how could traveling show that law was a great course of study

by Mathilde Nader MD 4 min read

What is it like to study law?

Law is a great subject to study at university but it does have its challenges: here’s what you can expect. 1. There is a lot of reading. Just to get the scary one out of the way first, it is difficult to explain how much reading a law degree involves other than to say that there are a lot of law books! Law students get a reputation for ...

Is it crucial to study law as an a-level?

Feb 27, 2014 · 4. Study Collaboratively. Students should always devote time to studying law online individually, but interacting with peers and sharing questions and concerns can help you understand theory and other points of view. We recommend you create or join groups to study law and use them regularly to avoid falling into the “isolated law student trap”.

What is it like to study law as a Humanities student?

Jul 07, 2017 · It’s truly a jungle where the law of the land includes survival of the fittest. That’s why you need a few helpful tips and tricks to survive and thrive here. Of course, you need studying and homework tips because law school isn’t like undergrad coursework. Legally Blonde aside, know that forming study groups with others is a great idea.

What are the best first year law subjects to study?

Jul 25, 2013 · I hope that these ten things will be useful to those considering a law degree and that current law students can relate to them. 1. Career prospects. Law is a well respected degree but its graduate ...

What has happened to The Great Courses?

In October 2006, the company was acquired by Brentwood Associates, a private equity investment firm. In 2011 the firm had 200 employees. In 2016, the company began offering a streaming service, charging $20 (USD) per month, with on-line access to about 280 courses from its catalogue.

How does The Great Courses work?

The Great Courses is a site where you can purchase educational (and some edutainment) video content either to stream or on DVD. The Great Course Plus is simply a subscription-based account that gives you streaming access to the same catalog, plus a few videos you can't get on the other site.Aug 28, 2020

How do you access The Great Courses?

How do I access my streaming courses?Select your desired course from your My Digital Library (requires account login).Choose the lecture you want. ... Press play, and enjoy!Pause, stop, and restart your lecture at any time.More items...

What is The Great Courses daily?

The Great Courses Plus is a video streaming subscription service offering members unlimited access to more than 8,000 lectures online via connected television and mobile devices for a periodic fee. New members can sample the service without risk for a one-month free trial.Apr 27, 2017

How do you share great courses?

It's simple:Find the course you would like to eGift.Under “Choose a Format,” click on Instant Video or Instant Audio.Click 'Send e-Gift'Fill out the details on the next page. You will need the email address of your friend or family member.Proceed with the checkout process as usual.

What is The Great Courses library collection?

What is the Great Courses Library Collection? The Great Courses Library Collection includes more than 250 video courses, led by the world's top experts, covering a broad range of subjects, such as science, mathematics, philosophy, history, literature, fine arts and music, travel, business, and personal development.

How can I access the great courses for free?

Fortunately, your Mentor Public Library offers four ways that you can enjoy more The Great Courses for free.Borrow them from us. ... Stream them using Kanopy. ... Watch the Great Courses with RBDigital. ... Stream audio versions of the Great Courses for free with Hoopla.Jun 29, 2020

Can you watch the great courses on Netflix?

The Great Courses, the leading global media brand for lifelong learning, recently launched an all-you-can-learn streaming service, The Great Courses Plus. With the streaming option, customers are not limited to a single course.

Do great courses dvds have closed captioning?

There is also a “CC” … if you touch that, you'll activate closed-captioning (or subtitles), which will display the lecturer's words at the bottom of the screen. Download the course guidebook.Mar 11, 2017

Is there a monthly fee for The Great Courses?

The Great Courses Plus is a streaming platform that takes the best and most popular courses that The Great Courses has ever offered, and gives them to you at a subscription model. You pay a monthly fee to get access to as many courses as you'd like.Feb 26, 2021

How much does The Great Courses cost?

The Great Courses Plus (Wondrium) offers three membership plans. The monthly plan costs $20 per month, and you'll be billed monthly. If you choose the quarterly plan, then you'll pay $15 per month (25% off compared to the monthly plan). You'll be billed $45 every 3 months.May 6, 2021

How can I watch great courses on TV?

The Great Courses Signature Collection is available now in the U.S. via the ‌‌Apple TV‌‌ app, Amazon Prime Video, and Roku for $7.99 per month.Jun 4, 2021

What should I know about English law?

Perhaps the really big thing to know about an English law degree is that there are subjects which (i) you have to study (ii) you expect you won’t enjoy. This is an unfortunate side-effect of the fact that law degrees are at heart vocational and so you study certain areas which are crucial to the smooth functioning of society but aren’t considered too glamorous. It’s worth noting that some people do come to university with a professed love for commercial law and that’s great, but it does seem to be the norm to start university dead set on being a human rights barrister.#N#However, because you have to learn these topics in significant depth you do find yourself getting far more interested than you ever plan to. What can seem like a fairly technical subject such as land registration is actually vitally important to individual people when you think about it — many cases on the topic end up with someone being evicted from their family home, or allowed to stay despite the aspiring purchaser having no idea that they had a legal interest in the house as it was not entered in the register.#N#There is a frame of mind to adopt here, and it’s absolutely central to ensuring that you enjoy studying law. Find the interesting element of something which doesn’t originally appeal to you — there will always be one, often the ‘human interest’ or political angle. Make as much of it as is possible as interesting to you as is possible. And resign yourself to the fact that you’ll just have to learn the rest!

Why do law students clock up library hours?

Law students get a reputation for clocking up the library hours because each week you need to learn what the law actually is and academics’ opinions of it from scratch, and neither of these will be particularly short.

Is criminal law a good subject?

Criminal law, for instance, makes a good first year subject because it is easy to get to grips with the ideas and it doesn’t overlap too much with any other area. It is just important to know that if you study Land law before Trusts/Equity, it is not a problem if you don’t fully understand what a trust is because that will come next. 3.

Is there an art to managing reading lists?

There is definitely an art to managing the reading lists and you will get all the advice you need from older students when you first arrive, but it does take a while to get used to the pace of learning.

Is law a good subject to study?

1. There is a lot of reading. Just to get the scary one out of the way first, it is difficult to explain how much reading a law degree involves other than to say that there are a lot of law books! Law students get a reputation ...

1. Use Key Words

Underlining key words by using different colours can significantly reduce the material you need to study while stimulating your brain to remember information. It is advised that you read a piece of text to the end then highlight the key words as you would then be aware of which words are most important.

2. Use Online Flashcards to Study & Memorize Key Notes

Create Online Flashcards with important laws you need to memorize for your exam. Once you have created your first deck of Online Flashcards, you can review them and change the order to test yourself properly. In this way, your brain is stimulated to a high degree which in turn will improve your memorization skills.

3. Complement Your Study Notes with Mind Maps

Many of you are probably already using Mind Mapping to connect concepts and ideas visually. However, sometimes, the nodes of a Mind Map can be a bit small for a subject such as law, where it is usually required that students write lengthy pieces of text.

4. Study Collaboratively

Students should always devote time to studying law online individually, but interacting with peers and sharing questions and concerns can help you understand theory and other points of view. We recommend you create or join groups to study law and use them regularly to avoid falling into the “isolated law student trap”.

How to be a good law student?

Forming Study Groups . Form study groups with good students. In fact, consider forming study groups with others you feel are the best students in class. Many law school students are competitive in all things, but do your best to work collaboratively within the study group. Ask questions of others.

How to be legally blonde?

Legally Blonde aside, know that forming study groups with others is a great idea. Recognize from the start that you can’ t focus 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Realize that the relationships you make in law school with professors and peers can serve you well for the rest of your life. Don’t forget to have fun but do so in moderation.

How to get distracted when you have 3,000 miles?

Manage your distractions. For instance, if you need to take a call or decide it’s been 3,000 miles past your last oil change, your mind is probably looking for a break —but it’s possible to get distracted. Put your to-do list aside and deal with them in order of priority. Most can wait.

How to stay energetic during the day?

Get up from the desk, take a short walk, or grab a coffee. If you prefer, get a standing desk to stay more energetic throughout the day. Avoid burnout. Here’s how: take short but scheduled breaks while you’re working to eliminate that running on fumes aftermath of working too hard.

Is it okay to discuss broad concepts?

It’s okay to discuss broad concepts unless your professor restricts discussion, such as a take-home test. Flashcards are popular in law school but, unless each card has just a few words on it, creating acronyms and such for each card is time-consuming and might be ineffective. Review your flashcards.

What does it mean to have an idea of a case's facts and legal principle?

Shortcuts in reading may be made too: having an idea of a case's facts and legal principle mean that the case report may be read much more quickly with more focus on the key points. This is not something which is taught; rather I have had to learn this myself during my law degree. 4.

Is law a good degree?

Law is a well respected degree but its graduate prospects are not as good as universities like to make out. Law firms and chambers have been reducing the number of training contracts and pupillages, with some firms cancelling their next trainee intake. Furthermore, a law degree does not guarantee riches.

Is law school intense?

Law school is intense. In your law school, you are always competing against your fellow students for the best grades. Some law schools mark using a bell curve, so that your grades directly depend on how the rest of the year performs.

Does a law degree guarantee riches?

Furthermore, a law degree does not guarantee riches. There is a stark contrast between the high earnings people think lawyers are paid and what they are actually paid. I'm sure that the Criminal Bar Association can verify this. 2. There's so much reading.

Is a law degree expensive?

A law degree is a very expensive investment. In fact, some may be better off choosing a degree they enjoy at university in which they can gain better honours and then decide whether to commit to law and do the GDL. 9. The jump from A-Levels to law school.

Choosing a Law School

Once you’ve decided what country to study in you then have to choose a law school. This decision is even more important than which country you choose so I suggest you start with the following questions but remember this list isn’t exhaustive and there may be other factors that carry more importance in your situation.

Choosing a Law Degree

In the UK and most other common law countries the primary degree is the LLB or Bachelor of Laws, this is an undergraduate degree that typically runs for three or four years. In the USA the primary degree is called a juris doctor or JD.

Human Rights Law

Specialising in a particular field of study is a good way to boost your career prospects even further and choosing something of growing interest will ensure your skills are in demand once you qualify. Recent political events in the Middle East and North Africa have increased the awareness of human rights in the international media.

Who said "All travel has its advantages"?

If the passenger visits better countries, he may learn to improve his own. And if fortune carries him to worse, he may learn to enjoy it.” – Samuel Johnson

What happens when you travel?

As you travel you’re exposed to more new people, cultures, and lifestyles than you are living in your homeland all the time. With all the newness in your life, you’re also opened to new insights, ways of seeing the world and living, which often gives people a new purpose for their lives.

What does Tony Robbins say about human needs?

Tony Robbins has said many times that no matter what your background is, all human beings share 6 common needs. As you travel more, you notice the truth of this even more…and as that happens, you are more adept in being able to relate to people regardless of their background. 6.

Is traveling good for you?

Traveling is wonderful in many ways. It captures us with a sense of wanderlust and has us longing for more destinations to visit, cultures to experience, food to eat, and people to meet. As amazing as traveling is, most of us think we need to wait until our later years to really explore a lot of the world. I want to inspire you to travel more now ...

Can travel prevent bigotry?

“Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends.” – Maya Angelou

What is immigration abroad?

Immigration Abroad Pvt Ltd, Delhi is an Immigration Regulation agency rigorously working in the direction of the event and development of the immigration business by making its providers world. It’s a main supplier of migration providers that aren’t simply restricted to your property nation however lengthen up until the nation

Is it good to live in a historic home in Florida?

Living in a historic home can be an excellent investment as well as an exciting way to own a piece of history. Historic homes across Florida often allow homeowners to take advantage of lower interest loans as well as receive tax breaks. When purchasing a home there might be some

Can you move to a different country forever?

Sometimes, you have to take some decisions in life that seem bitter at first but sweet later. One of those decisions is of moving to a different country forever. Yes, there are people in the world who move to a different country and live their lives there until they breathe
