how difficult is andrew ng machine learning course

by Bradley Barton MD 4 min read

Is Andrew Ng’s courses good for machine learning?

Answer (1 of 9): It's one of the best-run technical courses on Coursera. The main reason is that the programming assignments are substantial and require a solid understanding of the material to complete. Other online intro ML courses have much less …

Are Andrew Ng's courses hard to follow?

Coursera's Andrew NG's Machine Learning course, which provides in-depth Machine Learning training, is an example of an entirely online and self-paced training course. This course will take you 54 hours to complete. If you're interested, you don't have to pay anything to take this course.

Is Andrew Ng’s ml course worth it?

Answered 5 years ago. Andrew Ng’s course is one of the most difficult courses in Machine Learning on Coursera for two reasons - (1) theory and concepts are emphasized rather than just using canned software to solve toy problems.

What is Andrew Ng's artificial intelligence course on Coursera about?

It is possible. But its not going to be easy. It depends on your familiarity with Statistics, Algebra and Probability theory. Even basic knowledge of these would be enough to understand everything in that course. Make sure you do every assignment. Assignments are time consuming but they are really helpful in grasping important concepts. 724 views

Why is Andrew Ng's course so difficult?

Andrew Ng’s course is one of the most difficult courses in Machine Learning on Coursera for two reasons - (1) theory and concepts are emphasized rather than just using canned software to solve toy problems. (2) You need to get your hands dirty to do some real programming in Matlab instead of simply using some canned packages in R or Python and pushing buttons.

What is Andrew's course?

Andrew's course is one of the best foundational course for machine learning. The course is intended for those who want to start learning Machine Learning. The course doesn't teach much maths behind algorithms. It just gives you some formula and how you can implement them in octave or matlab.
