how big is the florida alligator spotted at the golf course

by Miss Veda Kuphal DVM 6 min read

Were alligators spotted on a Florida golf course?

Interestingly, this is not the first time that the internet has been shocked to the point of disbelief in reaction to photographs of large alligators on golf courses. In 2016, a similarly sized alligator was met with skepticism after being spotted at the Buffalo Creek Golf Club in Palmetto, Florida.

Is the giant alligator in Florida real?

The sheer size of the animal had many on social media questioning whether it was actually real. However, according to David Steen, the reptile and amphibian research leader of the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, there was "nothing unusual" about the size of the alligator.

How big is the alligator in the Buffalo Creek Golf Club video?

The size of the alligator featured in the footage at Buffalo Creek Golf Club is unknown, but Schofield estimated that the animal could be up to sixteen feet long. According to Yale ecologist and large predator expert Adam Rosenblatt, however, it’s probably not that large:

Did you spot this large alligator at the Valencia golf and Country Club?

They were captured at the Valencia Golf and Country Club in Naples, Florida. Tyler Stolting, an employee at the club, captured a video of this large alligator that was later shared to the golf club’s Facebook page: Stolting told the Tampa Bay Times that he spotted the gator while driving by the club’s 17th tee.

Do alligators live on golf courses?

Alligators living on golf courses are also known to fight one another. In May 2020, Matthew Proffitt filmed two huge alligators fighting on the fairway on a South Carolina course. Proffitt, who was playing at the Hilton Head Lakes golf course, said the fight went on for around two hours.

What is the largest gator ever caught in Florida?

14 feet, 3.5 inchesThe longest alligator captured in Florida was 14 feet, 3.5 inches, and was caught in Lake Washington in Brevard County, according to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The record weight was 1,043 pounds for a 13-foot, 10.5-inch male killed in Alachua County's Orange Lake, the state says.

What happens if an alligator takes your golf ball?

As reported by KABB, the US Golf Association has rules in place for these types of bizarre instances, which they call "abnormal course conditions." Alligators are considered "dangerous animals" in the Association's rulebook, and as such, encountering one can qualify golfers for "relief." This "relief" can include ...

Has an alligator ever attacked a golfer?

Man retrieving golf balls is attacked by alligator in pond on Florida golf course. A man retrieving golf balls from a pond near the sixth hole of The Palms Course at Rotonda Golf & Country Club in Florida was attacked by an alligator Friday afternoon.

How old is a 12 foot alligator in Florida?

South Florida hunting guide Daniel Townsend knew that a big alligator lived near a certain canal off a big cypress swamp. He had seen the large gator hole before on the 40,000-acre tract of land that he guides on near the town of LaBelle, located between Ft.

What's the biggest alligator ever caught in the United States?

Though it was never caught, the largest alligator ever to have been found and recorded was in 1890 in Marsh Island, Louisiana. This Marsh Island alligator, who measured 19.2 feet and weighed in at 2,000 pounds, was killed in Vermilion Bay in Southern Louisiana.

What to do if you see an alligator while golfing?

Use a ball retriever to recover the ball. A telescoping ball retriever, best used when the alligator is not facing you or the ball, can quietly scoop up the ball. You can also use a flagstick, tough you will have to use it to roll the ball out of the way.

Do alligators eat golf balls?

Share All sharing options for: Giant gator eats golf ball after being hit in the head. Golf course gators, a Florida tradition like no other. Seeing an alligator in a water hazard isn't anything new, but few actually eat the golf ball like this one did.

Do alligators have balls?

The male reptiles, like all other vertebrates, have paired gonads that produce sperm and testosterone. Reptiles carry their testicles or testes internally, often in close proximity to the kidneys.

Do Florida alligators eat people?

It's never a good idea to get purposefully close to an alligator, tempt, or provoke it in any way. However, alligator attacks are fairly rare—and they eat people even less commonly. Only a small fraction of attacks are deadly, and often the remains are found intact after an attack.

What to do if an alligator comes at you?

Flanagan: So, in review, if you're attacked by an alligator, run away. If it's too late, fight back, don't try to pry open its jaws. Attack the sensitive snout, and gouge the eyes, and definitely do not play dead. But perhaps most important, stay out of their territory.

How many golfers are attacked by alligators?

One of 11 golfers bitten by alligators. One of 310 people bitten by an unprovoked alligator. One of 69 people bitten by an alligator known to have been fed. One of 43 bite victims between the ages of 61 and 70.

Other Versions

1. Massive Alligator Walks Across Florida Golf Course Like It’s No Big Deal.

About the Giant Alligator in Florida Golf Course

The picture of the giant gator on a Florida golf course went viral in March 2015 after couple of golfers shared the picture online. It was in fact spotted by a group of golfers preparing to putt on the 7th hole at Myakka Pines Golf Club in Englewood, Florida, U.S. However, skeptics raised doubts about the authenticity of the giant gator picture.

Where was the alligator shot in 2020?

12, 2020, photographs supposedly showing a “dinosaur-sized” alligator ambling across a golf course in Florida went viral on social media: These are genuine images. They were captured at the Valencia Golf and Country Club in Naples, Florida.

Who filmed the gator in the 2020 movie?

Filmed by Tyler Stolting. Posted by Valencia Golf and Country Club on Wednesday, November 11, 2020. Stolting told the Tampa Bay Times that he spotted the gator while driving by the club’s 17th tee.

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