how much does a scuba diving course cost

by Matt Cummerata 9 min read

Scuba Diving Certification Cost (comparing dive agencies)

Scuba Diving E-courses PADI SDI NAUI
Rescue Diver $189 $139.95 $108.60
Enriched Air / Nitrox $180 $139.95 $108.60
Deep Diver (Specialty Course) $125 $139.95 $49.43
Divemaster $259 $399.95 $169.96
Feb 22 2022

A quick survey of dive centers in the Midwest US showed training costs to run between $350 and $450 or more depending on what was included and location. We sometimes see dive centers advertising $99 classes – let's look at those a little later.

Full Answer

How much does it cost to become a scuba diver?

Dec 15, 2021 · The cost to learn to scuba dive will be between $350 and $700. You may pay as little as $10 to do a shore dive, and between $50 and $150 for a two tank boat dive. Rent your gear for between $20 to $40 a day, until you are sure you want to buy your own. These amounts may be staggering to many.

How much does it cost to get scuba certified?

Private(1-3 people) Course: $500. Open Water Training Dives: $200. Materials: $200. Snorkeling System: ~$400. Safety Gear: $50.

How do I learn to scuba dive?

Dec 02, 2013 · In fact, many people enjoy multiple experiences like this before committing to a full course. For Tasters That Include A Dive In The Ocean, You Can Expect To Pay Anywhere From US$80-130. How Much Is Scuba Diving Certification?

What is the best scuba certification?

Apr 05, 2021 · If we combine the costs of your classroom/online training, pool dives, and open water dives, your total cost for your scuba diver certification will be between $400 to $600. Some trainers offer a complete package at a single price, but you should still estimate your total price will be between those numbers.

How much does it cost for scuba certification?

For Information: In year 2020, the Open Water Diver Course (OWC) price is approx Rs. 26,000 and Advanced Open Water Diver Course (AOWC) price is approx Rs. 25,000.Apr 22, 2020

Is it expensive to scuba dive?

Yes, scuba diving is an expensive hobby. You can expect to spend roughly $300 to receive your diving certification, anywhere from $200 – $2,000 on scuba diving gear, and anywhere between $75 – $150 per dive.

How long does it take to be certified to scuba dive?

You must have at least 40 dives to begin the Divemaster course, and reach 60 to achieve the certification. The number of dives needed to complete the course means it can take anywhere between six weeks and six months to attain the certification.

Is getting scuba certified worth it?

But, before you strap on your air tanks and mask, you definitely need to be scuba certified. There are many reasons why it's worth getting scuba certified, from overcoming scuba gear rental barriers to ensuring you have a safe dive, every time. You'll also learn tips to help you better enjoy the dive experience.

How much does a full set of scuba gear cost?

It largely depends on how often you get to dive. Buying a basic scuba gear set would cost around $300, and a complete scuba gear set would go up to $1000 and more. Renting a scuba gear unit would cost you less, at just $30, and it would be a better solution if you plan to dive only once a year or during a vacation.

How long do PADI courses take?

The recommended course duration is approximately 30 hours in total, though as it is performance based will depend upon your progress. If you need an additional pool session or an additional day in the sea you get it at no additional cost to you.

Can you scuba dive without a license?

It is not illegal to dive without certification, but no reputable dive center or club would allow someone to dive with them without first being certified to scuba dive.

Can smokers scuba dive?

Yes, you can scuba dive if you smoke or vape. In fact, I know of many divers that do smoke at least semi-regularly. However, as you would imagine, there are additional risks. Furthermore, if you smoke or vape and want to dive, you should consult a doctor first.Feb 6, 2021

How difficult is diving?

Is it hard to learn to scuba dive? As active recreational pastimes go, scuba diving is one of the easiest to learn. While you're gliding around enjoying the underwater sights, you're engaged in only three basic skills: floating, kicking and breathing.

What do you do after PADI Open Water?

After you've completed your Rescue diver course, you'll continue on to PADI Divemaster. As a divemaster you'll be able to supervise scuba diving activities and assist with scuba classes.Sep 20, 2021

How do I get dive certified for open water?

There are three parts to certification: knowledge development, skill practice, and open water dives. You can complete all three parts locally, on holiday, or split between the two....Choose a dive shop close to home to:Support your local diving community.Meet other divers in your area.Learn about your local ecosystem.

Is PADI certification good for life?

Your PADI certification never expires; but if you haven't been diving in a while, it's better to be over-prepared than risk a problem because you forget something important. Dive shops also appreciate seeing a recent ReActivated date on your certification card.

Snorkeling System

It’s important that your mask, snorkel, and fins fit you properly and are appropriate for your specific diving needs. Therefore, these items are required for the course.

Safety Gear

Having your own safety gear and knowing how to properly use it is crucial. Therefore, these items are required for the course.

Open Water Training Dives

Can be completed on a Diventures trip or locally. Referrals are also available.

Is scuba diving cheap?

It will pay for itself in rental cost savings and ensure a greater level or comfort and confidence due to the familiarity you have with it. While scuba diving is not cheap, none of us choose a hobby based on its cost. We choose based on our interest and desire.

Do you need medical clearance to dive?

Regulations do differ, but for any scuba course, you will be required to complete a medical form. If you have any of the conditions listed on the form, then you will need medical clearance to dive.

Do you need a certification to dive?

For sure you need a certification if you are going to get the most out of diving and you are most likely to want to take further training too. A comfortable set of mask, snorkel, and fins would be your minimum investment in gear. What you buy next depends on where you are going to dive.

The Big Question

As a dive store owner, the most common question I was asked is “I want to get certified. How much does that cost?” As with most things in life, the first answer is, “It depends.” Let’s look at why that is, and what sorts of things go into determining the answer.

Dive Training cost

The cost of the actual training course is all that most potential new divers consider when they ask the big question. While it certainly is one of the costs, it’s not the only one. But, what goes into the cost of training?

Scuba Equipment Cost

Another cost in becoming a certified scuba diver is your personal equipment. This typically consists of a properly fitted mask, a snorkel, a pair of wetsuit boots, and a pair of scuba fins. The fit and comfort of your personal equipment are keys to having an enjoyable diving experience, and you shouldn’t scrimp on these items.

Bottom Line

Scuba Diving certification prices do vary by region, especially when comparing the continental US with other dive destinations. But when you add up all the expenses, in the high-end, it takes somewhere in the vicinity of $700 (even as high as $1,000 in major cities like London, Tokyo and NYC) to become a certified diver.

How much does it cost to scuba dive?

As you can see, scuba diving has many costs associated with it. To get started, you would need to pay an upfront cost of around $500. With this money, you can get your scuba certification from an accredited agency. Afterwards, you can decide to purchase your own gear or just rent if you don’t dive frequently enough to justify purchasing a full set of scuba gear. There’s also the recurring cost of paying the boat operator for each dive; the most common dives are 2-tank boat dives.

Can you go diving in the tropics?

So now that you’re certified, have your own gear or are planning to rent gear, you are ready to go diving in the tropics. The most common type of dives are 2-tank boat dives. Just like with your certification dives, the cost of these dives can have a wide range depending on the island and operator.

How much does a scuba kit cost?

A basic scuba dive kit can cost you at least USD1500 if you chose from reputable brands. Most brands try to cater to different customer needs so you simply need to do your own research. To give you an idea on the price of scuba diving equipment, here’s a breakdown of a basic scuba diving kit.

How does location affect scuba diving certification?

For instance, a PADI course you take in Asia might be cheaper compared to a PADI course taken in Europe. The dive center’s location and their own inclusions may affect the cost of your scuba diving certification.

What do you need to practice basketball?

If you want to go running you just need a pair of good shoes, and if you want to practice basketball, you just need a hoop and ball. If you want to go scuba diving, you will also need to undergo special training and get a scuba certification for your safety. Most recreational activities can be enjoyed ...

Who is Ara Juan?

Ara Juan is the founder of and PhilippineDives .com. She is a PADI Rescue Diver whose current goal is to scuba dive in all the best places around the Philippines.

Do you need scuba gear to dive?

Once you take up scuba diving you also need to consider the scuba gear costs. For you to safely dive, having the right scuba diving equipment and gear is essential. Buying your own set of scuba gear is not a requirement though. Most dive shops have dive gear rental you can avail if you decide to dive with them.

Can you rent scuba gear?

Many individuals take up scuba diving and never buy their own gear. They find that it’s more practical and economical for them to rent especially if they do not scuba dive frequently. You can rent gear as a set or per piece, on a per dive or per-day basis. You can expect to pay from USD20-USD50 to rent gear.

Do you have to pay for scuba diving?

Another consideration for scuba diving are the costs involved when you actually do scuba diving for fun. Unless you have your own cylinders and air compressor to do your own tank refills, you will still need to pay for these when you go scuba diving.

Why is scuba diving important?

Scuba diving allows you to go places that are outside of our normal biological means, it allows us to breathe underwater. It is a truly magical feeling and you can partake in this sport pretty much anywhere that there is water.

What is underwater life support?

At the end of the day scuba equipment is underwater life support. You want equipment that has been maintained to the highest of standards, which has been tried and tested to keep you safe. One way that dive centers can cut corners is to not maintain their equipment.

What does "no bubbles no troubles" mean?

There is a great saying in diving: “ no bubbles – no troubles”. This refers to the equipment not leaking: Your BCD should hold air and the hoses that feed us our air supply should not leak.. For example: you want a regulator that delivers air to you without any effort. Each inhalation should be fluid and steady.

Is a filter expensive?

Filters are expensive. Filters are essential and more centers than I care to admit cut corners by “squeezing” too many hours out of a filter that has gone past its safe limit. The open water course teaches us to test our air before heading into the water. Air should taste of nothing but air, very dry, very clean air.


Certification Costs

  • Scuba certifications come in a number of shapes and sizes. There are some general ones like open water certification, which you can do at a large recreational diving facility or a diving school. There are specialty certifications, like free diving certification or underwater search and rescue certification, which can cost a significant amount. Scuba diving is a popular sport, and people ca…
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Equipment Costs

  • Before you purchase your gear, you need to figure out how much it will cost to get your certification. Your requirements will include the certification course itself and all of the gear that you need to get started. The cheapest certification courses for beginners can be found for $500. If you’re looking to become a skilled diver, consider looking into the $2500-3000 range. You’ll want …
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Duration of Certification

  • The very first thing to remember is that scuba diving is a fitness activity. It’s very demanding on the body, and you should be prepared for some soreness the first couple of weeks after taking the first certification exam. The scuba diving certification may take anywhere from five hours up to eight weeks to complete. A Scuba I certification, which you’ll need to get most of your certificati…
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How Long Will My Certification Take Me to Complete?

  • If you want to get certified, you’ll have to be okay with dropping a lot of money in order to get a certifying course in order. Luckily, most training courses take a few months to a year, and are only slightly more expensive than a standard gym membership. If you have a stable income, you can buy diving equipment, such as tanks and regulators. There’s a good chance that you’ll require ad…
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What Factors Affect The Price of A Certification?

  • The price of certification can depend on a number of factors: A lot of the certification companies operate on monthly payment plans. Therefore, if you pay upfront, the cost of your certification can be significantly lower. However, they’re not always able to accept large payments and some of the certification companies will need your credit card to be secure. If you can’t afford a $1000 credi…
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What Kinds of Certifications Are there?

  • Scuba diving can be a highly specialized hobby, and there are different certifications offered by a range of different organizations. The most widely used certification is with the International Scuba Training Council (ISTC). For a scuba diver to receive an ISTC certificate, they must pass a series of tests that include underwater reasoning, electronics, practical skills, medical, diving physiolog…
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How Long Will It Take to Complete My Certification?

  • The time it takes to complete your certification can vary wildly, depending on how much you know and how much you want to get into diving. When completing a scuba certification course, you’ll go through lectures and special sessions that teach you about the water, what goes on in the water, and how to safely utilize your scuba equipment. These are all crucial aspects to knowing how to …
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  • There are a lot of factors to consider when deciding if scuba diving is right for you. Start by researching online about safety, what the environmental impact is, how much equipment you need to get certified, etc. If you’re passionate about the hobby, it’s hard to put a dollar amount on what you’ll gain from doing it!
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The Big Question

As a dive store owner, the most common question I was asked is “I want to get certified. How much does that cost?” As with most things in life, the first answer is, “It depends.” Let’s look at why that is, and what sorts of things go into determining the answer.
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Dive Training Cost

  • The cost of the actual training course is all that most potential new divers consider when they ask the big question. While it certainly is one of the costs, it’s not the only one. But, what goes into the cost of training? The Open Water course is typically divided into three components – academics, confined water training (pool dives) and open water training. The academics may be delivered th…
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Scuba Equipment Cost

  • Another cost in becoming a certified scuba diver is your personal equipment. This typically consists of a properly fitted mask, a snorkel, a pair of wetsuit boots, and a pair of scuba fins. The fit and comfort of your personal equipment are keys to having an enjoyable diving experience, and you shouldn’t scrimp on these items. As with many things in life, you get what you pay for. Qualit…
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The $99 “Learn to Dive” Class and Other Expenses

  • Some dive centers will use training as a loss leader to get people to do business with their stores, hoping to make up the loss with equipment sales or other add-on sales later. This is OK, but keep in mind that such courses may typically be crowded, taught in as short a time as possible, and may not include all the costs discussed previously. Forgetting about price but focusing on value …
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Bottom Line

  • Scuba Diving certification prices do vary by region, especially when comparing the continental US with other dive destinations. But when you add up all the expenses, in the high-end, it takes somewhere in the vicinity of $700 (even as high as $1,000 in major cities like London, Tokyo and NYC) to become a certified diver. For that amount, though, you have your own personal equipme…
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