how do u play red stakes on a golf course

by Prof. Darrell Hane Jr. 8 min read

If you opt to play it, there is no penalty for touching the ground or water with your hand or club. You may take practice swings and touch or move loose impediments when your ball lies in a penalty area marked with red stakes in golf (or lines). You can do all these things just as you can in the general area of the course.

The red stakes on a golf course indicate a lateral water hazard. A lateral water hazard is different from a normal water hazard for it is lateral or it runs alongside the line of play. Simply put, a normal water hazard runs across the line of play while the lateral water hazard runs adjacent to the line of play.Jun 21, 2020

Full Answer

When should you use a red stake in golf?

This is useful when facing lateral water hazards (which are red staked) as you would need roughly two club lengths of space to stand for your next shot. And, as long as your lie is decent around the drop zone, this is often one of the more popular options a golfer can take as it doesn’t sacrifice the distance you gained in your last shot.

What do you do with red stakes in penalty areas?

One such rule is what to do when a lateral hazard marked by red stakes comes into play in penalty areas. When the USGA and R&A gave the Rules of Golf a makeover, which went into effect on January 1, 2019, the word "hazard" was completely eliminated from the Rules.

What do the Stakes on a golf course mean?

Stakes may be used throughout a golf course to indicate the status of certain areas, such as ground under repair or out of bounds areas. Some stakes are white, but stakes -- or lines drawn on the ground – that mark the boundaries of water hazards must be either red or yellow, according to the United States Golf Association’s Rules of Golf.

How do you tee up a shot from the red penalty area?

If the original shot was a tee shot, you may tee the ball up in any part of the teeing area. Your second option is to determine the point at which your ball last crossed the edge of the red penalty area. Now choose a reference point as far back as you wish on a reference line keeping that point directly between you and the hole.

What is the difference between red and yellow stakes in golf?

Red and Yellow Stakes When stakes are used to designate water hazards, yellow stakes must be employed for standard hazards, while red stakes must be used for lateral water hazards, according to the Rules of Golf.

How many strokes is a red stake?

This can be in any part of the course other than the same penalty area. Again, the penalty is one stroke. If you're not 100% sure where it crossed, estimate the spot to the best of your ability.

What is the difference between red and white stakes in golf?

Unlike red and yellow stakes, white stakes do not represent a hazard, but instead communicate what areas are “out of bounds” for the course you're playing. While some courses choose to make everything red/yellow staked, when you do see white stakes there is a very specific procedure you must follow.

How do you drop off red stakes?

When a golfer hits their ball in a red-stake lateral water hazard, the golfer has two options to drop the ball, take relief and incur a one-stroke penalty: Drop the ball within two clublengths of where the ball last crossed the margin (boundary) of the hazard, making sure the ball is no closer to the hole.

How many strokes if you hit in the water?

A player drives the ball off the tee further than expected and lands in a yellow line water hazard lying deep in the fairway. This player will take a one-stroke penalty and can reshoot off the tee or take a shot from where the ball crossed the hazard margin.

Can you move a red stake in golf?

Yes. A penalty area stake is a movable obstruction and you may move them if you want (see Rule 15.2a). However, while rare, some penalty area stakes cannot be moved (for example, when the course has set the stake into a concrete base).

Can you ground your club in a red hazard?

On the subject of hazards, golf's governing bodies have declared golfers can now touch the ground with their golf club in hazard and can even move impediments in a hazard without any penalty. The rule has been classed as "relaxed rules in a penalty area."

How many penalty strokes do you get for a lost ball?

one penalty strokeIf a ball is lost or out of bounds, the player must take stroke-and-distance relief by adding one penalty stroke and playing the original ball or another ball from where the previous stroke was made (see Rule 14.6).

When marking your golf ball on the putting green you should?

Under Rule 15.3, a ball at rest on the putting green only must be marked and lifted if it is interfering with play or helping another player; otherwise, there is no requirement to do so.

What to do if you hit in the water in golf?

If your ball ends up in a yellow water hazard, you can drop any distance back from the original line it entered the water. This means you can drop it back a few clubs or go 20, 30 or further yards back to find a distance you like. Like the red stakes (lateral hazards), there is a one-shot penalty.

What is the new rule for out of bounds?

Balls Lost or Out of Bounds: Alternative to Stroke and Distance: A new Local Rule will now be available in January 2019, permitting committees to allow golfers the option to drop the ball in the vicinity of where the ball is lost or out of bounds (including the nearest fairway area), under a two-stroke penalty.

How many club lengths do you need for an unplayable lie?

two club lengthsUnplayable ball If you declare your ball unplayable, you then have three options. First, you can go back to where you last played from under penalty of stroke and distance. The second option is to drop within two club lengths of where your ball is lying but no nearer the hole, again under penalty of one stroke.

What does the red line on the ground mean?

Red stakes pounded into the ground on a golf course or red lines painted on the ground are the markers used to indicate a lateral water hazard. A lateral water hazard is differentiated from a "regular" water hazard by the fact ...

Where is the drop in golf?

Or a golfer can go to the opposite side of the lateral water hazard and drop at a spot on the hazard's margin that is equidistant from the hole. A ball is considered in the hazard when it lies within ...

When did the rules of golf get a makeover?

When the USGA and R&A gave the Rules of Golf a makeover, which went into effect on January 1, 2019, the word "hazard" was completely eliminated from the Rules. Instead, all areas of water that were previously marked as water hazards are now referred to as penalty areas, and those areas can now also include areas of desert, jungle, ...

Is red penalty area better than yellow?

Proceeding From a Red Penalty Area. Given the modifications to the Rules of Golf, it’s more likely that you’ll end up in a red penalty area, which is better than yellow, but still not good. Proceeding from a red penalty area affords you the same two relief options as a yellow penalty area, plus one additional relief option, lateral relief.

What happens if your ball comes to rest in out of bounds territory?

If your ball comes to rest in out-of-bounds territory you must take a penalty stroke and then rehit from the spot of your last shot . This combined loss of stroke and distance are often considered the worst punishment in golf for an errant shot. As if we needed another reason to stay away from the tall grass….

Is there a red and yellow hazard in golf?

While this is usually not a golfer’s first choice, sometimes the angle you had during your last shot was better than the one you would have next to the hazard. Regardless, it is an option for red and yellow marked hazards.

What are the stakes on a golf course?

Stakes may be used throughout a golf course to indicate the status of certain areas, such as ground under repair or out of bounds areas. Some stakes are white, but stakes -- or lines drawn on the ground – that mark the boundaries of water hazards must be either red or yellow, according to the United States Golf Association’s Rules of Golf.

What are the different types of stakes in golf?

Red and Yellow Stakes. When stakes are used to designate water hazards, yellow stakes must be employed for standard hazards, while red stakes must be used for lateral water hazards, according to the Rules of Golf.

What is the rule for free relief in golf?

Players are not entitled to free relief if stakes within a hazard render a ball unplayable, according to Note 1 of Rule 24-2b. Free relief is available under Rule 24 if both the ball and the stakes are outside of a water hazard.

What are water hazards in golf?

Common water hazards include ponds or small lakes, but a drainage ditch will also be considered a water hazard if it normally contains water, even if the ditch is dry on a particular day.
