how can work become meaningful under the liberal model of work course heroes

by Shannon Jacobs I 10 min read

How can work become meaningful under the liberal model of work?

Answer and Explanation: Work can be meaningful under the liberal model of work because works choose their work and respective ends.

What is the liberal model of work?

The liberal model of work is a middle group between the conventional model and the human fulfillment school. Like the conventional school, liberals hold that individual workers should be free to choose the ends of their work but they deny that there is some single human end that all work should serve.

What is the human fulfillment model?

Human Fulfillment Model. Work is a primary activity through which people develop their full potential as human beings. That being said, not every job contributes to the development of the human potential. Liberal Model of Work. Occupies a middle ground between the conventional model and the human fulfillment model.

How does the Greek philosophical notion of a Telos relate to the human fulfillment theory of work?

The Greek word telos refers to the fulfillment, completion, or perfection of something, and these ideas are involved in the notion of teleology. On Aristotle's view, all creatures, things, and activities have a final end, goal, or purpose, and each thing aims at some good.

Which of the following best captures the ECI principle?

Which of the following best captures the ECI principle? Make decisions and act in ways that treat the well-being and interests of others as no less important than your own.

What is the classical interpretation of work?

- The Classical interpretation of work conceives of humans as intellectual beings, even though work is physical. - The Hedonistic interpretation understands work as a necessary means for obtaining life's pleasures. Work is the primary activity through which people develop their full potential as human beings.

Which of the following statements is decisive in determining whether or not to study business ethics?

Which of the following statements is decisive in determining whether or not to study business ethics? Ethical concerns are as unavoidable in business as are concerns of marketing, accounting, finance, and human resources.

Which statement describes a managerial action that does not unethically impose costs?

C. Which statement describes managerial action that does not unethically impose costs upon stockholders and other stakeholders? A. The action imposes unwanted costs on stockholders and stockholders by giving up some alternatives in favor of others in the interest of maintaining the fiscal stability of the enterprise.