Pearson VUE administers the NCLEX continuously throughout the year. Candidates schedule an appointment with the testing center and are given a date within the following 30 days. The time period for repeat candidates is no less than 45 days.Oct 13, 2021

How do you get your ATT for NCLEX?

After the nursing regulatory body (NRB) declares you eligible, you will receive an Authorization to Test (ATT) email. You will receive your ATT via the email address you provided when registering. You must have your ATT email to schedule an appointment to take the NCLEX.

How long does it take to get ATT for NCLEX in Texas?

The BON will receive your results from Pearson/Vue within five working days after you take your test. Upon successfully passing the NCLEX®, you will receive a certificate....May 29, 2020Last day we will accept any paper application.June 15, 2020All Nurses & Applicants required to use the new online Texas Nurse Portal​2 more rows

NCSBN Learning Extension

Online courses at NCSBN Learning Extension empower nursing candidates, nurses and nurse educators. Our website at provides a community to exchange ideas with peers and Learning Extension staff, in addition to providing expert resources and a blog.

International Center for Regulatory Scholarship (ICRS)

ICRS provides unprecedented opportunities for regulators from diverse jurisdictions to learn, interact and collaborate. The program fosters outstanding leadership development, the acquisition of advanced knowledge and skills, and the generation of regulatory evidence.

What is NCSBN research?

NCSBN encourages and funds research that informs regulatory decisions. NCSBN conducts its own groundbreaking research on subjects as diverse as transition to practice, simulation in nursing education and the nursing workforce, as well as funding the research of others that contributes to the science of nursing regulation.

What is NCSBN?

Laws and regulations that affect nurses vary across the United States and change often. NCSBN educates lawmakers and health care stakeholders on issues impacting nursing regulation and provides information and resources regarding nursing policy across the country.

When will the FON report be released?

On May 11, 2021, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine released their report The Future of Nursing, 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity (the “FON Report”).

What is NCSBN in education?

NCSBN provides you with professional, educational resources that seamlessly fit into your lesson plans and capture students.

What is trust in nursing?

Nurses. The trust that exists between patients and nurses is based on a simple concept: that the nurse is a competent, qualified professional who puts the patient’s best interest and safety first. NCSBN provides information on licensure, how to become licensed in other jurisdictions and other key resources. Practice.

Nurse Refresher Program Contacts

Contact the RN refresher coordinator at the regional AHEC for your county to obtain more information and to determine program eligibility in your region. If you live in Orange, Durham, Chatham, or Person counties, visit or contact Annie Taft (919-966-3736) for more information.

Digital Library

A collection of digital library services and resources to support health care.


I would like to take an RN refresher course in New Jersey or New York. I have not seen an up-to-date list anywhere. Do you know of one? Schools that used to offer courses don’t anymore, and I think there are schools that do but I can’t find them.

Dear Donna replies

Try this list