For Short Term Classes: A student will receive a full refund up to the end of a period of time equal to 10% of the total class time. Please contact the admissions office or your instructor regarding drop dates.
the Student Information PortalCheck on the Student Information Portal or with the instructor. It's the student's responsibility to be aware of add and drop deadlines. *The LDFR, NPDD, and LDTD dates are general for most classes but not all, check the student portal for specific deadlines.
Go to the Student Portal and log in. Select class or classes you wish to drop, confirm and submit. If you are receiving financial aid, you should work with your Financial Aid Office to determine the impact of dropping classes and if any repayments may be required.
I shall receive course credit and unit credit upon satisfactory completion of the course. Satisfactory completion for “Pass” (P) is equivalent to the grade of “C” or better; unsatisfactory completion for “No-Pass” (NP) is equivalent to the grade of “D” or an “F”. 3.
3.0The student must have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 in courses eligible for transfer. For example, if a student earned a D or below in a transferable course, that course would not be accepted for transfer credit, but would be factored into the cumulative transfer grade point average.
Once you have dropped a class, you no longer have to attend it, and you will no longer receive a grade in that course. Instead, there will usually be a "W" (for "Withdrawn") next to the course's name, instead of a letter grade, on your transcript.
If you have reached the 18-unit withdrawal limit and request a withdrawal, the Office of Enrollment Services will be unable to process your request. You must complete the class or initiate the Incomplete process, when appropriate.
If you enrolled in a short-term or open-entry/open exit class, you will receive a full refund if you officially withdraw by the 10 percent point of the length of the course. This refers to fall and spring semesters only. Refer to the deadline dates in the Schedule of Classes for the summer and winter session.
Note: Applicants are not able to add classes online once classes have begun. A permission code must be issued by the ELAC instructor in order to add online....Application and Requirements.Application deadlines:SemesterOutside the U.S.Within the U.S.SpringNovember 15January 2FallJuly 30August 1
12 unitsStudent may not be on academic or progress probation. Must maintain a minimum cumulative and last semester GPA of 2.0 in all coursework completed. Must be enrolled as a full-time student (12 units).
If you have been dismissed from a major, a program, or a college, it means you have not met their academic requirements. This could be because of a semester GPA, a culumative GPA, the grade in a required course, or other reasons as outlined by your major, program, or college.
If you are a Continuing student, you DO NOT need to complete a new application, even if the upcoming term will be your first time enrolling in courses at ELAC. The form MUST be signed by you -the student, your high school counselor, and your parent or guardian.
The pre-requisites requirements for a course will be checked when the student attempts to add the course to the waitlist and at the auto-enrollment time.
When seats become available in a closed class section, the class remains closed until a process runs that automatically enrolls students from the waitlist. The class remains closed until the waitlist empties or the enrollment capacity has been met, whichever comes first.
If a student does not meet the criteria to enroll in the class (see FAQ #1), the process will select the next student on the waitlist according to their position number. Students that were on the waitlist and were not enrolled will maintain their position number.
If both classes have seats available the student will be enrolled into the Eng1ish 101, 10000 course and dropped from the English101, 20000 waitlist because 10000 is lower than 20000. If the student is on multiple waitlists and they are enrolled, they will be dropped from all of the other waitlists for that course.
The maximum number of waitlist units is 12 for fall and spring and 9 for winter and summer. You may sign up for multiple waitlists for the same discipline/class; however, if you are moved from the waitlist to an open space, you will be removed from the alternate waitlist for the same discipline/class after acceptance. NO SHOW.
After classes begin, students actively enrolled in the class who do not show up for the first class meeting MAY be dropped by the instructor who will then add students from the waitlist. If you are not moved into the course from the waitlist during the enrollment period, you must attend the first meeting of class to be considered ...
The maximum number of waitlist units is 12 for fall and spring and 9 for winter and summer.