of course why not face

by Prof. Solon Jakubowski III 9 min read

What makes an online course different from a face to face course?

Nov 09, 2017 · Face-to-face course - external control, commitment and interaction with lecturers. The negative side of flexible time allocation, however, was also apparent, because the two students who had discontinued the online course indicated the lack of a fixed time (‘lack of pressure’) as the reason for stopping.

Should colleges curb the availability of face-to-face courses?

Jul 25, 2019 · In fact, in our end-of-course surveys, many students actually report that they find online courses to be at least as challenging — if not more so — than their face-to-face courses. This may be explained by the fact that students have to learn the same content as they would in their face-to-face course, but they have to do so in an unfamiliar learning environment .

Should you take online or face-to-face classes?

Poll, Widen, and Weller (2014) identify six online best practices to consider addressing in your adapted syllabus. The first three focus on building social presence, and the last three focus on engaging students. Build an eCommunity. Clarify online expectations and objectives. Create a student-centered environment.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of face-to-face engineering courses?

suggest that both course objectives and the mechanism used to assess the relative effectiveness of the two modes of education may play an important part in determining the relative effectiveness of alternative delivery methods. Keywords: Online education; e-learning; face-to-face teaching; economics. JEL Classification: I20

Why is 1:1 feedback important?

Because students can work through course content at their own pace, the primary role of the instructor is to provide students with individualized feedback to help them move to the next level in their learning. The silver lining: For many students, this 1:1 feedback is an advantage to online learning.

What does an instructor do in an online class?

The instructor serves as the responsible unit for ensuring a student has met course expectations and is ready to proceed to the next lesson.

Why do students choose online learning?

Some students choose online learning because they want to take a course that isn’t offered at their local school district.

Is online learning easier than traditional learning?

Here are a few reasons online learning — when done appropriately — isn’t “easier” than traditional learning:

Is online learning more challenging than face to face?

Many students are surprised to find that online courses are more challenging than they originally expected. In fact, in our end-of-course surveys, many students actually report that they find online courses to be at least as challenging — if not more so — than their face-to-face courses. This may be explained by the fact ...

What is active learning?

More active learning – encouraging learners to be more active–doing more thinking, writing, reflecting, and interacting with peers–to improve their engagement and learning; students also take on more responsibility for their learning. Find out more on our Active Learning for Your Online Classroom page.

What is a provost grant?

The Provost Teaching and Learning Grants provide support for faculty who are developing innovative and technology-enhanced pedagogy and learning strategies in courses. In addition to funding, faculty awardees receive support from CTL staff as they design, redesign, deliver, and evaluate their hybrid or fully online courses.

What is online course design?

Online course design is more than transferring content online or replicating face-to-face classroom sessions. Instead, it involves redesign ing content for an online environment; rethinking course goals, assessments, and learning experiences; integrating technology intentionally; and putting structure and support in place to promote self-directed learning. While this may initially seem overwhelming, there are many resources available to support you in this work–included in this guide–and the CTL is here to help in your development of online course materials.

Why are rubrics important for online learning?

Regardless of the methods selected, online learners will benefit from clear instructions, explanation of expectations, and knowing the criteria that will be used to assess their work (e.g., using rubrics can help students as they work on an assessment and help instructors and TAs provide feedback).

What is the classroom space and feel?

The classroom space and feel is quite different in an online classroom, and considering what community and engagement ought to look like in these new environments is essential to student learning. A large part of helping students become comfortable in this new space is to reflect on your expectations for students and consider how these expectations might need to change to better facilitate online learning.

What are the drawbacks of online courses?

On the other hand, the main drawback for online courses, as Johannes explained, is that there are “a lot of pathways to failure.”. You don’t have the accountability that you get in face-to-face courses; there aren’t faculty constantly reminding you about what’s due.

Is online class good for RIT?

Online courses are particularly good to take in the summer if you need the credit hours. You can take the classes from anywhere in the world, and you don’t need to pay room and board to RIT. Johannes also mentioned that online classes are good for more restrictive majors, and can help to mitigate challenges with registration.

Can social anxiety make you face to face?

Schedule in time to work on the class each day. On the other hand, social anxiety can make face-to-face classes a huge stressor.

Is it hard to take online classes?

There are certain habits that often make online or face-to-face courses difficult for students. If you have poor time management skills, for example, it will be very difficult for you to take an online class. “You have to be very responsible with your work; you need to set your own schedule,” explained Johannes. “ ...

Who is Julie Johannes?

Julie Johannes, associate chair and principal lecturer of the English department, laid out a few of these. “Taking online classes frees up so much time for sports or extracurriculars,” she said. “It’s also good for non-traditional students with child care or parents to care for.”.

Is it smart to take face to face classes?

According to Johannes, it’s smart to take face-to-face classes when they are in your major due to the faculty. If you know you need to build relationships with faculty for letters of recommendation or research opportunities, it’s best to get to know those professors personally.

Can professors randomly call students?

Many professors will randomly call on students to provide answers if participation is low. This can be anxiety-inducing, and many sit in fear of being called on. However, online classes can be difficult if you’re the type of person who is intimidated by faculty office hours.


The Pros and Cons

Personality Influence

  • There are certain habits that often make online or face-to-face courses difficult for students. If you have poor time management skills, for example, it will be very difficult for you to take an online class. “You have to be very responsible with your work; you need to set your own schedule,” explained Johannes. “ ... If you have trouble keeping to...
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Best and Worst Case Scenario

  • There are certain scenarios where you would definitely want to take either online or face-to-face courses. You may want to take online courses if you anticipate “significant disruption” to your ability to attend classes, according to Johannes. This includes anticipation of surgery recovery time, transportation or mobility challenges, health-related challenges or regular travel. “If for so…
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Class Types

  • There are some types of courses that may prove to be difficult to take online. For starters, Johannes mentioned that computationally based courses can be incredibly challenging. The professor may post their notes online for you to follow step by step, but how can you know how the professor got from point A to point B without them explaining it in a live format? “It’s difficult …
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