from where on earth could you observe all of the stars during the course of a year

by German Schuster 5 min read

the equator

Where on Earth could you observe all of the stars?

Feb 08, 2022 · You could observe all stars from the Equator. Half 50% of the (north of equator) sky can be observed from the North Pole. Where on Earth would you be if Polaris were at your zenith? the North pole One particular star convenient for measuring Earth position is the North Star or Polaris. It remains fixed hour after hour, night after night.

Can You See Stars all year round from the equator?

Step 1 of 4. When earth rotates, the part of sky one observes changes (except if you are on the poles), because on poles our sky will appear to rotate around a point exactly above the pole, so one could not expect to see new stars in whole year. Stars visible in North Pole will not be visible in South Pole. At any point on earth, only of total sky is visible; imagine sky as a large ‘bowl’ …

What happens to the Stars during the course of a year?

From the equator, onecan observe all the stars during a year and half of the sky can be seen from the North Pole. Explanation of Solution Introduction: When earth rotates about its axis in a day and revolves about the Sun, the part of sky changes that can be seen. Stars visible in the North Pole will not be visible in the South Pole.

How many stars can be observed from the North Pole?

Explanation. All the stars in the celestial sphere will be visible at one time or another throughout the year, when viewed from any point on the equator. 0.5 0.5 0.5. (half) fraction of the sky can be seen from the North Pole.

Where on Earth can you observe all the stars in the sky over an entire year quizlet?

Only at the equator are all the stars visible over the course of the year. From full moon to third quarter moon takes about a week.

Where on Earth can you stand and over the course of a year see the entire sky?

Where on Earth can you stand and, over the entire year, see the entire sky? the tilt of the Earth's axis. (If Earth's axis were exactly perpendicular to the plane of Earth's orbit, there would be no seasons).

Where on Earth must one live to be able to see all of the constellations on the celestial sphere at some point during the year?

However, over a period of six months, the Earth is on opposite sides of the Sun and thus an observer on the equator will see both (opposite) sides of the celestial sphere. Therefore an observer at the Equator will see all the constellations (e.g., Little Dipper and Southern Cross).Feb 8, 2022

Where can you see all the stars rise and set?

At the Earth's South Pole, it's the exact opposite. Every star south of the celestial equator is circumpolar, whereas every star north of the celestial equator remains beneath the horizon. At the Earth's equator, no star is circumpolar because all the stars rise and set daily in that part of the world.Jun 7, 2021

Is there any place on Earth where you could see the north celestial pole on the northern horizon?

If you were standing on the equator, you would be able to see the north celestial pole on the north horizon. If you are anywhere on the north hemisphere, you can see the north celestial pole. However, if you are on the west celestial pole, the north it can never be seen because it always lies to the north.

Where on Earth can you see all the constellations?

People near the North Pole can see the constellations that are to the north of Earth in space. People near the South Pole can see the constellations that are to the south. People who live in between can see some of both, depending on how close they are to the equator.

Where on Earth are all the stars circumpolar?

Earth's North PoleCircumpolar stars always reside above the horizon, and for that reason, never rise nor set. All the stars at the Earth's North Pole and South Pole are circumpolar. Meanwhile, no star is circumpolar at the equator.Feb 18, 2022

Where on Earth can you see the north celestial pole and the south celestial pole at the same time?

Where would you go on Earth if you wanted to be able to see both the north celestial pole and the south celestial pole at the same time? You would have to be at the celestial equator. Where would you go on Earth to place a celestial pole at your zenith? You would have to be at the north or south pole.

Where would you need to go on Earth to see the celestial equator very near your horizon?

If you were at Earth's equator, on the other hand, you see the celestial equator (which, after all, is just an “extension” of Earth's equator) pass overhead through your zenith. The celestial poles, being 90° from the celestial equator, must then be at the north and south points on your horizon.

Can you see all the stars at the equator?

Answer: There are no constellations visible all-year from the Earth's equator. By the same token, all constellations are visible at some point during a given year.

What stars are visible all year?

There are 5 constellations in the sky (at this latitude) all night long every night of the year – Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Draco, Cepheus, and Cassiopeia. These are the best constellations to start with because they are visible all year long.

Where are the stars?

Stars are born within the clouds of dust and scattered throughout most galaxies. A familiar example of such as a dust cloud is the Orion Nebula. Turbulence deep within these clouds gives rise to knots with sufficient mass that the gas and dust can begin to collapse under its own gravitational attraction.


From the equator a person can observe all of the stars during the course of a year. This is because the equator is the part of the Earth where the upward and downward curve of the sphere of Earth meet.

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From where on Earth could you observe all of the stars during the course of a year? What fraction of the sky can be seen from the North Pole?

Location on the Earth where one can observe all the stars duringa year and the fraction of the sky that can be seen from the North Pole.

Answer to Problem 1E

From the equator, onecan observe all the stars during a year and half of the sky can be seen from the North Pole.

Explanation of Solution

When earth rotates about its axis in a day and revolves about the Sun, the part of sky changes that can be seen. Stars visible in the North Pole will not be visible in the South Pole. Celestial sphere is an imaginary sphere centered around the earth on which all the celestial bodies are projected.

What is the brightest star in Ursa Minor?

The brightest stars were "first magnitude", fainter stars are the "second magnitude", the fainter being "third magnitude". Ursa Minor contains the pole star , Polaris, and the asterism known as the Little Dipper.

What were Galileo's discoveries that were important to astronomy?

What were four of Galileo's discoveries that were important to astronomy. Galileo's observation of phases of Venus. Observations of Jupiter's moons, the features on the surface of the Moon. And discovery that the Milky Way is simply a mass of unresolved stars.

How long does it take the Moon to return to its original location?

The Moon moves 12 degrees per day and takes it 30 days to return to its original location. Explain how the zodiacal constellations are different from the other constellations. These constellations intersect with the ecliptic. From Earth the Sun seems to move through the zodiacal constellations, but not the others.

Why does the moon have a round shape?

The shadow cast on the moon is always a round shape. When ships sail away on the ocean they appear to sink because of the curvature of Earth's surface. Orbiting satellites taking photographs of Earth shows it round on every direction. The Sun is at different altitudes in the sky for different longitudes.

Which model of the Earth orbits Mars?

Geocentric model: Mars orbits outside of the Sun on its deferent path while moving in a circular motion on its epicycle. If the planet moves faster backward on the epicycle, it moves forward on the deferent making it appear to move in a retrograde manner. Heliocentric model: Mars moves slower than Earth. When Earth passes Mars, Mars seems ...

Is the Sun a planet?

From Earth the Sun seems to move through the zodiacal constellations , but not the others. The Sun was once thought to be a planet. Explain why. In the geocentric system all objects moving in the sky were considered "wanderers", so the Sun was considered a planet.

Which constellation contains the pole star, Polaris, and the asterism known as the Little Dipper?

The system originated with Hipparchus, who ranked the brightest stars as being "first magnitude," fainter stars being of the "second magnitude," then "third magnitude," and so on as the stars grew progressively fainter. Ursa Minor contains the pole star, Polaris, and the asterism known as the Little Dipper.

Which law says that planets sweep out equal areas of their orbits in equal amounts of time?

Kepler's second law says that planets sweep out equal areas of their orbits in equal amounts of time. Kepler's third law says that the square of the average distance a planet is from the Sun is proportional to the period of its orbit cubed.

How are laws of nature developed?

In science, laws of nature are often developed by carefully analyzing data collected from observations of various phenomena. In this case, Kepler used Brahe's data regarding the observed positions of the planet Mars in order to determine that Mars moved in an elliptical, not circular, orbit.

How long does it take for the Moon to return to its original position?

It takes the Moon about 30 days to return to its original position relative to the fixed stars (actually 27.3 days). Explain how the zodiacal constellations are different from the other constellations. These constellations intersect with the ecliptic, the Sun's apparent annual path in the sky.

What does it mean to see a comet in Orion?

Seeing a comet in Orion means the comet was seen in the sky within the defined borders of the constellation Orion.

Why does the ISS keep falling around the Earth?

Since friction with Earth's atmosphere slows down the ISS, it requires occasional upward pushes , or boosts, to stay in orbit. Compare the density, weight, mass, and volume of a pound of gold to a pound of iron on the surface of Earth.

Why do we not see stellar parallax?

Also, because we do not see stellar parallax, the simplest explanation is that there is no movement of Earth around the Sun. Although the Copernican system was largely correct to place the Sun at the center of all planetary motion, the model still gave inaccurate predictions for planetary positions.
