what should a student online course experience be?

by Willow Wisozk PhD 7 min read

A student should leave time in their schedule in order to complete the online courses successfully. Although online classes are more convenient, than traditional college classes, they should be looked at as typical college classes and not taken lightly.

Full Answer

What makes a good online course?

STUDENTS' EXPERIENCE WITH ONLINE CLASSES. May 07, 2001. Online Course Assessment. by Brandi Ratcliff. In today's society, online courses are widely used in colleges providing easy access to course materials, classroom discussions, and feedback to instructors. The course materials and activities may be accessed from any computer, whether it is from the University …

What level of Education do students need to take online courses?

Throughout the course you can expect to discuss topics in some sort of online format, usually similar to an email format, where you post a response to a topic based upon criteria outlined by the professor. Students learn by participating in discussions in the form of threads where students build upon topics that thread-out and grow diagonally.

How should a student prepare for an online course?

The program presenter draws on her extensive experience in online course design to show you that providing what online students want isn’t all about an easy A. Gathering student feedback through multiple channels is key. So is putting that information to work in your course in a meaningful way, and the presenter shows you how to do both.

What are the qualities of an online student?

May 12, 2020 · Consideration #1: Orientation Learning Goals and Content boost students' confidence for success online, foster a sense of community among students, faculty, and staff, equip students with the tools necessary to be positive community members, facilitate academic preparedness and skill-building (e.g., ...

What do you expect to experience in our online class?

You can expect the same variety of work online as you would face-to-face. Online courses deliver a mix of quizzes, essays, assignments and group discussions. Depending on the course, you may work together with other students in groups, participate in peer review, or debate a variety of topics on the discussion boards.

What makes a great online learning experience?

A good online course is engaging and challenging. It invites students to participate, motivates them to contribute and captures their interest and attention. It capitalizes on the joy of learning and challenges students to enhance their skills, abilities and knowledge. A good online course is cognitively challenging.Jun 10, 2020

What is satisfactory learning experience for online learning?

The response rate was 97.8% for students and 86.4% for faculty. Overall satisfaction among students was 41.3% compared to 74.3% for faculty. The highest areas of satisfaction for students were communication and flexibility, whereas 92.9% of faculty were satisfied with students' enthusiasm for online learning.

What makes a quality online course the student perspective?

Researchers have found that the following areas are important for student satisfaction with online instruction, interaction among students, quality and timely interaction between student and professor, consistent course design across courses, technical support availability, and flexibility of online courses compared to ...

What skills can students develop from online learning?

Here are 10 additional skills that are in short supply in today's labor market that you develop as an online student.Communication skills. ... Organizational skills. ... Writing skills. ... Ability to meet deadlines. ... Computer skills. ... Teamwork. ... Time management. ... Self Starter.More items...•Oct 31, 2016

What are examples of learning experiences?

While listening to a lecture, reading a book, or completing a homework assignment remain “learning experiences,” students are now learning in different ways than they have in the past and in a wider variety of outside-of-school settings, such as through internships, volunteer activities, or dual-enrollment programs, to ...Aug 29, 2013

How can we improve student satisfaction in online learning?

Seven Ways to Improve Student Satisfaction in Online CoursesPost the course syllabus on the Web. ... Administer a learning-styles inventory. ... Explain the importance of group work. ... Use team contracts. ... Use a variety of assessments. ... Be flexible. ... Provide frequent interaction.Feb 26, 2009

How online learning affects students performance?

They find that online education lowered a student's final grade by about 0.2 standard deviations. Their work also confirms the results of previous papers, finding that the negative effect of online learning was driven by students with lower academic ability.Aug 13, 2021

How effective is online learning research study?

Using the studies found on Nosignificantdifference.org as indicator of the effectiveness of distance and online learning, it would be observed that about 92% of all distance and online education studies find that distance and online education is at least as effective, if not better, than traditional education.

How would you describe online learning?

What is Online Learning? Online learning is education that takes place over the Internet. It is often referred to as “e- learning” among other terms. However, online learning is just one type of “distance learning” - the umbrella term for any learning that takes place across distance and not in a traditional classroom.

How can online courses be improved?

During individual sessions, check on student comprehension; conduct polls; and pose questions. Give students opportunities to actively participate during the class session, for example, by asking them to pose a question in the chat, or respond to a question. Provide active learning opportunities.Aug 11, 2020

How can I improve my online learning skills?

Successful Online Students Identify Seven TipsDevelop a time-management strategy. ... Make the most of online discussions. ... Use it or lose it. ... Make questions useful to your learning. ... Stay motivated. ... Communicate the instruction techniques that work. ... Make connections with fellow students.Feb 1, 2007

Why is online learning important?

A good online course promotes student agency. It gives students autonomy to enable opportunities for relevant and meaningful learning. Such a course redistributes power - to the extent that is possible - in the classroom. Again, this may take many forms in the online classroom.

What are the problems with media comparison studies?

The problems with media comparison studies — that is, those that compare outcomes between one medium, such as face-to-face, to another medium, such as online — are such that many researchers advocate against them. How can students who enrol in online courses in the fall know they are receiving a good educational ...

Is online teaching the primary mode of education?

With very few exceptions, online teaching and learning will be the primary mode of education for the majority of higher education students in many jurisdictions this fall as concerns about COVID-19 extend into the new school year.

What does "online course" mean?

It means audiovisual materials that don’t stereotype, shame or degrade people. It may mean that open educational resources are prioritized over expensive textbooks. A good online course is interactive. Courses are much more than placeholders for students to access information.

Is physical proximity a precondition for good education?

Physical proximity isn’t a precondition for good education. Comparing one form of education to another distracts us from the fact that all forms of education can — and should — be made better. Higher education. Education policy. Online learning.

What makes an online course good?

A good online course is engaging and challenging. It invites students to participate, motivates them to contribute and captures their interest and attention. It capitalizes on the joy of learning and challenges students to enhance their skills, abilities and knowledge. A good online course is cognitively challenging.

What is creative writing class?

In a creative writing class, students may write a short story, receive feedback, revise it and then write a different story. In a computer programming class, they may write a block of code, test it and then use it in a larger program that they wrote.

Why is online education important?

Online education allows students to be central to their learning process (Flood, 2002) and professors realize that students vary in both their learning abilities and their needs. Be aware of what expectations are set by the professor and vice versa. Remember, just as online learners are in class to succeed, so too are online professors — they are ...

What is an online classroom?

The structure of an online classroom may vary from college to college. However, most online courses (programs) exist or are housed in a learning management system (LMS). The LMS is designed to provide you with access to all that you my need during your time in the online classroom. A simple LMS consists of areas similar to a home page ...

How long does it take for a professor to respond to an email?

While you can expect a response from your instructor, do not expect one before 24-48 hours of when you sent the professor the email in the first place.

What should be included in a learning management system?

The learning management system should include conference areas, folders, or specific areas where students can gain access to the course syllabus, reading materials, lectures, articles, and so forth needed for the course.

Do assignments need to be graded?

All assignments should be graded and feedback given to the student in a timely manner. Most professors usually note in the course syllabus when and how feedback may be given. You can expect your professor to be somewhat flexible. Remember that professors also have lives of their own with commitments and responsibilities just like you do.

Do professors have to be online?

Most often your professor is likely to sign on daily to check into the classroom. While professors are usually not required to be online seven days a week, they probably put more effort into their online course than students realize and are online more often than not. While not all professors do this, most generally do.

What Do Students Expect from Online Courses?

As an educator, you know asking the right questions can be just as important as getting the right answers.

Meet Your Presenter

Jill Schiefelbein is an award-winning business owner, author, and former professor. She taught business communication at Arizona State University for 11 years while being a pioneer in the online education space, but wanted to put more of her teaching into practice. In 201… Read More

What are the qualities of an online student?

In general, the online student should possess the following qualities: Be open minded about sharing life, work, and educational experiences as part of the learning process. Introverts as well as extroverts find that the online process requires them to utilize their experiences.

How to be successful in online learning?

Be able to complete assignments on time. Enjoy communicating in writing. The online learning process is normally accelerated and requires commitment on the student’s part. Staying up with the class and completing all work on time is vital. Once a student gets behind, it is almost impossible to catch up.

What are non verbal communication mechanisms?

Many of the non-verbal communication mechanisms that instructors use in determining whether students are having problems (confusion, frustration, boredom, absence, etc.) are not possible in the online paradigm.

Is online schooling easier than traditional schooling?

Online is not easier than the traditional educational process. In fact, many students will say it requires much more time and commitment. Be able to meet the minimum requirements for the program. The requirements for online are no less than that of any other quality educational program.

What is the learning process?

The learning process requires the student to make decisions based on facts as well as experience. Assimilating information and executing the right decisions requires critical thought; case analysis does this very effectively. Have practically unlimited access to a computer and Internet Service.

Will virtual classrooms go away?

The traditional school will never go away, but the virtual classroom is a significant player in today’s educational community. Corporations are using the online model to train technical professionals while private and public universities redefine the world as their markets. The market for students is expanding rapidly.

What is orientation experience?

Orientation experiences support students' transition to the first year of college, which is essential for student success. 1 This support is particularly important for those students from historically marginalized populations. 2

Why is orientation important for students?

Student orientation helps to foster student success; research suggests that those who participate in orientation programs generally perform better than those who do not and persist to graduation at a higher rate. 3.

Where is CSU Channel Islands?

CSU Channel Islands (CI) is located in Camarillo, California, and is one of 23 campuses in the California State University System. CI is a mid-sized institution with around 8,000 students, of which 97 percent are undergraduates.

Course Design Based on the Latest Research

Our online courses incorporate best practices from the Community of Inquiry Framework (CoI). This model ensures the communal aspect of teaching and learning is not lost in the transition to the online format.

Continuous Improvement

We consistently identify ways to improve our programs by measuring learning outcomes and asking for feedback from students. We also strive to keep our online programs topical and relevant to industry trends and employer needs. This is part of our commitment to continuous innovation and improvement.

Classroom Interaction

Each program affords numerous ways to engage with and get to know your classmates from around the world. Chances to connect include:

How to make a course outline?

There are 2 ways you can make your results and outcomes clear to students: 1 Structure your course outline smartly#N#Start by listing all the skills you want learners to gain by the end of the course and then place them in the order which would be most useful for students. This will be the draft form of your course outline since each section of your course should teach students a new skill. When completed, the outline should give students a clear understanding of how the course will help them. 2 Include early opportunities for students to get results so they will see the value of the course#N#Don’t get too bogged down in theory and abstract concepts. Instead, allow learners to achieve some small wins and give them skills they can use right away. This applies no matter what subject the course covers.

Why don't students take courses?

Students don’t take courses simply for the sake of taking them. They want to change behavior, update their knowledge base, develop new skills, etc. You need to show them how each module and the entire course will help them to achieve their goals. What will they be able to do after each step that they weren’t able to do before?

Is each learner different?

Obviously, each learner is different, but you need to find a way to meet their varying learning styles, expectations, and preferences. Modern students are very different from what they were five years ago. In the past, knowledge was of great value, today everything is “googlable.”.

Do online students want to be alone?

Even when there is no face-to-face interaction, online students still want to build relationships with their classmates and the instructor. They don’t want to feel like they are alone on their learning journey.

How to teach empathy to students?

Encourage your students. Provide them with scaffolding: rubrics, check lists, sample responses to test questions, background information, glossaries. Offer some flexibility on deadlines and opportunities to re-do assignments. And provide prompt feedback.

Why is motivation important?

Thus, it is important to discuss the course’s utility, value, and applicability from the outset.

What is the most important part of creating an online course?

One of the most important components of creating an online course is setting a learning goal for the course . However, there’s more to it. Every online course consists of various sections, and each individual section also needs to have a clear learning goal.

How to make an online course more engaging?

An easy way to make online courses more engaging is to stimulate the student visually. This means pictures and videos. The simplest method of using picture and videos in an online course would be constructing your online class more like a PowerPoint presentation:

What is the target audience of an online course?

The target audience is the group of people to whom you are writing your course.

What does it mean to get started teaching?

Which means you need to get your knowledge together.

Is teaching more than imparting knowledge?

Remember, teaching is more than just imparting knowledge. Never in human history has so much knowledge been so accessible to anyone with such a low barrier for entry. Just on your phone, you can bring up a wealth of information about Nuclear Physics with just a few keystrokes. Fifty years ago, you’d have to break out an encyclopedia or a book dedicated to the subject, and it’d be just as much work to get another point of view on the same topic.

Is it easier to drop out of online courses?

The thing with online courses is that it’s a lot easier to drop out of them: you just stop, and there’s no consequences at all, nothing to bite you for not completing. This understandably damages completion rates. A study examining sixteen online courses offered by the University of Pennsylvania revealed that the average completion rate was 4%.

Is it a waste of time to create an online course?

It’s crucial that you decide on a specific course subject in the beginning phase of creating your online course. Be as specific as possible.
