how do i find course reserves after the class ucsd

by Nayeli Medhurst 5 min read

Go to: Enter your AD login – the same you use to access your campus email. Select your course.

Accessing Reserves
  1. Go to:
  2. Enter your AD login – the same you use to access your campus email.
  3. Select your course. All items on reserve from your professor will be listed.
Oct 3, 2018

Full Answer

Can I get into UC San Diego as an undeclared student?

Reserves are course-related materials made available, either electronically or physically, through the UC San Diego Library. Items that may be on reserve for a class include images, audio files, journal articles, videos, book chapters, course readers, etc. How do I find course reserves? Log on to the course reserve system and select the class you want to view. Depending on the subject, …

How do I sign up for the UC San Diego portal?

Course Reserves. Reserves are items your instructor has made available for you to use in your course. Electronic Reserves – Items provided in digital formats by your instructor.

When should I apply to UC San Diego?

Contact Course Reserves: [email protected], (858) 534-1212 Due to current staffing, there may be delays in processing requests. How do I put an item on reserve for my class? Log into Course Reserves with your Active Directory (AD) login. Select the course you want to work on, and then click on Add Reserves Items from the side menu. You will then be able to add items in any …

What are the admission requirements for UC San Diego?

Oct 03, 2018 · Go to:; Enter your AD login – the same you use to access your campus email. Select your course. All items on reserve from your professor will be listed. Electronic items such as e-books, articles, and streaming media will have easy access. Just click. Physical items are available at library service desks.

Does UC San Diego have articulation agreements?

UC San Diego does not have articulation agreements outside of the California Community College system. This means there is no official way to determine which courses will transfer to UC San Diego; however, the general rule of thumb, unofficially, is that if the course (s) was completed at a regionally accredited college or university, and, an equivalent course (s) is offered at the University of California, then the course might transfer to UC San Diego. The only official way to determine UC transferability is to apply for admission.

Is UC San Diego based on major?

Students who are offered admission to UC San Diego are assigned a college based on this ranking. College assignment is not based on major choice or academic interest. Students may study any major regardless of college affiliation.

Is UC San Diego competitive?

UC San Diego is a competitive university. Admitted students always exceed the minimum requirements for admission. Learn more about the average student profile for First-Year Admitted Students and Transfer Admitted Students.

What is a cap major?

Capped majors are majors with limited enrollment. If you are applying to a capped major, we strongly suggest that you submit an alternate major on your application and that your alternate major not be capped. If you are not admitted into a capped major, you may be admitted to your alternate major.

What is the division of arts and humanities at UC San Diego?

The Division of Arts & Humanities at UC San Diego is committed to a diverse incoming class and is actively seeking applicants who wish to major in History, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Theatre & Dance and Visual Arts. Submitting a portfolio is a way to enhance your overall UC San Diego application.

When will AP grades be sent?

AP grade reports for tests taken in May are sent to the colleges or universities you designated beginning July 15. You can expect actual delivery by July 22. You should have designated the institution to which your grade reports should be sent to on your answer sheets or on subsequent grade report requests.
